It has something to do
with my personality.
It is the type of job I like.
The subjects that we
study during the course
are very interesting, from
my point of view.
Do justice is the most
important thing in this
This job has many
responsibilities , like
being impartial with the
defendant and witnesses.
There are many
universities in the country,
and there are also many
Law Schools abroad.
Universidade de Lisboa –
Faculdade de Direito will
be the one to focus .
The three most important
subjects for admission are
Portuguese, History and
The last person that
entered this course had
138.5 as average mark.
Studying Law may
comprise three stages:
Graduation, Master´s
Degree and PhD (Doctoral
Degree) .
You study diverse subjects
but I will mention only
It is one of the courses you
can do at University when
you choose Languages and
Humanities in High School.
This is a broad area of
training: you can work in a
radio station, a television
channel, a newspaper or a
Journalists are always the
first ones to know what is
happening all over the world
and the ones o let people
know it.
Dealing with news, evidences and information disclosure.
 Improvement of the Internet.
 Search for information and let people know it
 Journalists can work in newspapers, magazines, television,
radio, websites, blogs, press offices and many other places.
 Have a good spirit of observation
 Don’t be shy and always ask everything
 Write everything
 Be curious
 Manage time and skills
 Diplomacy
 Creativity
 Qualifications
To be a journalist you need to have a graduation in Social
Sciences, Journalism or Communication Sciences.
 Journalists usually search for creative writing workshops.
 To pursue this profession you must have the professional
press card.
 After graduating you should do an internship.
In Portugal (Communication Sciences):
University of Beira Interior
University of Minho
University Nova de Lisboa - Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities
University Técnica de Lisboa – Instituto Superior of Social and Political
University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro – School of Social Sciences
and Humanities
University of Algarve – Escola Superior of Education and Communication
Instituto Superior of Maia
University Autónoma de Lisboa Luís de Camões
University Católica Portuguesa – Faculty of Philosophy
University Europeia
University Fernando Pessoa
In Portugal (Journalism):
University of Coimbra – Faculdade de Letras
Polithechnic of Lisbon – Escola Superior de Comunicação Social
In Netherlands:
Maastricht University
In the UK:
Birbek, University of London
University Nova de Lisboa - Faculty of Social Sciences and
Humanities - 168,5
Admission Examinations
One of the following exams :
04 Economy
06 Philosophy
11 History
18 Portuguese
University Católica Portuguesa – Faculty of Philosophy
University Europeia
University of Coimbra – Faculdade de Letras - 153,0
Admission Examinations
One of the following exams :
06 Philosophy
11 History
18 Portuguese
Comunicação e Ciências Sociais
Direito e Deontologia da Comunicação
Discurso dos Media
História dos Media
Mediação dos SaberesHistória dos Media
Métodos Quantitativos
Mutação dos Media
Retórica e Argumentação
Sistémica e Modelos da Informação
Sociologia da Comunicação
Teoria da Comunicação
Teoria da Imagem e da Representação
Teoria da Notícia
Teoria Política
Teorias do Drama e do Espectáculo
Opção Condicionada 1
 Comunicação Política
 Fotojornalismo: História, Teoria e Prática
 Géneros Jornalísticos
 Jornalismo Televisivo
 Produção Jornalística
Opção Condicionada 2
 Atelier de Ciberjornalismo
 Atelier de Jornalismo
 Atelier de Jornalismo Radiofónico
 Atelier de Jornalismo Televisivo
I would like to study
something related to
History even though it is a
little bit hard in Portugal;
I will probably need to
leave Portugal in search of
Intellectual motivation and scientific attitudes;
Analyze and interpret documents of various types;
Self-criticism, tolerance and understanding the diversity
of opinions.
Participation in collective activities, taking initiative and
stimulating the participation of others.
Admission tests ( one of
the following tests):
11 History
 12 History of the Culture and
 18 Portuguese
 06 Philosophy
The mark of the last
student accepted in the
University of Lisbon was
Universidade de Lisboa –
Faculdade de Letras
Universidade Nova de
Lisboa – Faculdade de
Ciências Sociais e
Universidade do Porto –
Faculdade de Letras
Universidade de Coimbra
– Faculdade de Letras
1st semester :
História de Antiguidade Clássica
História da Antiguidade PréClássica
História Contemporânea de
História do Cristianismo
História e Cultura da Pérsia
História da Europa
História das Ideias Políticas:
Idade Média
História Medieval: Política e
História do Islão Medieval
2nd Semestre:
História das Culturas da
Antiguidade Clássica
História das Culturas da
Antiguidade Pré-Clássica
História e Cultura Inglesa
História e Cultura Moderna
História das Ideias na Europa
História do Inglês Americano
História da língua Inglesa
História Militar Medieval
História Moderna de Portugal
História Moderna: Política e
Sociology is the study of
human behavior, its
origins, expansion,
organization and
The traditional focuses of
sociology include social
satisfaction, social class,
social mobility, religion,
law and deviance.
Universidade do Algarve –
Faculdade de Economia in
ISCTE – Instituto
Universitário de Lisboa;
Universidade da Beira
A Bachelor’s degree in
these universities takes 6
1st year
2nd year
Data Analysis
Data analysis III
Political science
History and Philosophy of
Methods and techniques of
sociological research I
Inequality and social
Sociology workshop I
Social physiology;
Qualitative methods
General sociology I
General sociology III
Option I
Classical sociological
theories I
Contemporary sociological
Sociology of the family
Data analysis IIII
Sociology workshop II
Data Analysis II
Option II
Contemporary history;
Sociology of Organizations
General sociology II
Methods and techniques of
sociological research II
Sociology of terrorism
Classical sociological
theories II
Contemporary sociological
theories II
Sociology of tourism
University of California Berkley;
Harvard University;
University of California, Los Angeles;
London School of Economics and Political Science;
Columbia University.

Apresentação 6