Este documento faz parte do
Repositório Institucional do
Fórum Social Mundial
Memória FSM
Resolutions of the Pan-Amazonian Assembly
World Social Forum Belém 2009
With the presence of approximately 400 participants of organizations and social
movements from different parts of the Amazon Region as French Guiana, Peru, Bolivia,
Venezuela, Columbia and Brazil, encouraged by the realization of five meetings
“without borders” and various regional “fóruns de luta” in preparation of the World
Social Forum, the Pan-Amazonian Assembly of the World Social Forum was realized,
which approved the following resolutions:
To invite the peoples of the World to solidarize with the peoples of the Pan-AmazonianRegion and support their fight:
Against an Energy policy based on the creation of big Hydroelectric plants and help in
the search for new kinds of energy policies.
In the fight against the social and environmental damages caused by the activities of the
big mining companies. We repudiate the shameful and tragic actions conducted by the
“Vale” company against the Amazonian peoples and ecosystems and other biosystems
in Brazil and around the world.
In support of the Demarcation of the land and the Recognition of the collective rights of
the Indigenous Peoples, Quilombos and traditional communities of the Pan-AmazonianRegion.
Fighting to guarantee the organization and consolidation of the Conservation Units
through the removal of illegal occupants of public land and the construction of a decent
situation for the traditional inhabitants.
In the fight for the unlimited right of the amazonian peoples to go back and forth across
the borders of the Pan-Amazon-Region.
Memória FSM
In the fight against the Human Traffic along the borders of the Pan-Amazon-Region. In
support of the efforts made to stop massacres and the civil war in Columbia and achieve
a just and lasting peace.
The Brazilian Amazon-Region for the Brazilian People!
The Pan-Amazonian-Region for the Pan-Amazonian Peoples!
Furthermore, the Pan-Amazonian Assembly of the World Social Forum proposes the
realization of a general reunion of the organizations and social movements that
participated in the “Without Borders”-Meetings, the Regional Fóruns de Luta, and the
Pan-Amazonian-Assembly, which will take place on July 15th 2009, in Belém/Pará,
with the following objectives:
To take all necessary actions to transform the approved list of action into effective
campaigns throughout the Pan-Amazon-Region.
Prepare the realization of the Fifht Social-Pan-Amazonian Forum, which should be
preceded by new “Without Border” –Meetings.
Create means of communication, documentation and sustenance of the Social-PanAmazonian-Forum.
A Provisional Commission, composed of the following networks, organizations, and
movements was created to put these resolutions into practice:
União das Universidades da Pan-Amazonia - UNAMAZ
Fórum da Amazônia Oriental- FAOR
Fórum da Amazônia Ocidental - FAOC
Memória FSM
Rede de Nova Cartografia Social
União dos Trabalhadores da Guiana - UTG
Instituto Amazonia Solidária e Sustentável - IAMAS
Federação de Órgãos para Assistência Sociial e Educacional - FASE- Amazonia
Memória FSM
