Este documento faz parte do Repositório Institucional do Fórum Social Mundial Memória FSM Todos os painéis Area 1 – Sustainable and Democratic Development Painel Ementa Rede Nome País Collin Hines England Another The perils of reproducing IFG centralist and patriarchal Economy: Working Sheila Rowbotham patterns of development and Women alternative strategies that Worlwide Subsidiarity, emphasize the principles of Localization, Cristina Carrasco Cuba reproduction, subsidiarity, Asociación Devolution and localization, and devolution; Internacional de this will include exploration of Reproduction institutions necessary for such Economistas strategies at the global, Feministas regional, city-wide, and 24 manhã Canada community levels that address Institute for Policy Tony Clarke gender and youth issues. Studies For Women for Change Emily Sikwaze Zambia Food First Anuradha Mittal - India FACILITATOR WTO: The Road The threats posed by the Fifth Public Citizen to Cancun 25 manhã Lori Wallach Ministerial of the World Trade AFL-CIO Linda Organization, the strategies that Thompson social movements might take in IGTN Mohau Pheko USA Chavez the lead-up to and during South Africa Cancun, and the ways in which Oxfam International that trade can be a means for Via Campesina achieving sustainable and TWN democratic development. Muthoni Muriu Senegal Paul Nicholson Spain Martin Khor Malasia Cuba Hemispheric Alliance for SOFA FACILITATOR Recovering Alternative Economic achieving debt FACILITATOR Sovereignty cancellation/repudiation and CADTM Eric Toussaint Memória FSM strategies Social Kjeld Jakobsen - Brazil Carole Pierre-Paul Haiti 1 Belgium Painel through Ementa debt public Rede control over capital Nome País Osvaldo Martinez Cuba cancellation and flows so as to promote poverty Jubillee South Africa Demba capital controls erradication and the right to Dembele 26 manhã Beverly Keene Argentine John Dillon Canada selfdetermination and Dialogo 2000 development. KAIROS Asia-Pacific on Moussa Senegal Network Donna Andrews Debt and South Africa Development ATTAC Luís Fernando How to achieve social control Southwest Organizing Richard Moore Beyond Brazil USA Johannesburg: and democratic management of Project natural resources, with a focus movement Property, and on Control, biodiversity, water against Elizabeth and water privatization Management of energy, and how to include Sustainable Brazil sustainability as a central Biodiversity, and dimension of social struggles Water for another world. Energy Anti-Privatization 24 tarde Peredo Bolivia Beltran Henri Acselrad FACILITATOR Pat Mooney Canada Virginia Sitshedi South Forum Africa Legambiente Maurizio Gubiotti Italy CONGAD Binta Sarr Senegal Full The "new social contract" or FIOM Gianni Employment strategies FACILITATOR alternative Re- development that place the CUT and of achievement and maintenance CES-ETUC of full employment at the Jobs with Justice regulation Work 26 of tarde global and national level as a central principle, and new legal regimes and institutions protect Memória FSM Remte Rinaldini Italy João Felício Brazil Emilio Gabaglio Italy Fred Ascarate USA Magdalena León GPN África do Sul 2 Painel Ementa Rede and promote the interests of KCTU Nome País Lee Heyi Soo Korea labour both at the global and national level that must be put in place. Solidarity To Economy innovative 24/01 discuss the various Caritas ways Ademar Bertucci - Brazil that FACILITATOR pela communities are coping with Reseau APM manhã no the Acampamento da Juventude destructive impacts of PLADES Juan Carlos Vargas Peru neoliberal policies and how Alliance for a Madeleine Hersant their survival strategies provide Responsible World* lessons and principles for the restructuring of local and global economies to sustainable achieve democratic development. WCL - CMT Regional Niceta Lucero Philippine Asia s Women for Alternative Rabia Abdelkrim Senegal Rural Coalition Lorette Picciano Mexico Gustave Massiah Egypt/Fra For the Right to To discuss strategies to achieve Cities the collective right to fair, 25 tarde democratic cities, and nce sustainable National according to Forum the Urban Reform on Grazia de