1920 1930 FUSÃO AQUISIÇÃO Founded in Poços de Caldas, state of Minas Gerais, Casa Moreira Salles, as many others of its kind, starts providing informal financial services to its clients. 1950 1924 Casa Moreira Salles receives the bank charter that authorizes its work as banking section. Casa Moreira Salles receives another bank charter, being upgraded to a banking firm. 1960 1970 1980 1966 1940 MERGER between Casa Moreira Salles, Casa Bancária de Botelhos e Banco Machadense. All together, they form Banco Moreira Salles. 1965 ACQUISITION of Banco Juiz de Fora. In an operation coordinated by Banco Moreira Salles, Walther Moreira Salles and his partners establish Banco de Investimentos do Brasil. 2000 1990 2010 2020 1975 1967 1931 Late 1910s 1940 MERGER with Banco Agrícola Mercantil (Agrimer). From Rio Grande do Sul, Agrimer was established in 1938 and was originated in Caixa Cooperativa Santa-Cruzense, from 1904. The institution is then called União de Bancos Brasileiros (UBB). It has the largest branch network of Brazil and more than a million account owners. UBB adopts the name UNIBANCO. 3 1970 MERGER with Banco Predial do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, which brings a more popular profile to UBB. FUSÕES 2000 1974 ACQUISITION: UBB takes full controlling interest of Bansulvest – Banco de Investimentos S.A from Rio Grande do Sul. After that, it becomes the country’s largest investment bank. 1981 1991 1995 1998 ACQUISITION of Banco Mineiro S.A., allowing an increased presence in Minas Gerais. ACQUISITION of Banco Pão de Açúcar. ACQUISITION of Banco Nacional. An operation as never seen in Brazil then, since both institutions were of similar size and Banco Nacional’s brand was really appreciated. ACQUISITION of 51% of Banco Dibens’ shares. ACQUISITION of Credibanco, a multi-service banking, whose largest shareholder was the Bank of New York. ACQUISITION of Banco Bandeirantes, which belonged to Caixa Geral de Depósitos, the largest financial group in Portugal. 2004 9 ACQUISITION of Banco BNL do Brasil, which belonged to Banco Nazionale del Lavoro, from Italy. AQUISIÇÕES 2014 2009 MERGER with Porto Seguro. Itaú Unibanco and CorpBanca merge their operations in Chile and Colombia. Unibanco 2008 ITAÚ UNIBANCO MERGER Itaú AQUISIÇÃO E INCORPORAÇÃO FUSÃO 1961 1970 ACQUISITION of Banco Paulista de Comércio, in a consortium. MERGER with MERGER with Banco Banco Aliança. Português do Brasil. 1943 1952 Banco Central de Crédito is established in the city of São Paulo. As required by the Government that had the intention to create the Central Bank and was trying to avoid any confusion between names, the institution changes its name to Banco Federal de Crédito. 1964 MERGER with Banco Itaú (from Minas Gerais). Banco Federal Itaú formally exists from January 2nd 1965. 1966 MERGER with Banco Sul Americano. At this moment, the institution is called Banco Federal Itaú Sulamericano. Bankinvest – Banco Federal Itaú de Investimentos – is created. 1969 MERGER with Banco da América, creating Banco Itaú América. 1973 1974 1985 1995 1997 1998 2000 2001 2003 2006 MERGER with the heavyweight Banco União Comercial (BUC). The consolidation of this operation was considered effortful. ACQUISITION of Banco Pinto de Magalhães, traditional financial institution in Rio de Janeiro. ACQUISITION of Banco Francês Brasileiro, from whom the brand Personalité is inherited. ACQUISITION of BANERJ, at the first privatization auction of a State Bank, at Rio de Janeiro Stock Exchange. ACQUISITION of Bemge, from Minas Gerais, another privatized state bank. ACQUISITON of Banestado – Banco do Estado do Paraná – at auction. ACQUISITION of BEG – Banco do Estado de 2002 Goiás – at MERGER auction. with BBA, creating the country’s largest wholesal e bank. ACQUISITION of Banco Fiat. 1999 The MERGER between Itaú Argentina and Banco del Buen Ayre is completed, originating Banco Itaú Buen Ayre. ACQUSITION of BankBoston’s operations in Brazil, Chile and Uruguai. It is considered a sizeable deal. 12 AQUISIÇÕES E INCORPORAÇÕES 5 FUSÕES