Linguagens, Códigos e suas Tecnologias – Inglês Ensino Médio, 2 ° Ano Quantifiers: much x many / little x few INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few ÍNDICE GRAMMAR NOTES COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 1: MUCH E MANY COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 2: LITTLE/ A LITTLE E FEW/ A FEW COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 3: OS SINÔNIMOS DE MUCH E MANY COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 4: A INTENSIFICAÇÃO DOS QUANTIFICADORES COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 5: CASOS ESPECIAIS COM MANY COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 6: PROBLEMAS DE CONCORDÂNCIA VERBAL COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 7: A FUNÇÃO PRONOMINAL DOS QUANTIFICADORES COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 8: USO DE HOW MANY X HOW MUCH GRAMMAR IN USE: PRACTICE 1; PRACTICE 2; PRACTICE 3; PRACTICE 4; PRACTICE 5; PRACTICE 6; PRACTICE 7; PRACTICE 8 GRAMMAR IN ACTION: SONG: BLOWIN’ IN THE WIND SUGESTÕES PARA UM TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR RESPOSTAS BIBLIOGRAFIA INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 1 - MUCH E MANY TRADUÇÃO APLICAÇÃO EXEMPLOS She drinks much tea. MUCH (Ela bebe muito chá) muito, muita antes de substantivos incontáveis, portanto, singulares. I don't have much time. (Não tenho muito tempo) They have many cars. (Eles têm muitos carros) MANY muitos, muitas antes de substantivos contáveis, no plural. I’ve bought many books. (Comprei muitos livros) OBSERVAÇÃO: Much é principalmente usado em frases negativas e interrogativas. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 2 - LITTLE / A LITTLE e FEW / A FEW TRADUÇÃO APLICAÇÃO EXEMPLOS She drinks little tea. (Ela toma pouco chá) LITTLE pouco, pouca antes de substantivos incontáveis, portanto, singulares. I have little time. (Tenho pouco tempo) They have few cars. (Eles têm poucos carros) FEW poucos, poucas antes de substantivos contáveis, no plural. I’ve bought few books. (Comprei poucos livros) OBSERVAÇÕES: 1. a little (um pouco) - mesma aplicação de little. She drinks a little tea. 2. a few (uns poucos, umas poucas) - mesma aplicação de few. They have a few cars. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 3 - OS SINÓNIMOS DE MUCH E MANY • significam "muito(a), muitos(as), uma porção de, uma grande quantidade de" etc. Much tea = a lot of tea lots of plenty of tea a lot of a great (good) deal of tea plenty of a good deal of Many books = lots of books a great deal of a lot of books plenty of books a great (good) deal of books 1. A expressão a lot (sem of) não deve ser usada antes de substantivos. John studies a lot. (John estuda muito) A lot was done by her. (Muito foi feito por ela) OBSERVAÇÕES 2. A expressão lots of (embora característica de plural) pode ser também usada antes de incontáveis, no singular (bastante informal). There are lots of houses on this street. (Há muitas casas nesta rua) She has lots of money with her. (Ela tem muito dinheiro com ela) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 4 - A INTENSIFICAÇÃO DOS QUANTIFICADORES Pode-se ampliar, enfatizar ou restringir o sentido dos quantificadores se os precedermos de VERY, TOO, SO, EXTREMELY, COMPARATIVELY QUANTIFICADORES ADVÉRBIO MUCH MANY FEW LITTLE VERY bastante, muito muitos, muitas muito poucos(as) muito pouco(a) TOO demais (sing.) demais (plural) poucos(as) demais pouco(a) demais SO tanto(a) tantos(as) tão poucos(as) tão pouco(a) EXTREMELY extremamente muito(a) extremamente muitos(as) extremamente poucos(as) extremamente pouco(a) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 5 - CASOS ESPECIAIS COM MANY Many tem concordância verbal de plural: Many students are outside the classroom. (Muitos estudantes estão fora da sala de aula) Pode-se porém, substituir a forma MANY + PLURAL por MANY A + SINGULAR, com concordância verbal singular. Many a student is outside the classroom. (Muitos estudantes estão fora da sala de aula) Many pode ser precedido de a good ou a great, por ênfase: She has a great many hens. a good (Ela tem muitas, muitas galinhas) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 6 - PROBLEMAS DE CONCORDÂNCIA VERBAL Lots of e a lot of têm concordância verbal dependente do elemento que as seguir: There is lots of money here. There are a lot of boys there. There is a lot of love to share. There are lots of buses out of order. Porém, se a forma of não aparecer, tanto lots of quanto a lot of são consideradas singulares: There is a lot here. (Há muito aqui.) There is lots here. (Há muitos aqui.) