Formulário para Procura de Parceiros com vista à Apresentação de Candidaturas às
Acções Grundtvig “Parcerias de Aprendizagem” e “Projectos de Voluntariado Sénior”
Partner Search Form aiming at proposals for Grundtvig “Learning Partnerships” and
“Senior Volunteer Projects”
O presente Formulário é destinado a instituições que desejem participar em Parcerias de
Aprendizagem e/ou Projectos de Voluntariado Sénior e procurem novos parceiros.
This form is directed to organizations willing to participate in Learning Partnerships and/or Senior
Volunteer Projects and searching for new partners
Este formulário é destinado à acção:
Parcerias de Aprendizagem
Projectos de Voluntariado Sénior
This form is intended for:
Learning Partnerships
Senior Volunteer Projects
Nome da Instituição Associação de Melhoramentos e Bem Estar Social de Pias
Name of the
Perfil da
We have a big institution where works above 60 people, 10 of them are
volunteers. We promote different classes for over 50 years and these
classes are given by our volunteers. Our most successful classes are the
foreigner languages, so our motivation is about to have foreign people that
can share with the older people their language, culture, traditions etc. so
that the older people can do the same to the volunteer. This kind of
changes can be also done with the kids that we have in the shelter.
The aims of our institution beyond other activities are to develop cultural,
educative and formative activities next to young and older adults; To
promote intellectual, sportive and cultural activities, as also social and
communitarian integration; To promote knowledge and cultural, scientific
and technical formation in diverse areas of knowing and social relationships;
To carry through courses, seminaries and other ways of study and work, as
well as editing periodic and not-periodic publications; To stimulate the
participation and organization of older adults in cultural and leisure
activities; To spread local history, science, traditions, arts and other cultural
situations between older adults; To be a centre of information and
spread of services, rights and duties of older adults;To develop
interpersonal and intergenerational relations; We have domiciliary support
for adults, a day center for older people, a sociability center for older
people, a senior university, a temporary shelter for kids from 0 -18 years
old, a free time activities center for kids, Professional training for young
people and we make vacations in algarve for kids and old people with less
resources.We also are working in the Groundvig and Leonardo Da Vinci
So, those are the most relevant activities in the Association.
Procura parceiros
Desired partner
The European Union has set itself the ambitious goal, to become one of the
Ideia e tópicos para
most advanced economic society on this globe.
o projecto
Project idea and key To achieve this, citizens of the EU need constant up-date of their skills level
- some groups even more than others – to catch up with the requirements
words of such a goal. Further education and lifelong learning are seen as
appropriate instruments for achieving this target, however, there are
people, who lack the urge to learn and improve their skills and ultimately
themselves. The Learning Partnership we propose wants to address this
issue by valuing all skills and competences people have adopted by living
their lives, solving occurring problems and managing crisis. The project is to
focusing on validation and certification of those skills, by raising people's
awareness of skills and competences already available to them.
The hypothesis is, that everyone learns something, either consciously or
unconsciously, just by conquering challenging life or job situations and
solving every day problems. By acknowledging their prior learning, people
develop a new perspective on education and eventually adopt principles of
Lifelong Learning. Through desk and field research - in a non-academic way
- partners identify appropriate existing methods/tools for validating nonformally and informally obtained competences and rank them, according to
their area of applicability. In several local test courses or workshops
partners will road-test a variety of identified and ranked methods/tools in
order to develop a good selection of Best Practice examples throughout
the partner countries. The tested selection of appropriate validation
recommendations - will be presented on a project memory stick and the
project website.
00351249366800 telefone
Contact 00351249366734 fax
[email protected]
[email protected]
Depois de preenchido o formulário deverá ser enviado para um dos seguintes endereços
electrónicos: [email protected] ou [email protected].
As Instituições portuguesas deverão preencher a informação solicitada na língua de comunicação
As fichas serão reenviadas para as Agências Nacionais e serão disponibilizadas na página
electrónica da Agência Nacional PROALV (
This form should be sent to one of the following e-mail addresses:
[email protected] or [email protected]
Forms should be filled using the desired project working language
The information presented in the form will be presented in our National Agency Website

Formulário para Procura de Parceiros com vista à Apresentação de