Rota de Aprendizagem 2015/16
Língua Inglesa – 7º Ano
Prof. Elisete Simões/ Susana Fernandes
Questões orientadoras
Can you remember?
Questões orientadoras
How is your school life?
Unidade - Welcome
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Revising vocabulary for
numbers, ordinal numbers, days
of the week, months and seasons,
classroom objects, colours,
countries and nationalities,
suffixes, and prefixes, telling the
time, and question words;
•Practising prepositions of place,
to be: present simple, have got,
a/an, there’s/there are, any;
possessive adjectives and
pronouns and Possessive case.
•Days of the week
•Months and seasons
•Classroom objects
•Countries and nationalities
•Telling the time
Unidade 1 – Time for school
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Learning vocabulary for weekly
•Weekday routine
routine, and for school subjects;
•School subjects
•Practising the present simple,
adverbs of frequency
• Learning subject and object
• Learning the reflexive pronouns.
•Reading a magazine article about
school days, and an interview
about boarding school life;
•Practising a dialogue about
•Listening to an informal
conversation about Hogwarts
•Writing a description of school
life, and practice using capital
letters and punctuation.
Project Work 1: My school life
Main objective: describing school life
Needed material: cardboard sheet (one per group).
Distribution of tasks by each element of the group.
Foreseen time: one week
Relatório de aprendizagem
Questões orientadoras
Can you describe some jobs /
Can you buy something in a
Unidade 2 – People around us
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Learning vocabulary for people
at work, and for clothes;
•Practising the present continuous
• Practicing the modals:
must/mustn’t, can/can’t
• Practicing the demonstrative
• Learning the indefinite
pronouns in affirmative, negative
and interrogative sentences (
•People at work
Rota de Aprendizagem 2015/16
Questões orientadoras
Do you know your city?
Questões orientadoras
Are you a healthy eater?
What do you eat?
How much do you eat?
somebody, someone, … anybody,
anyone…nowhere, no one,
•Reading a page in a TV guide
about working for a week, and a
web forum about school;
• knowing the proper use of a
•Practising a dialogue about
buying something in a shop;
•Listening to a guided tour about
London guards;
•Writing a description of a photo,
and practice using also/too.
Unidade 3 - Cities and towns
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Learning vocabulary for places
in the city, and for neighbourhood
• Learning be going to
• Learning comparative and
superlative adjectives;
• Learning the prefixes and
suffixes to form adjectives.
• Applying correctly the structure
“ to be” + adjective ( I’m cold,
I’m sleepy, afraid, hungry…)
•Reading the leaflet about
London landmarks, and a tourist
brochure page about Notting Hill;
•Practising a dialogue about
giving directions;
•Listening to an advert about a
•Writing a tour plan, and
practicing using sequence
Unidade 4 – Are you hungry?
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Learning vocabulary for
breakfast, lunch and dinner, and
plural nouns;
•Learning countable and
uncountable nouns and compound
• Learning the quantifiers: much;
many; a lot/ lots of, a few, a little.
• Revising some and any,
• Learning How many…? / How
•Learning the modals: should /
shouldn’t, and can / could;
• Applying connectors in
sentences ( When, in order to,
although, however)
• Revising Question tags.
•Reading an article in a food
magazine about breakfast, and a
travel guide about takeaway food;
•Practising a dialogue about
•Places in the city
•Neighbourhood places
•Lunch and dinner
Rota de Aprendizagem 2015/16
ordering food;
•Listening to a street interview
about favourite
•Writing a restaurant review and
practising using paragraphs
Project Work 2: Restaurant / Food
Main objective: Writing a review of your favourite restaurant.
Needed material: magazines, brochures, the Internet, a cardboard sheet per group, etc.
Distribution of tasks by each element of the group.
Foreseen time: one week.
Relatório de aprendizagem
Unidade 5 – Family history
Questões orientadoras
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Learning vocabulary for family
•Family members
Do you know your family
members and for life events;
•Life events
•Learning the past simple
affirmative (regular and irregular
verbs) and could / couldn’t;
•Reading an article in a gossip
magazine about a royal couple
and a fact file about Cristiano
•Practising a dialogue about the
•Listening to a podcast about
•Writing a biography and practise
using when.
Unidade 6 – TV and books
Questões orientadoras
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Learning vocabulary for TV
•TV programmes
programmes and for stories and
•Stories and books
Do you know any popular
•Learning the past simple
television programmes?
negative and interrogative and
there was / there were
•Reading a page in a TV guide
about what’s on and some book
reviews of the best books for
Have you read any stories /
•Practising agreeing and
books lately?
disagreeing in a dialogue;
•Listening to a film review;
•Writing a book review and
practising using pronouns.
Unidade 7 – House and home
Questões orientadoras
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Places at home;
Can you describe your house? •Learning vocabulary for places
at home and for furniture;
•Learning the past continuous
•Learning the prepositions of
movement( … across, through,
•Reading a page in a scrapbook
and a web page;
•Practising making suggestions in
a dialogue;
•Listening to a design
Rota de Aprendizagem 2015/16
•Writing a description of a home
and practicing using and and but.
Project Work 3: The house / furniture
Main objective: Writing a description of an interesting house that you know and practise using and and
but ( your teacher will give you a writing guide to help you).
Needed material: magazines, brochures, the Internet, a cardboard sheet per group, etc.
Distribution of tasks by each element of the group.
Foreseen time: one week.
Relatório de aprendizagem
Unidade 8 - A greener future
Questões orientadoras
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Learning vocabulary for
What do you think we can do
materials and ecology verbs;
•Ecology verbs;
to help the environment?
•Learning will, adverbs
(definitely and probably)
•Reading an ecology quiz and
articles in a newsletter;
•Listening to a radio debate;
•Writing an essay making
predictions about life in 2030 and
practicing using because and so.
Unidade 9 – Summer fun
Questões orientadoras
Orientações de aprendizagem
•Learning the vocabulary for
•Packing for holidays;
Which sports do you like
packing for holidays and for
•Summer sports;
summer sports using play, go and
•Learning the present perfect (
Where are you going on
just, already and yet)
holiday this summer?
•Learning to use : When + Past
Continuous + Past Simple.
What do you usually take on
•Checking the difference between
the Past Simple and the Present
Perfect and applying these verb
•Applying the structure (
adjective + ly) to form adverbs
•Learning some phrasal verbs.
•Reading a social networking
page, and a summer camp advert;
•Practising discussing
experiences in a dialogue;
•Listening to a quiz;
•Writing an e-card and practising
giving examples.
Metas curriculares
A planificação foi elaborada de acordo com as Metas Curriculares – 7º ano, tendo em conta os vários
domínios: Listening/ Reading/ Spoken Interaction/ Spoken Production/ Writing/
Sociocultural Domain/ Grammar.
Perfíl de Saída: Nível A2+ do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas.

Rota de Aprendizagem 2015/16