Grazia - Brazil FACILITATOR principles of citizenship, access HIC to urban services, democratic FECOC Cesare Ottolini Italy Guilherme Mexico management Rodriguez and function of property. Memória FSM Jeanot Minla M´fou Cameroun social Huairou Comission Banashree Banerjee India UCLA Mike Davis USA 3 Area 2 – Principles and value, Human Rights, Diversity and Equality Ementa Painel 1. Struggle Rede Nome for How to put an end to domination Rede Economia e Nalu equality. Man and culture? How is neoliberalism Feminismo women: how to affecting the struggle País Faria Brasil FACILITATO for R effect real change equality? To discuss the paths World March of needed to insure the basic Women 24/01 manhã principal of equality for all ACTU human beings, without WCL-CMT confusing equality with Sharon Barrows Australia Basile MAHAN homogeneity. An GAHE invitation to social movements to exchange views and ideas on how to effect real Woman of Linda Burnham USA Colours Resource the Solidaritas inequalities between men and Perempuan TGNP women. change in Titi Soentoro breaking Mary Rusimbi Tanzania 2, Fighting against The political and organizational Articulação de Jurema intolerance; importance of diversity (in terms Mulheres Negras Werneck diversity. of participation, of analysis and R unique change. How to promote it? KOINONIA think and driving How to practice it? How Network Genevieve against 25/01 manhã diversity in gender, ethnicity, Dialogue age, language, etc. can be a way South to oppose the uniformazation process of the neo Brazil - FACILITATO Solidarity as value of strategies) as a tool for force for change Indonesia Just Act France Jacques South Phumi Mtetwa South Africa Laura Ruiz USA liberal Aldo Gonzales México Memória FSM 4 Ementa Painel agenda. Rede Nome País Center for D.L.Seth India Studies and Developing Societies Interactions Laurence France Baranski 3. For a full How to globalize effectively FIDH implementation of human rights: links between the Sidiki Kaba - Senegal FACILITADO all human rights agenda of the anti-globalization 24/01 tarde movement and the human rights Dalit Human Aloysius agenda. What mechanism of Rigths Campaign Irudayam India implementation and surveillance AIC – Alternative Lea Tsemel or human rights do we need Informtion Center Israel/ within the nation states and R CISL Palestina Cecilia Brigui Italy Bill Pace EUA worldwide. How to rate the UN system as a tool to further human rights and upholding Amnesty specifically collective rights and International Ignacio Saiz the right to autodetermination. DAWN Gita Sen India 4. Beyond national How to protect the rights of Cry of excluded Monica USA borders: migrants refugees and migrants: political Santana- and refugees and humanitarian law; displaced FACILITATO 25/01 tarde population R by conflicts and mega civil infrastructure project; Coalition against Aurora work and citizenship; access to trafficking in Javate Dias social protection and public women assets. UJSAHARIO Memória FSM Sarawi 5 Ementa Painel Rede Asian Nome País Eviction Ted Arana Philippines Watch Marie Racine USA/Haiti Kalayaan Bridget Philippines/ Network Anderson Europe Palestinian youth Khaled Al-Syfi refugees 5. For full access Evaluation and perspectives of Articulación to the right to the current de Maria international Mujeres – CLOC Siqueira water, food and campaigns. How can those rights land be achieved 26/01 manhã policies. Elena Brazil through FACILITATO public R Crisis Coalition Bernard Kagiro Zimbabwe Conf. Nac. De Humberto Pescadores Chile Mella Artesanales Alianza por um Mohammad Mundo Tunisia Larbi Responsible y Solidario IRAM France en Michel Merlet France reseau Friends of the Silvia Quiroa El Salvador Earth Hector Colombia Mondragon Memória FSM 6 Ementa Painel 6. For full access The to the right Rede struggle against to merchandization Nome the ICAE of País Paul Belanger - Canada such FACILITATO education, health, services: what are the next steps R housing and social within the WTO and outside? security How these 26/01 tarde achieved rights through can be public policies? World for network Sumati Nair Pakistan reproductive rights ISP-PSI Wendy Caird Holanda