: Economics; Management; Finance; Mathematics Applied to
Economics and Management
: Optional course unit
Curricular year/semester
: 3rd year / 2nd Semester
ECTS / hours per week
: 4 ECTS / 3.0 Hours
Workload per week
: 2Theoretical/Practical x 1.5Hours
Teacher responsible
: Professor Carlos Manuel Bastien Raposo
Study of the main aspects of the structure and functioning of the European Union in historical perspective,
in order to understand its present significance and its possible evolution.
 The concept of Europe;
 Long-term background of European integration;
 Main steps of European integration;
 Problems and possible evolution of the European Union in the 21st century.
History of the European Union
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Recommended Bibliography:
Bastien, Carlos, 2009, A integração europeia vista pelos economistas portugueses — uma
perspectiva de longo prazo, in Análise Social, nº 191.
Dinan, Desmond, 2004, Europe recast: a history of European Union, London, Palgrave.
Ferreira, J. Medeiros, 2013, Não há Mapa Cor-de-Rosa, Lisboa, Edições 70.
Hamon, Dominique; Keller, Ivan Serge, 1997, Fondements et étapes de la construction
européenne, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris.
Patrício, Raquel C., 2009, Uma visão do projecto europeu: história, progressos e dinâmicas,
Coimbra, Almedina.
Silva. A. Martins da, 2010, História da Unificação Europeia, Coimbra, Imprensa da Universidade de
Stirk, Peter, 1996, A History of European Integration since 1914, (cap. 1-3), London, Pinter.
Valério, Nuno, 1995, Monetary unions in Europe: historical experience, in Estudos de Economia,
volume 15 (4).
Valério, Nuno, 2010, História da União Europeia, Lisboa, Editorial Presença.
History of the European Union
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