PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE BOM DESPACHO-MG PROCESSO SELETIVO SIMPLIFICADO - EDITAL 001/2009 CARGO: PROFESSOR NÍVEL III – LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA MODERNA-INGLÊS CADERNO DE PROVAS 1 – A prova terá a duração de duas horas, incluindo o tempo necessário para o preenchimento do gabarito. 2 – Marque as respostas no caderno de provas, deixe para preencher o gabarito depois que terminar a prova. O gabarito deve ser preenchido com caneta de tinta preta ou azul. 3 – O gabarito não será substituído em nenhuma hipótese. 4 – Não amasse, dobre ou rasgue seu gabarito. 5 – Será anulada a questão cuja resposta contiver rasura, estiver em branco ou para a qual for assinalada mais de uma opção. 6 – Ao receber a ordem do Fiscal de Sala para o início da prova confira este caderno com muita atenção. 7 – Durante a prova não será admitida qualquer espécie de consulta ou comunicação entre os candidatos, tampouco será permitido o uso de qualquer espécie de equipamento (calculadora, celular, pager, bip, etc.). 8 – Ao terminar sua prova, entregue ao Fiscal de Sala seu gabarito e o seu caderno de provas. 9 – Não se esqueça de preencher no gabarito o seu número de inscrição, o número de sua sala de prova e sua assinatura. 10 – O candidato só poderá entregar seu gabarito depois de decorrida meia hora do início das provas. REALIZAÇÃO: AMN CONSULTORES ASSOCIADOS LTDA 1 PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE BOM DESPACHO-MG PROCESSO SELETIVO SIMPLIFICADO - EDITAL 001/2009 CARGO: PROFESSOR NÍVEL III – LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA MODERNA-INGLÊS CONHECIMENTOS ESPECÍFICOS READ TEXT I AND ANSWER QUESTIONS 01 TO 06 TEXT I Here is the Introduction to a textbook on reading: The aim of this book is to help learners of English to read more effectively by presenting and developing the various skills needed for successful reading comprehension. The passages are all examples of contemporary British and American English taken from a variety of sources such as newspapers, magazines, novels, advertising material and instructions. None of them have been written specially for foreign students, and only three have been adapted to make them slightly easier to understand. The book is suitable for all advanced learners of English. Each unit also includes a variety of suggestions for further language activities such as group discussion work, roleplays, intensive vocabulary study and writing practice. (Greenall, S. & Swan, M. Effective Reading. Reading Skills for Advanced Students. Cambridge: CUP, 1994:2) 01 - The book offers learners mainly: A) Theoretical discussions; B) Specific warnings; C) Startling results; D) Authentic materials. 02 - When the writer says that “The aim of this book is to help learners ...” , he is referring to its: A) Goal; B) Source; C) Perspective; D) Understanding. 2 PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE BOM DESPACHO-MG PROCESSO SELETIVO SIMPLIFICADO - EDITAL 001/2009 CARGO: PROFESSOR NÍVEL III – LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA MODERNA-INGLÊS 03 - The opposite of more in “read more effectively”is: A) Better; B) Less; C) Fewer; D) Smaller. 04 - The verb form in “None of them have been written” is in the same form as that in: A) The students have been sitting here for hours; B) They would be sent away if they didn’t keep quiet; C) The teacher has finally been duly promoted; D) They had been studying English for a long time. 05 - A book qualified as “suitable”indicates a book that is: A) Annoying; B) Absorbing; C) Authoritative; D) Adequate. 06 - “Further language activities” means that these activities are: A) influential; B) unavailable; C) incessant; D) additional. 3 PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE BOM DESPACHO-MG PROCESSO SELETIVO SIMPLIFICADO - EDITAL 001/2009 CARGO: PROFESSOR NÍVEL III – LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA MODERNA-INGLÊS READ TEXT II AND ANSWER QUESTIONS 07 TO 10 TEXT II Recent educational reforms in Brazil have demanded new roles for both teachers and teacher educators. The traditional ways in which teacher education has been carried out no longer prepares teachers to meet the challenges they face in schools. As a result, the existing curricula and practices in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education need to be revised in order to improve the teaching in public schools. This led a group of EFL educators in the state of Paraná to organize a statewide seminar for EFL teacher educators. In order to develop their understandings of alternative ways of conducting the programs, the group would like to learn about U.S. experiences in integrating schoolteachers, teacher educators and student teachers in pre-service education. Central to this reform are the concepts of cultural diversity, learning communities, and situated learning. 07 - Recent educational reforms in Brazil have required: A) Trips to different countries; B) Attendance at international conferences; C) Investments in computer technology; D) Changes in teacher training. 08 - The underlined expression in “has been carried out” may be replaced by: A) Performed; B) Added; C) Extracted; D) Envisaged. 09 - No longer in “no longer prepares teachers” is the negative of: A) Yet; B) Already; C) For; D) Still. 4 PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE BOM DESPACHO-MG PROCESSO SELETIVO SIMPLIFICADO - EDITAL 001/2009 CARGO: PROFESSOR NÍVEL III – LÍNGUA ESTRANGEIRA MODERNA-INGLÊS 10 - In “the existing curricula and practices in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher education need to be revised” the underlined verb can be replaced by: A) May; B) Shall; C) Could; D) Must. 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 A 9 D 10 D 5