Plataforma Pierre Roy Brasil Yanelis Cuba Interamericana de Derechos Humanos y Desarollo Fórum Mundial de Educação OCLAE Martinez Memória FSM 7 Area 3 - Media, cultures and alternatives to commodification and homogenization Como la cultura puede ayudar a construir la autodeterminacion de los pueblos y de los individuos; como luchar contra la mercantilizacion de las producciones simbolicas; como promover practicas basadas sobre el dialogo y el respecto de las culturas y de las lenguas y resistir a la homogenizacion; como contrarrestar el poder de los medios dominantes y garantizar el derecho a la informacion; como desarrollar las posibilidades emancipadoras de las tecnologias de la informacion y de la comunicacion. Painel 1. Ementa Rede Globalization, Globalization: information and visions, International Nome País Association Cees Jamelik Netherlands meaning of Mass Communication communication and values 24/01 manhã dispute; Power and Armand Mattelart the Bernard role media; of Right in Researchers the ATTAC to communication: what information is Belgium Cassen- France FACILITATOR Federação Nacional dos Beth Costa Brazil Jornalistas (Brazil) available and what Anna Pizzo Italy Intellectual property Jansatta Prabhash Joshi India rights Nicolau Sevcenko Brazil is necessary? 2. Strategies for Structure, Carta Alternative Radio David Barzanian ALAI Irene democratizing the functioning and role media 24/01 tarde of Leon - Ecuador FACILITATOR the media. Fairness and Accuracy in Norman Solomon Production, access, Reporting (FAIR) USA quality, distribution Comite pela Democratizao Daniel Herz and democratization dos Meios de of information. Comunicacao Brazil Social control over Memória FSM USA Catia Te Ve, MediaWatch Blanca Eeckut Venezuela 8 Painel Ementa the Rede media and Panos Nome País Diana Senghor West Africa Mario Lubetkin Uruguay Sean O Siochru Ireland media power. New Digital culture and IPS new perspectives on technologies and information and CRIS strategies for communication. Delhi Science Forum Access to digital inclusion Global networks. Eurocadres and social change Freeware. The Net 25/01 manhã and popular VECAM organizing; 3. Prabir Purkayastha India Dirk Ameel - Belgium FACILITATOR Valerie Peugeot France Giulietto Chiesa Italy Carlos Afonso Brasil Rodrigo Baggio Brazil apropiación social y control ciudadano RITS/APC de ICT and Eurolat Symbolic Political orqanizational production and culture of excluded youth, Youth of Rio peoples' identity people: gender and race. 25/01 tarde Critique of consumerism and proposal of alternative Arab NGO Network practices. Practices of social Espaces Marx 4. Carles Riera Spain FACILITATOR Maria Luiza Brazil Monteiro Fredric Jameson Mohammad USA Sid- Egypt Ahmed Michael Lowy France Marc Le Glatin France emancipation, artistic production and self- determination as Imperial domination, political practice resistance culture. 26/01 manhã 5. Culture Memória FSM Teatre de Chelles and IIP De- Victoria Tauli Philippines Corpuz 9 Painel Ementa Rede Nome País commodification of Forum Mundial do audio- Ettore Scola Italy symbolic visual production. Politics of identity and Companhia do Latão Sergio de Carvalho Brazil emancipation. Aminata Traore - Mali Disputes over African Social Forum symbolic FACILITATOR references. Intercultural dialoques 6. How can we Given ensure and the Groupe d'etudes cultural homogenizing trend recherche linguistic of diversity 26/01 tarde sur et de Francois de France la Bernard neoliberal mondialisation globalization and Groupe de recherche sur l' Dorval Brunelle the threat GATS, integration continentale Canada what Haroldo Costa Brazil Javed Alam India initiatives political Comitê Afro would ensure respect for cultural and China Youth Foundation Yue Guang Chen linguistic diversity? Colégio de México Rodolfo China Mèxico Stavenhagen ARCI Luciana Castellina Italy FACILITATOR Memória FSM 10 Area 4 - Political power, civil society and democracy Ementa Painel 1. Democratizing Se Rede trata democracy, desde la sobre construcción nuevos paradigmas 24 - manhã de reflexionar Articulación las nuevas Feminista Nome País Lilian Celiberti (Fac) Uruguay de concepciones