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 7 - A FUNÇÃO PRONOMINAL DOS QUANTIFICADORES Quando houver, numa mesma frase, mais de uma referência a um mesmo substantivo, não há a necessidade de se repetir tal substantivo a cada referência: usa-se, apenas, o quantificador: She has many books, but I’ve got few. (Ela tem muitos livros, mas eu tenho poucos) He doesn’t spend much petrol: he spends little. (Ele não gasta muita gasolina: gasta pouca) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few COMPONENTE TEÓRICO 8 – USO DE HOW MANY X HOW MUCH How many traduz-se por quantos, quantas. HOW MANY OCEANS ARE THERE IN THE EARTH? Quantos oceanos há na Terra? HOW MANY PEOPLE LIVE IN YOUR CITY? Quantas pessoas vivem em sua cidade? I DON'T KNOW HOW MANY TIMES I’VE ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT ! Não sei quantas vezes já lhe disse isso ! How much traduz-se por quanto, quanta. HOW MUCH SUGAR DO YOU WANT IN YOUR COFFEE? Quanto açúcar você quer no seu café? HOW MUCH GASOLINE DOES YOUR CAR CONSUME TO TRAVEL 50 KILOMETERS? Quanta gasolina seu carro consome para rodar/viajar 50 quilômetros? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH A GOOD COMPUTER COSTS? Você sabe quanto custa um bom computador? Antes de uncountable nouns, usa-se how much: HOW MUCH ADVICE I HAVE GIVEN YOU ! Quantos conselhos eu lhe dei ! INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few GRAMMAR IN USE GRAMMAR IN USE GRAMMAR IN USE GRAMMAR IN USE GRAMMAR IN USE GRAMMAR IN USE GRAMMAR IN USE GRAMMAR IN USE INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 1 Preencha com many ou much: 1. She's got __________ problems to solve. 2. I don't have ___________ money to spend. 3. It will take us ____________ hours to get there. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 2 Preencha com (a) few ou (a) little. 1. She's got ______________ problems to solve. 2. I have ______________ money to spend. 3. It will take us ______________ hours to get there. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 3 Substitua as expressões grifadas por many ou much: 1. She's got a lot of problems to solve. 2. I don't have a great deal of money to spend. 3. It will take us lots of hours to get there. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 4 Enfatize as formas em destaque: 1. She's got many problems to solve. 2. I don't have much of money to spend. 3. It will take us few hours to get there. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 5 Substitua as formas em destaque: 1. She's got many a problem to solve. 2. It will take us many an hour to get there. 3. Many a boy entered the empty room. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 6 Coloque C para o certo e E para o errado: 1. There was a lot of girls in the park. ( ) 2. Lots of men spend their time here. ( ) 3. There are a lot of students outside. ( ) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 7 Complete com o solicitado entre parênteses: 1. I’ve got a few coins but she's got ________________. (muitas) 2. Peter spoke many times, but I spoke ________________. (poucas) 3. Henry has little money, but Allan has ________________. (muito) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few Preencha com (A) para: many, lots of, a great deal of Preencha com (B) para: much, a lot of, a great deal of 1. This factory produces ___________ different kinds of products. 2. You haven't had _____________ food to eat. 3. It is not good to eat ____________ cakes and drink __________ beer. 4. Do you have ____________ rainy days here in Spring? No, we do not have ____________ rain here. 5. ____________ Englishmen like to spend their spare time working in their gardens. 6. ____________ time would be saved if you planned your work properly. 7. Do you meet ____________ nice people when you go to work? 8. ____________ faith, my son! 9. Marianne bought ____________ pairs of shoes and ____________ powder for her skin. 10. ____________ times a week you have English lessons, don't you? INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few Preencha com (A) para: few, a few Preencha com (D) para: less Preencha com (B) para: fewer Preencha com (E) para: little Preencha com (C) para: little, a little 1. There were ____________ telephone calls for her than for you. 2. Having had ____________ opportunities to practice, I did not play the piece as well as I might have done. 3. Do you smoke at all? Yes, but very ____________. 