Recuperação Paralela de Inglês – 1ª série EM – 1° Bimestre
Texto para os testes 1 e 2.
The manner less youth of the '60s and '70s have
unfortunately passed their poor behavior to their
children. Young people today think that "thank you",
"you are welcome", "excuse me" are servilities that
must be avoided. This same syndrome is reflected in
the models that are shown in the current advertising.
The sweet-and-lovely look is out; the agressive punk
pose with untidy hair and sloppy clothes is in.
1. In "The manner less youth of the '60s and '70s",
manner less youth could be replaced by:
a) uneducated adults.
b) unpolite teenagers.
c) wild schoolboys.
d) aggresive men and women.
e) well brought-up adolescent girls.
2. What idea about parents in the present times can
we infer from the text?
a) Parents can't be polite enough to teach good
manners to their own children.
b) Parents have given up all efforts to pass their poor
behavior to their children.
c) Parents are teaching their children the good
manners they received from their own parents.
d) Parents seem to be failing in their attempt to teach
their children their own good manner.
e) Parents seem to be setting a bad example to their
children, as far as manners are concerned.
Texto para o teste 3.
Applying for a job
Whether you are a student, a graduate or
experienced, we would like to get in contact with you
to see what career opportunities we may offer.
You can search a specific position at one of our office
locations or you can submit a general application of
interest in our talent database.
Requirements for CVs and applications:
• We only accept applications and CVs that have been
submitted through our talent database.
• The necessary certificates and references must be
attached to your CV. Attachments must be in English
or Norwegian.
Please note that there is a size limit of 1MB for each
3. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar que:
a) somente serão aceitos currículos para uma área específica.
b) os certificados e diplomas podem ser mandados
c) não é necessário ter experiência para se candidatar
a um emprego.
d) não serão aceitos currículos extremamente concisos.
e) os currículos devem ser entregues antes das entrevistas.
Texto para o teste 4.
State-of-the-art comfort footwear. Impeccable
styling. Extraordinary design. Florsheim Comfortech
footwear offers both in splendid detail.
(NEW YORK Magazine, March 11, 2011.)
4. In the text, "both" refers to:
a) state-of-the-art and impeccable styling.
b) impeccable styling and extraordinary design.
c) comfort footwear.
d) splendid detail.
e) splendid detail and comfort footwear.
Turn into English:
5. Ela ficará aqui até amanhã.
6. Ele foi até Curitiba ontem.
7. Replace the expression in bold by pronouns:
A) The child is crying. The child must be feeling
some kind of pain.
B) It was my niece that phoned Sarah last night.
C) Nobody could answer the teacher's questions
but Tom.
D) Please take these papers and give the papers to
8. Complete the chart: Simple Past / Past Participle
A) to pay –
........... – ...........
B) to do – .
.......... – ...........
C) to become –
........... – ...........
D) to spend – .
.......... – ...........

Recuperação Paralela de Inglês – 1ª série EM – 1° Bimestre