de lo político Marcosur y la política, expresando African Gender Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi nuevas necesidades y Institute subjetividades, que CTA confronten fundamentalismos Argentina Patrick Bond Africa do Su y pensamientos únicos. La recuperación Victor de Gennaro de la Institute of Anil Mishra India Democracy autonomía de lo político Women Living Anissa Hellie frente a los intereses under Muslim es una vía Laws particulares indispensable. Igualmente, una mirada critica a cuan alternativas han sido nuestras alternativas nos da luces sobre énfasis los políticos nuevos más acordes con los retos del siglo XXI. 2. New dimensions of Se trata de reflexionar cual TNI (FAC) Brid Brennan Irlanda the democratic State es el papel que otorgamos CLADEM 24 - tarde al Estado en nuestros Alternatives Roxana Vasquez Argentina Alexander Buzgalin Russia Francisco de Oliveira Brasil Federico Mayor Espanha Barbara Ehrenreich EUA proyectos alternativos, a la luz de las fracasadas experiencias del siglo XX. Memória FSM UBUNTU 11 Ementa Painel Rede Que tipo de Estado. Como VER.DI Nome País Frank Bsirske Alemania se están enfrentando las exigencias de universalidad y reconocimiento de la diferencia. Estrategias de recuperación del carácter laico de Limites los estados. de los estados y rol de nación la gobernabilidad global para la democracia en lo global/local. 3. The new and the Visiones los Sin Cobas Luciano social movimientos: e Se trata de olds movements, new reflexionar, spaces of confluence visiones and desde tension multiple actors local and global 25 - tarde desde las de los of movimientos, cual es la Congress y Labour in complementariedad Muhlbauer Italia (Fac) Dudley Thompson of Barbara Byers Canada of equivalencia en las luchas Canada por las trasformaciones SOS Corpo Betania Ávila económicas, políticas, Greenpeace Gerd Leipold sociales y culturales y su next rol en la democratización The Brasil Holanda de la política.. Cuales son genderation network Memória FSM Jamaica 12 Painel Ementa las Rede autonomías requieren que para alianzas se MGLBT generar Nome Nomfundo País Wakwa Africa Luphondwana democráticas amplias que universalicen lo particular, izando y transversal confrontando hegemonismos sexistas, dentro racistas, generacionales y fuera de los movimientos 4. Citizen insurgence Se trata de reflexionar From Mundial François Houtart (fac) Belgica against the established cómo los nuevos conflictos de Alternativas order 25 - manhã y exclusiones han dado Disobedienttilugar a nuevas formas de Italy woman Italia resistencia y trasgresión. Barrios de Pié Silvana Saravia Cómo nuevos actores y CGIL Guglielmo Epifani espacios de lucha, como el para cuerpo, el medio ambiente, indocumentado los/las migrantes, los s: red de indocumentados, los ilegales en USA desobedientes, etc. están ampliando los limites de las People Science Vinod Raina Mov. Memória FSM 13 Argentina Italia India Painel Ementa Rede ciudadanías realmente CBJP existentes, Nome País Chico Witaker Brasil confrontando pensamientos formas binarios únicas resistencia. Están proceso y de en múltiples iniciativas, inclusivas, como los Foros, expresan que la construcción de nuevas culturas políticas 5. Strategies for Se trata de reflexionar Alternatives citizen control sobre cuál es el papel de las 26 - manhã ciudadanías en posible controlar la Greek el mercado y las instituciones financieras multilaterales? Beaudet Canada (Facilitador) Social Natacia construcción de la nueva Forum economía que queremos? Es Pierre Balkan Vijay Patrap India Social Andrej Grubacic Hungria Movement Networks Innumerables experiencias de vigilancia ciudadana, Iniciativa las 4 Orit Lavnin-Dgani madres Memória FSM 14 Libano Painel Ementa Rede autogestión social, así CONADES Nome País Héctor Bejar Peru como estrategias múltiples desde los consumidores expresan una afirmación de nueva derechos ciudadanos. También significativas son las experiencias de articulación entre estado y sociedad, en casos tan acuciantes, como medicamentos y AIDS. 6. Future perspectives Se trata de analizar cuales NIGD Katarina of the movements: new impactos Patomaki (Facilitadora) de la conceptions and new globalización nos amplían COBAS ways of social también los horizontes National movements subjetivos, emocionales, Alliance organization democráticos. 