4. There is only ____________ coal in the cellar because the coalman has not come yet. 5. She has ____________ talent than we suppose. 6. In the average, ____________ people get good salaries in Brazil. 7. The ____________ money that he has will hardly keep him in food. 8. Do you think prisoners have ____________ fun in prisons? 9. Today is ____________ colder than it was yesterday. 10. She takes ____________ trouble to please us. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 8 Que expressão completaria corretamente as frases abaixo: how many ou how much ? 1. ____________ does a yard measure ? 2. We don’t know ____________ he knows about this subject. 3. ____________ classes have you lost this year ? 4. ____________ are the donuts ? 5. Can you tell me ____________ you weigh ? INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR SUGESTÕES INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few SUGESTÕES PARA UM TRABALHO INTERDISCIPLINAR História: fazer a reconstituição de uma tragédia norte-americana. Em 22/11/1963, o presidente dos Estados Unidos John F. Kennedy foi morto com um tiro na cabeça. Ele estava fazendo uma visita à cidade Texana de Dallas, com o objetivo de consolidar a unidade do Partido Democrata. Língua portuguesa: orientar os educandos para a produção de um texto dissertativo com o tema. “Se uma sociedade livre não pode ajudar a seus muitos pobres, também não poderá salvar a seus poucos ricos.” (John F. Kennedy) Filosofia: levar os educandos a fazer uma reflexão da canção Blowin’ in the wind explicando o seu significado. Artes: organizar uma exposição sobre beleza, apresentando o seu conceito e sua relação com as raízes culturais de cada povo. Abordar também o concurso Miss Universo quando Ieda Maria Vargas, a primeira Miss Brasil, a ser coroada Miss Universo em 20 de julho de 1963. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few Imagem:LuckyLouie/U.S. Air Force public domain NO SLIDE SEGUINTE ,OUÇA A MÚSICA BLOWIN’ IN THE WIND E COMPLETE OS ESPAÇOS VAZIOS COM OS QUANTIFIERS. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) ______ roads must a man walk down Before you can call him a man? ______ seas must a white dove sail Before she can sleep in the sand? Yes and ______ times must cannonballs fly Before they're forever banned? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind watch?v=XofJwQts68o Yes and ______ years can a mountain exist Before it's washed to the seas (sea) Yes and ______ years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free? Yes and ______ times can a man turn his head Pretend that he just doesn't see? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind Yeah and ______ times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? Yes and ______ ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes and ______ deaths will it take till he knows That too ______ people have died The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind? Clique no link acima e ouça a música no You Tube. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few NOS SLIDES SEGUINTES, CONSTAM AS RESPOSTAS REFERENTES AOS EXERCÍCIOS PROPOSTOS ANTERIORMENTE. ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS ANSWERS INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 1 Preencha com many ou much: 1. She's got many problems to solve. 2. I don't have much money to spend. 3. It will take us many hours to get there. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 2 Preencha com (a) few ou (a) little. 1. She's got (a) few problems to solve. 2. I have (a) little money to spend. 3. It will take us (a) few hours to get there. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 3 Substitua as expressões grifadas por many ou much: 1. She's got a lot of problems to solve. She's got many problems to solve. 2. I don't have a great deal of money to spend. I don't have much of money to spend. 3. It will take us lots of hours to get there. It will take us many hours to get there. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 4 Enfatize as formas em destaque: 1. She's got many problems to solve. too / so / very / extremely many 2. I don't have much of money to spend. too / so / very / extremely much 3. It will take us few hours to get there. too / so / very / extremely few INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 5 Substitua as formas em destaque: 1. She's got many a problem to solve. She's got many problems to solve. 2. It will take us many an hour to get there. It will take us many hours to get there. 