3º período :: vespertino
9 de setembro de 2014
1. O raciocínio que conduz a uma resposta deverá estar claramente exposto e organizado, com início, meio e fim. De outra
forma, a pontuação da questão será prejudicada, podendo até ser igual a zero.
2. Respeite os espaços delimitados pelas margens; eles são suficientes para respostas adequadas. Evite o uso de abreviaturas e
símbolos, pois poderão não ser reconhecidos e invalidar a resposta.
3. Cuide da apresentação da avaliação: use letra legível, evite rasuras, responda às questões no espaço adequado. Em caso de
erro, anule com um risco e refaça. O uso de corretivos (liquid paper ou similares) implica anulação da resposta.
4. Não empreste nem solicite emprestado material escolar (caneta, lápis, borracha, régua, etc.). É proibido o uso de calculadora
(inclusive relógio-calculadora).
5. Não serão permitidas consultas. Telefones celulares, pagers ou MP3 player, ipod e similares devem ser DESLIGADOS e
guardados na bolsa ou colocados sobre a mesa do professor, longe do seu alcance.
6. A cada questão será atribuída uma pontuação de 0,0 a 1,0, em intervalos de 0,1. A pontuação da avaliação será o somatório
das pontuações nas questões, e a nota da avaliação será a pontuação multiplicada pelo fator de ajuste.
7. O respeito a estas instruções faz parte da avaliação e interfere na nota. A interpretação faz parte da avaliação.
Text for questions 1 and 2
Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, a city of beaches
Puerto La Cruz is not a big city, but it is very special. This beautiful Venezuelan city
on the coast of the Caribbean Sea is a city of beaches.
You can go to more than fifteen wonderful beaches there. You can visit some by
car and others by boat.
One beach you should not miss is Vallecito Beach. It is very near the city, only 30
minutes away. It has a lot of palm trees, and you can see a mountain just behind the
beach. You can go swimming in the calm water. It's relaxing.
One of the most famous tourist areas in Puerto La Cruz is El Paseo Colon. There is
a nice Italian ice cream place called Gelateria Torino. You should try their ice cream. It's
yummy. There is an excellent restaurant, too. You should visit Puerto La Cruz and see what a special place it is!
Source: http://www.topics-mag.com/edition23/favorite_cities/puerto-la-cruz.htm
Accessed on August 14th, 2014. (adapted)
Coast: costa
Beaches: praias
Should: deveria
Try: experimentar
1. Find in the text and complete the sentences.
a) Puerto la Cruz is located in
b) There are more than
c) You can visit the beaches by
d) The distance from the city to Vallecito Beach is
e) Gelateria Torino is a
2. Based on the text, complete the sentences with There is, There are, Is there, Are there, There isn't or There aren't.
a) ______________________________ more than fifteen beaches at Puerto la Cruz.
b) A: ______________________________ a restaurant in El Paseo Colon?
B: Yes, ______________________________.
c) ______________________________ a pet shop in El Paseo Colon.
d) ______________________________ a mountain behind the beach.
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 3º período :: vespertino | 6º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 16V3Ing_2014_pro.lwp
PÁG. 1
3. Look at the map below. Read the sentences. Then correct the mistakes in each sentence according to the map.
pet shop
post of ice
a) There is a school opposite to the pet shop.
b) There is a bakery in front of the post office and the church.
c) There is a mall between the supermarket.
d) There is a bus behind the bus stop.
e) There is a bakery next to the pet shop.
4. What means of transportation do people usually use in a big city? Write down five examples. The map in exercise 3 can help
Common means of transportation in a big city:
5. Look at the picture. Then complete the sentences with the correct
a) There is a w _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ behind the sofa.
b) There is a TV behind the a _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____.
c) There is a l _____ _____ _____ next to the TV.
d) There is a p _____ _____ _____ _____ on the end table.
e) There is a r _____ _____ under the coffee table.
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 3º período :: vespertino | 6º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 16V3Ing_2014_pro.lwp
PÁG. 2
6. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjectives. Use my, your, his, her, its, our, or their.
a) A: Is this your book, Sam?
B: No, _______________ book is on the desk.
b) A: Are Ana's shoes pink?
B: Yes, _______________ shoes are pink and blue.
c) Maria has two best friends. ______________ names are Sara and Mariana.
d) My brother and I have new colored pencils. _____________ colored pencils are beautiful.
e) Paula has a cat. _____________ name is Fifi.
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 3º período :: vespertino | 6º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 16V3Ing_2014_pro.lwp
PÁG. 3

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