MODELO DE BANK STATEMENT Nome do Banco (timbre) Statement To: Nome da universidade de destino Endereço NOME DO BANCO S.A., with offices at ENDEREÇO, in the city of São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Federative Republic of Brazil (the .Bank.),hereby declares, on a confidential basis, as expressly requested by the Customer (as defined herein) that (i) [TITULAR / RESPONSÁVEL DA CONTA CORRENTE], bearer of identity Card (RG) n°.... enrolled at Taxpayer Registry (CPF/MF) under n°..... (The Customer.), maintains a current account with the Bank since [DATA] that on the date hereof, the Customer has some applications in certain investments funds with the Bank in the value of R$................ [VALOR POR EXTENSO] representing U.S. ..... [VALOR POR EXTENSO] pursuant to the exchange rate for sale of U.S. Dollars in the Brazil exchange market PTAX Com on the date hereof at HORÁRIO DA COTAÇÃO DO DOLÁR (São Paulo time), announced by the Central Bank of Brazil (Banco central do Brasil) trough SISBACEN Date System, Exchange and Market Rates, transaction PTAX 800, option 5, currency 220, (ii) that the Customer is a reputable customer, with reliance solely on the history of dealings of such Customer with the Bank until this date. [DATA] ___________________________________ Assinatura do Gerente Administrativo ____________________________________ Assinatura do Gerente de Contas