ECTS - Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Felgueiras Degree: Legal Practice Course: Law of Urban Planning Academic Year: 2014/2015 Theoretical/Practical Work (hours): 32.0 h Tutorial Session (hours): 16.0 h Academic year: 3 Term: Winter Semester Attendance: Mandatory Course Responsible Teacher: Doutora Isa Sousa Objectives: After concluding this Curricular Unit, the student should be able to: 1 - Identify the urbanism law; 2- To know the administrative organization of the urbanism; 3- Apply the rules of occupation, use and utilization; 4- To know the legal regime of land propriety ; 5 - Identify and categorize the plans of land management; 6- Identify the means of previous urban control; 7 - Explain the Urban Areas of Illegal Genesis Syllabus: 1. GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF URBANISM LAW 2. ADMINISTRATIVE ORGANIZATION OF URBAN PLANNING 3. THE RULES OF OCCUPATION, USE AND UTILIZATION 4. LEGAL REGIME OF LAND PROPRIETY 5. LEGAL REGIME OF TERRITORIAL MANAGEMENT INSTRUMENTS 6. LEGAL REGIME OF URBANIZATION AND CONSTRUCTION Objectives: Expository method: Exposure of the subject matter included in the syllabus of the course; Interrogative method: Appealing to student participation, aims at the development of their critical thinking; Active method: Analysis and resolution of practical situations and theoretical issues; Brainstorming in the context of living classroom; Demonstrative method: Analysis and resolution of practical situations in order to provide students with skills for independent resolution of the same type of situations; Assessment Methods: Evaluation by final exam that can be replaced by continuous assessment, ie by two written tests. Minimum required in each test: 8.5. Approval at the UC 10 References: 1 - CORREIA, Fernando Alves - Manual de Direito do Urbanismo, Volume I. Coimbra: Almedina, 2012 2- OLIVEIRA, Fernanda Paula, CASTANHEIRA NEVES, Maria José, LOPES Dulce, MAÇAS Fernanda - Regime Jurídico da Urbanização e da Edificação Comentado. Coimbra: Almedina, 2012. 4 -OLIVEIRA Fernanda Paula - Novas Tendências do Direito do Urbanismo - De um Urbanismo de Expansão e de Segregação a um Urbanismo de Contenção, de Reabilitação Urbana e de Coesão Social. Coimbra: Almedina, 2012 Doutora Isa Sousa Felgueiras, 2 de Setembro de 2014