Este documento faz parte do Repositório Institucional do Fórum Social Mundial Memória FSM August 11, 2005 WSF Bulletin Index 1. Americas Hemispheric Council’s meeting will take place in Caracas 2. Meeting start planning a second polycentric WSF in Asia 3. WSF donation campaign 4. New balances about the 1st Mediterranean Social Forum 5. Agenda of forums around the world Americas Hemispheric Council meeting will take place in Caracas The Americas Hemispheric Council (HC) will meet on August 15th and 16th, in Caracas, Venezuela. The topics to be discussed at the meeting are the polycentric WSF 2006-Americas venue thematic consultation (which is planned to take place from January 24th to 29th, 2006, in Caracas, Venezuela) and the decision of the event’s thematic axes. The consultation started the beginning of June and finished the end of July. Parallel to the meeting, the ASF Operative Secretariat and the Methodology and Content Work Group will also meet from august 14th to 17th. For further information: [email protected] Meeting start planning a second polycentric WSF in Asia Social movements, organizations and NGOs from Asia will hold on next August 16, in Bangkok, Thailand, an Asian Assembly to start planning and the preparatory process for the Polycentric Forum that will be held in Southeast/East Asia. Among the first decisions to be made is venue (country) and date. The World Social Forum in 2006 will be organized as a Polycentric Forum - an event that will take place in various parts of the world rather than in one location. An Asian consultation meeting on WSF 2006 was held last June to plan for the Asia process. The meeting adopted a resolution to hold two (2) WSF 2006 Polycentric Forums in Asia: one to be held in January 2006 in Karachi, Pakistan, and another to be held in Memória FSM 1 Southeast/East Asia sometime May to July 2006 (click to see the resolution of the June caucus). The caucus in Bangkok will be held right before a serie of activities that will take place from August 17 to 19, organized by Jubilee South - Asia/Pacific Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD). For further information on the WSF process in Asia write to: [email protected] Donation Campaign to the WSF The WSF donation campaign continues. It was launched in the beginning of July by the WSF International Council's Resources Commission and it aims to collect resources to pay part of the 5th WSF's debt – the 5th WSF took place from January 26th to 31st, 2005, in Porto Alegre, Brazil – and to continue the WSF process. All movements and organizations that participated in the World Social Forum have received a letter containing detailed information about the event's 5th edition, including its current financial situation (click here to download the letter). There you will also find all the information about different ways of donating, if it is possible to you, to your organization or movement. Check below the list of the ones who already have made their donations: Organizations - CEDAP - SOF Sempreviva Organização Feminista - Ciutadans pel Canvi - Coalizão Internacional do Habitat - Instituto Paulo Freire - Federação Internacional dos Trabalhadores em Transportes - Comissão Pastoral da Terra - Campanha contra o Trabalho Escravo - COMIN – Conselho de Missão entre Índios - Ecos Comunicação em Sexualidade - Sociedade de São Patrício Memória FSM 2 - Confederacion Sindical Comisiones - Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social Donations from individual participants - Maria Teresa Araújo Silva - Sônia Camargo Pereira da Costa - Oded Grajew New balances about the 1st Mediterranean Social Forum Check the new evaluations on the MedSF, which took place from June 16th to 19th, in Barcelona, Spain. - No-Vox - Forum Social Méditerranéen (French) - Arci, Fiom, Attac, Un Ponte per, Transform, Forum Terzo Settore, Marcia Mondiale delle donne, Carta, Prc, Legambiente, Cobas, Udu-Uds, Tavolo migranti - 1° Forum Sociale Mediterraneo - valutazioni (Italian) - Justicia y Paz - I Foro Social Mediterráneo (Spanish) (Catalan) Social Forums around the world - International Forum – Indigenous People, Porto Alegre, Brazil, August from 11 to 14, 2005 - Sydney Social Fórum, Sydney, Australia, August from 27 to 29, 2005 - Social Forum Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast, September 2005 - South-African Social Fórum, Harari, Zimbabwe, October 13th to 15th, 2005 - Austria Social Forum, Salzburg, Áustria, October, 2005 Click here to see the complete list, contact and other information. World Social Forum Office in São Paulo Team: Alessandra Ceregatti, Ana Roberta Alcântara, Isabel Pato, Márcia Macedo, Patrícia Giuffrida Address: rua General Jardim, 660 - 8th floor - São Paulo - SP – Brazil Postal code: 01223-010 Website: Memória FSM 3 Information: [email protected] WSF Bulletin In order not to receive the bulletin anymore, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Don´t forget to write on the "subject" spot: Cancel. This bulletin is only informative. Please, don´t answer this message. Memória FSM 4