3º período :: matutino
12 de setembro de 2014
1. O raciocínio que conduz a uma resposta deverá estar claramente exposto e organizado, com início, meio e fim. De outra
forma, a pontuação da questão será prejudicada, podendo até ser igual a zero.
2. Respeite os espaços delimitados pelas margens; eles são suficientes para respostas adequadas. Evite o uso de abreviaturas e
símbolos, pois poderão não ser reconhecidos e invalidar a resposta.
3. Cuide da apresentação da avaliação: use letra legível, evite rasuras, responda às questões no espaço adequado. Em caso de
erro, anule com um risco e refaça. O uso de corretivos (liquid paper ou similares) implica anulação da resposta.
4. Não empreste nem solicite emprestado material escolar (caneta, lápis, borracha, régua, etc.). É proibido o uso de calculadora
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6. A cada questão será atribuída uma pontuação de 0,0 a 1,0, em intervalos de 0,1. A pontuação da avaliação será o somatório
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7. O respeito a estas instruções faz parte da avaliação e interfere na nota. A interpretação faz parte da avaliação.
Development and human rights for all
Factsheet on Persons with Disabilities
Around 15 percent of the world's population, or estimated 1 billion people, live with disabilities. They are the world's largest minority.
This figure is increasing through population growth, medical advances and the ageing process, says the World Health Organization (WHO).
Eighty per cent of persons with disabilities live in developing countries, according to the UN Development Programme (UNDP).
Disability rates are significantly higher among groups with lower educational attainment in the countries of the Organization for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD), says the OECD Secretariat. On average, 19 percent of less educated people have disabilities,
compared to 11 percent among the better educated.
Women with disabilities are recognized to be multiply disadvantaged, experiencing exclusion on account of their gender and their
According to UNICEF, 30 percent of street youths have some kind of disability.
Comparative studies on disability legislation shows that only 45 countries have
anti-discrimination and other disability-specific laws.
In the United Kingdom, 75 percent of the companies of the FTSE 100 Index on the London
Stock Exchange do not meet basic levels of web accessibility, thus missing out on more than
$147 million in revenue.
Extracted from http://www.un.org/disabilities/default.asp?id=18.
Accessed on February 26, 2010.
Overview: perspectiva, visão geral
Increasing: aumentando
Attainment: resultado alcançado, nível obtido
Advances: avanços
Disability: deficiência
Ageing: envelhecimento
Figure: número, quantidade
Rates: índices, percentagem
Growth: aumento
On average: em média
Factsheet: boletim informativo
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 3º período :: matutino | 8º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 18M3Ing_2014_pro.lwp
PÁG. 1
1. Answer to the questions below based on the text above. GIVE FULL AND COMPLETE ANSWERS.
a) How much percent of the world's population live with disabilities?
b) This figure is increasing through what?
c) Among who disabilities rates are significantly higher?
2. Extract from the text one
a) sentence with an example of Gerund.
3. Match the columns according to the information in the text.
a) Worldwide percentage of people living with some form of disability.
) 19
b) Percentage of disabled people who live in developing countries.
) 45
c) Percentage of disabled people among the less-educated population.
) 30
d) Incidence of countries with legislation on disabiity.
) 15
) 80
) 11
e) Percentage of disabled people among the better educated.
4. Read the sentences below and then write in the blanks if the sentences are in the COMPARATIVE or in the SUPERLATIVE
a) Jason is the tallest boy in class.
b) São Paulo is bigger than Rio de Janeiro.
c) She is later to school today than she was yesterday.
d) I cooked the worst food in the world.
e) What is the easiest subject at school?
5. Read the information about populational growth and then answer to the questions using the comparative and the
superlative of superiority.
POPULATION OF CHINA: 1,338,612,968 (*) POPULATION OF INDIA: 1,173,079,217 (*) (*) população estimada
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 3º período :: matutino | 8º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 18M3Ing_2014_pro.lwp
PÁG. 2
a) China / India/ populous.
b) China/ populous of the two countries.
6. Write the opposities of the adjectives below and then choose two to write sentences in the comparative and in the
superlative of superiority.
a) Noisy
b) Cold
c) Slow
d) Clean
e) Dangerous
AVALIAÇÃO DISCURSIVA DE LÍNGUA INGLESA :: 3º período :: matutino | 8º ANO :: ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL | 18M3Ing_2014_pro.lwp
PÁG. 3

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