PASSAVANTE, José Zanon de Oliveira. Production of phytoplankton in Santa Cruz Channel (Brasil). In: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF MARINE PLANKTON, 1985, Shimizu. Bulletin of Marine Science,. Miami: 1985. v. 37. p. 774. ABSTRACT Many rivers discharge into Santa Cruz Channel (27º 49’ S Lat., 34º 50’ W Long.) which separates Intamaracá Island from the continent of South America. Water samples were collected monthly at five fixed stations, in three different depths, for physical-chemical analysis (temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, nitrite-N, nitrate-N, phosphate-P and suspended material), phytoplankton biomass (chlorophyll a, fractionization) and primary production This work presents only the primary production results; as other parameters by me appear in the other reports and are referred to for a comparison because the samples were collected together. The primary production of the phytoplankton during the studied period was relatively high, varying from 0,94 to 76.59mgC/h/m3 (averege value was 17.68mgC/h/m3).