SYLLABUS Programme: Occupational Therapy Title of course unit: Personal Development II Year:1 Semester:2 ECTS credits:1,5 CNAEF area:090 Student workload in hours Contact Total Theoretical Lectures 37,5 Theoreticalpractical Lectures 15 Laboratory Classes Supervised Field Work AutonoSeminars Placements Tutorials mous 22,5 Summary The Personal Development II Course is intended as a space / time analysis and self-knowledge, providing opportunities for the development of personal, social and professional skills. The content provided in this course include the presentation, knowledge and understanding of the models that have been used in understanding and I (s) Other (s), mainly from the perspective of personal development.. Therefore this course has as main objective to provide students with a scientific expert in the field of personal development, relating to occupational therapy practice, allowing them to develop skills of self, relationship with the Other and with the group, and action leading to good practice. Course Contents 1.Personal and social education. 2. Development of critical thinking and creative. 3. Values and beliefs. 4. Development of Self and Relationship (s) Other (s). 5. Gender factors in interpersonal relationships. 6. Management of positive emotions. 7. Promoting personal well-being and social development. Recommended or required reading Required: Campos, B.P. (1991). Educação e desenvolvimento pessoal e social. Porto: Edições Afrontamento. Duarte,T. (2007).Recovery da doença mental: uma visão para os sistemas e serviços de saúde mental. Análise Psicológica,1 (XXV):127-133; Fachada,M.(2000).Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais .Lisboa: Rumo; Goleman, D.(2000).Inteligência emocional. Lisboa: Temas e Debates; Helman,C. (2003).Cultura, Saúde e Doença. São Paulo: ARTMED; Hofstede, G. (2003). Culturas e Organizações. Compreender a nossa organização mental. Le Boterf, G. (2003). Desenvolvendo a Competência dos Profissionais. Porto Alegre: Artme Lisboa: Edições Sílabo; MOREIRA, P. (2001).Para uma prevenção que previna. Coimbra: Quarteto; Moreira, P. (2001). Para uma prevenção que previna. Coimbra: Quarteto. Ornelas, J.(2008).Psicologia Comunitária. Lisboa: Fim de Século; Ribeiro, J. (2007).Introdução à Psicologia da Saúde. Coimbra: Quarteto; Seijo, J. (Coord.)(2003). Mediação de conflitos em instituições educativas. Manual para a Formação de Mediadores. Porto: ASA; Página 1 de 2 Sequeira, J. (1998). Desenvolvimento Pessoal. Lisboa: Monitor Shinn,M.(2007). Contextos comunitários favoráveis ao bem-estar. Análise Psicológica, 1 (XXV): 35-61; Vaz Serra, A. (1999).O Stress na vida de todos os dias. Coimbra: Gráfica de Coimbra. Recommended: WEBGRAFIA Associacion psicológica iberoamericana de clinica y salud ( American psychological association ( British psychological society ( Division 38- health psychology- american psychological association ( Division of health psychology of bps ( European health psychology society ( World health organization ( Revista psicologia, saúde e doença ( Sociedade portuguesa de psicologia da saúde ( Learning outcomes On successful completion of this course unit, the student should be able to: Understanding Identity as personal and social entity. Recognize the impact of the relationship with the Self (s) Other (s), considering the gender perspective. Understand the importance of values in shaping the character and understanding (s) Other (s). Understand the problems of intra-and interpersonal nature. How to manage positive emotions Planned learning activities and teaching methods It will appeal to different strategies of teaching and learning, including exhibitions, debates in small and large groups, the analysis of case studies, viewing of videos, group dynamics, simulation situations, the exploitation and analysis of various documents. Contribution to the acquisition and development of specific skills Fundamental: Understanding the strategies that allow self-knowledge. Provide skills development to enable personal harmony Complementary: To train future professionals to learn to establish positive interpersonal relations. Partial: Know how to articulate the knowledge of personal development with the practice of occupational therapy. Evaluation methods and criteria Individual Portfolio: "Booking of Personal Identity" (100%) Página 2 de 2