Este documento faz parte do Repositório Institucional do Fórum Social Mundial Memória FSM Consultation about the WSF 2009 objectives is launched The consultation proposed by the WSF International Council (IC) is already online on It aims to identify objectives of action that allow us to que busca identificar objetivos de ação que possibilitem potencializar ainda mais o diálogo e a construção de alianças entre as diversas organizações, movimentos e redes da Pan-Amazônia e do mundo. The consultation A consulta tem como ponto de partida os nove objetivos definidos para o FSM 2007, realizado em Nairóbi (Quênia). A proposta é que, como na África, as atividades durante o Fórum Social Mundial (FSM) 2009 na Amazônia sejam organizados em torno a esses objetivos de ação. O mesmo vale para o espaço físico do evento. O CI quer saber se o conjunto de objetivos postos contempla as questões que devem tratadas no FSM 2009 ou se existe a necessidade de acréscimo ou modificação de algum dos objetivos a partir da avaliação das lutas, ações e campanhas que as organizações consultadas têm realizado. Com a consulta, pretende-se garantir voz e participação do maior número possível de entidades e pessoas no processo de atualização ou de confirmação dos objetivos de ação do FSM. The answers to the consultation can be written in Portuguese, English, Spanish and French and sent until the 6th of June. In order to acess the consultation, yo have to go to the WSF 2009 Amazon website at In that page thre will be the text written by the IC, explaining the consultation and its objectives. You only have to click on the indicated button, answer the questions and fill in the data about the organization, responsible person, country and contact. Website torwards the World Social Forum 2009 in the Amazon The consultation also launchs the virtual space - dedicated to the preparation of the WSF 2009 in the Amazon, where all organizations, networks and movements that share the dream that another world is possible will be able to obtain and exchange information and help building yet one more edition of the WSF, which for the first time is happening in the Amazon. The website will be uptaded periodically with information on a set of themes linked to the participation on the 2009 event (registration of organizations, individuals, activities, volunteers, stands, press acreditation, and others). Put it on you favorits list and check it regularly. For more information on the WSF process, plese go to:<a href="">http: //</a> OBS: Se necessário. – EU ACHO QUE PODE LINKAR DIRETO PARA A LISTA DO SITE, OU ENTÃO, COLOCAR AQUI MESMO, COM INTERTÍTULO “Objetivos de ação do FSM 2007” E AÍ EM CIMA, AO LADO DE ‘NOVE OBJETIVOS’, COLOCAR UM PARÊNTESE (ver abaixo) Os objetivos postos na consulta são: 1. For the construction of a world of peace, justice, ethics and respect for different Memória FSM 1 espiritualities, free of weapons, especially nuclear ones; 2. For the release of the world domain by multinationals, financial capital, the imperialist domination and unequal systems of commerce; 3. For universal and sustainable access to the common property of mankind and nature, for the preservation of our planet and its resources, particularly water and forests; 4. For the democratization of knowledge and information and for the creation of a system of shared knowledge with the dismantling of Intellectual Property Rights; 5. For the dignity, diversity, ensuring the equality of gender and race and elimination of all forms of discrimination and caste (discrimination based on descent); 6. For ensurance (lifetime use of all people) of the economic, social, human, cultural and environmental rights, particularly the rights to food, health, education, housing, employment and decent work; 7. For the construction of a world order based on sovereignty, self-determination and on people's rights; 8. For the construction of an economy centred on people and sustainability; 9. For the construction and expansion of truely democratic political structures and institutions with the participation of people Memória FSM 2