26 - tarde múltiples Sehm Finlandia Piero Bernocchi Italia of Que People estrategias de Movements confluencia que se están desarrollando, frente a las tensiones Youth Brasil Campament Porto Alegre intergeneracionales, intergeneros, interétnicas, interclases que enfrentan Not our USA name UNE Memória FSM in Felipe Maia Brasil 15 Ementa Painel Rede los movimientos sociales. Street Net Cuánto de lo Nome País Pat Horn EUA viejo permanece en lo nuevo? Cuánto es necesario retener o desechar? Que nuevas concepciones de internacionalismos están surgiendo. Area 5 – Democratic world order, opposing militarization and promotion of peace Painel Ementa 1. Empire, war The and unilateralism 24/01 manhã Rede contradiction of the Weed Nome País Peter Wahl Germany international system, based North Sud on an analysis of the current Fifi meaning of empire and the Znet rise of unalteralism. How can Punto Rosso the internal and external Michel Albert hegemony of the Benaboud Algeria/Por FACILITATOR tugal Jose Luiz USA del Italy Roio US Achin Vanaik India Maryknoll Office for Marie Dennis USA government be broken? Global Concerns CLACSO Atilio Boron Centro Martin Luther Fernando King Argentine Cuba Martinez Heredia Memória FSM 16 Painel 2. Ementa Resistance Evaluate Rede alternative movements to militarization militarization 24/01 tardes civic Radio Nome País – Amy Goodman USA Pacifica against Movimiento and war. norteamericano contra Identify the main issues and la guerra strategies for actions, their Coalition for Nuclear Admiral potential and limitations. Disarmament and Ramdas L. India Peace (CNDP) Cruz Vermelha Jean-François Suiça Olivier Tavola de la Pace Flavio Lotti CLACSO - Revista Ana Chiapas Italy Esther Mexico Ceceña FACILITATOR PARC/AMPO Asamblea Muto Ichiyo de Japan los Mauricio Colombia Jovenes por la Paz – Riviera Colombia Eva Olaer- Philippines Ferraren Sumpay Mindanao 3. Global What alternatives can we National Working S. P. Shukla economic propose to the WTO, World Group on Patent Laws governance Bank or IMF? How can we and conceptualize international institutions 25/01 manhã Gilbert Achkar global Rede Brasil economic governance that Instituições favours sustainable economic Financeiras governance development for Multilaterais all countries? 50 years is enough Lebanon sobre Aurélio Vianna Brazil Iniciativa Cartagena Memória FSM India FACILITATOR Njoki N. Njehl USA/Kenia Cecilia Lopez Colombia 17 Painel Ementa Rede UCLA 4. World The posibilities of País Yao Graham Gana Robert Brenner USA a IBASE Atila democratic world order. How order: Nome Roque Brazil FACILITATOR should we think about the Social Watch Roberto Bissio Uruguai and the role of sovereignty of peoples, the NIGD – Network Teivo Teivanien Finland governments role of states, national Institute for Global sovereignty and the UN governments and civil Democratization 25/01 Tarde society organizations? What Wang, Hui China Manuel Portugal is the future of rhe UN and what is the role of organizations such as the Movimento contra a Alfio Nicotra International Criminal Court? Guerra da Itália Italy 5. Democratic The necessary conditions and Center for the Study of Roger Burbach USA for Americas – EUA for possible strategies solving peaceful solutions international conflicts international conflicts. How Churches can these be created? How CUT – Colombia 26/01 manhã can strategies we build to World pro-peace Council of Guillermo Kerber Mas Patricia Buritica Colombia Latit Rajji Lallat Mauritius Palestine Monitor Mustafa Palestine movements to oppose solutin of conflicts by force? Barghouthi AIC Michel Israel Warchawsky FACILITATOR Coordenadora de Eduardo Uruguay Centrais Sindicais do Fernandez Mercosul Alternatives Marcela Canada Escribano Memória FSM 18 Painel Ementa Rede Campanha Nome País contra Angeles Mastro Espanha Europa do Capital Li, Xiaojiang China Africa Trade Network Dot Keet South Africa Red Mujer y Habitat Maite Martinez Spain REPEM Celita Echer - Uruguai FACILITATOR Memória FSM 19