3. Many a boy entered the empty room. Many boys entered the empty room. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 6 Coloque C para o certo e E para o errado: 1. There was a lot of girls in the park. ( E ) 2. Lots of men spend their time here. ( C ) 3. There are a lot of students outside. ( C ) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 7 Complete com o solicitado entre parênteses: 1. I’ve got a few coins but she's got many. (muitas) 2. Peter spoke many times, but I spoke few. (poucas) 3. Henry has little money, but Allan has much. (muito) INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few Preencha com (A) para: many, lots of, a great deal of Preencha com (B) para: much, a lot of, a great deal of 1. This factory produces (A) different kinds of products. 2. You haven't had (B) food to eat. 3. It is not good to eat (A) cakes and drink (B) beer. 4. Do you have (A) rainy days here in Spring? No, we do not have (B) rain here. 5. (A) Englishmen like to spend their spare time working in their gardens. 6. (B) time would be saved if you planned your work properly. 7. Do you meet (A) nice people when you go to work? 8. (B) faith, my son! 9. Marianne bought (A) pairs of shoes and (B) powder for her skin. 10. (A) times a week you have English lessons, don't you? INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few Preencha com (A) para: few, a few Preencha com (D) para: less Preencha com (B) para: fewer Preencha com (E) para: little Preencha com (C) para: little, a little 1. There were (B) telephone calls for her than for you. 2. Having had (A) opportunities to practice, I did not play the piece as well as I might have done. 3. Do you smoke at all? Yes, but very (E). 4. There is only (C) (E) coal in the cellar because the coalman has not come yet. 5. She has (D) talent than we suppose. 6. In the average, (A) people get good salaries in Brazil. 7. The (E) money that he has will hardly keep him in food. 8. Do you think prisoners have (E) (C) fun in prisons? 9. Today is (D) colder than it was yesterday. 10. She takes (C) (E) trouble to please us. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few PRACTICE 8 Que expressão completaria corretamente as frases abaixo: how many ou how much ? 1. How much does a yard measure ? 2. We don’t know how much he knows about this subject. 3. How many classes have you lost this year ? 4. How much are the donuts ? 5. Can you tell me how much you weigh ? INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few Imagem:LuckyLouie/U.S. Air Force public domain NO SLIDE SEGUINTE, OUÇA A MÚSICA BLOWIN’ IN THE WIND E CONFIRA AS SUAS RESPOSTAS. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan) How many roads must a man walk down Before you can call him a man? How many seas must a white dove sail Before she can sleep in the sand? Yes and how many times must cannonballs fly Before they're forever banned? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind watch?v=XofJwQts68o Yes and how many years can a mountain exist Before it's washed to the seas (sea) Yes and how many years can some people exist Before they're allowed to be free? Yes and how many times can a man turn his head Pretend that he just doesn't see? The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind Yeah and how many times must a man look up Before he can see the sky? Yes and how many ears must one man have Before he can hear people cry? Yes and how many deaths will it take till he knows That too many people have died The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind The answer is blowin' in the wind? Clique no link acima e ouça a música no You Tube. INGLÊS, 2º Ano do Ensino Médio Much x Many; Little x Few BIBLIOGRAFIA LIBERATO, Wilson. Inglês Doorway: volume único: Ensino Médio.São Paulo: FTD, 2004 . Gramáticas Celce-Murcia, Marianne & Larsen-Freeman, Diane. The Grammar Book; an ESL/EFL teacher’s course. Heinle & Heinle, 1999. Collins Cobuild English Grammar. London, Collins Publishers / University of Birmingham, 1991. Halliday, M. Functional Grammar. London, 1994. Quirk, R. et alii. A Grammar of contemporany English. London, Longman, 1979. Hollaender, Arnon, Vidal Varela Filho – What about learning – São Paulo:Saraiva, 1979. Pedro Nunes Filho – College English, Vestibular Unificado – 2º grau, 1977. Tabela de Imagens n° do slide direito da imagem como está ao lado da foto 24,37 LuckyLouie/U.S. Air Force public domain link do site onde se consegiu a informação Data do Acesso 29/08/2012 _AIR_BASE.jpg