PAULA, Saul Ferraz de2; PESERICO, Anahlú5; TAVARES, Daniel6; GUERRA,
Leonardo5; PREVEDELLO, Bruna6 ; GRANDO, Maristel Kasper7; RANGEL,
Rosiane Filipin8
Work with health education under the vision of the new paradigm, comes new ways
of enabling construct teaching/learning, in which defends a model of health
democratizado and politicized amidst the wonder, in which the health education by
means of playfulness, becomes an innovative proposal in the construction of being.
Thus, in order to report a experiencing a health educational activities, students and
teachers of undergraduate and nursing technician of Centro Universitário
Franciscano (UNIFRA) – attended the event “healthy community” that occurs
annually in São Vicente do Sul/RS, Brazil, with the support of Instituto Federal
Farroupilha.Through a theatrical staging, dialogue and dynamics, an informal
relationship between educators, academics and community awareness, seeking a
guided through a creative proposal. It is the importance of health education and the
need for proactive and innovative ideas with nurses to provide a differentiated and
individualized care.
Keywords: Nursing; Health education; Community health nursing.
In contemporary nursing, there is an emerging model of health education that
involves appreciation of the subject as a carry a know, although distinguished from
professional scientific technical knowledge of nursing1. Work with health education
under the vision of the new paradigm, comes new ways of enabling construct
Relato de experiência
Autor e relator. Acadêmico do curso de Enfermagem do 4º semestre do Centro Universitário Franciscano
(UNIFRA), Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. E-mail: [email protected]
Autora. Professora Mestre em Enfermagem do curso de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Franciscano
(UNIFRA), Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. [email protected]
Autora. Professora Mestre em Enfermagem do curso de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Franciscano
(UNIFRA), Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. [email protected] 5 Autora. Acadêmico do curso de Enfermagem
do 6º semestre do Centro Universitário Franciscano (UNIFRA), Santa Maria, RS, Brasil.
[email protected].
Autor. Acadêmico do curso de Enfermagem do 3º semestre do Centro Universitário Franciscano (UNIFRA),
Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. [email protected]
Autor. Acadêmico do curso de Enfermagem do 3º semestre do Centro Universitário Franciscano (UNIFRA),
Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. [email protected]
Autora. Acadêmico do curso de Enfermagem do 3º semestre do Centro Universitário Franciscano (UNIFRA),
Santa Maria, RS, Brasil. [email protected]
teaching/learning, in which defends a model of health democratizado and politicized
amidst the wonder, in which the health education by means of playfulness, becomes
an innovative proposal in construction of be. Nurse educators must have the view
that "learning" means a process that enables changing of the subjects involved in the
task, to increase the capacity of group and individual understanding of reality and
construction of means to transform it2.
In this context, the nursing comes looking for new ways to work with the
educational process with the customer, taking advantage of public spaces where the
community can interact with professionals, to establish exchanges of experience
healthy, for a better quality of life. Nursing in all its cientificidade, playfulness and
entrepreneurship must work the pro-activity of your customers, making it the
protagonist of your health-disease process.
Report the experiences of a health educational activities developed in Healthy
Community event.
This is a story about a work experience at the event "healthy community 2012"
promoted by the Instituto Federal Farroupilha, campus São Vicente do Sul. The 7th
Edition of the same occurred on 14 April 2012, depicting the world health day.
The invitation to participate in the activity came through two teachers of
nursing of the Centro Universitário Franciscano UNIFRA –, which had participated in
the previous edition. After the invitation, began the planning and organization of
activities, in weekly meetings of the team, being organized with the goal of creating
an informal relationship between educators , academics and community, seeking
awareness through health education, with works based on a creative proposal and
themes of relevance to health.
The booth of nursing planned and offered three activities: nursing in childbirth
in São Vicente, nurse for a day and an overflow of health.
The theatrical staging: nursing in childbirth in São Vicente was the
representation of a pregnant woman and her familiar problematizando the form of
care and reception at the time of delivery, with the aim of attracting such a public
booth in nursing.
In nurse for a day, used a box containing internally a mirror, in which the participant
wore the nursing lab coat and looked at what was inside that, after talking about the
health of a person which was reflected in the mirror.
An overflow of health activity consisting of a snowman EVA on a styrofoam
was prescribed representative points of balloons in the human body that related
health problems, such as: hypertension, diabetes, Stds, among others. The client
was invited to pop the balloon to represent the subject that it would like to obtain
The nurse involved in health education lecture to critical production has
passed the careful agreeing with UNESCO³ report on business education in the 21st
century that States that she is able to equip the humanity of the ideals of peace,
freedom and social justice.
Educational and playful activities carried out were committed to nursing a
transformative educational model and innovative, enhancing the dialogue and the
reception of natural and holistic way individuals, promoting healthier lifestyles for the
community as a whole. Prevention and health promotion, in addition to the
involvement of the citizen in decision-making on issues that involve in your health
and your community are relevant issues. To this end, the event "healthy community"
has contributed effectively to the building of a healthier society.
The educational activity has contributed to the construction of a transformative
educational model, with the enhancement of dialogue and sharing of healthier
lifestyles, as well as strengthen training of nurses and proactive with innovative ideas
to provide a differentiated and individualized care.
It is important that this idea of a "fair" to propose health is taken to other cities,
because of the relevance of the actions worked not only on the aspects of health, but
also cultural.
1 Alves VS. Health education and formation of subject: challenges to care in the family health
Program [dissertation]. Salvador (BA): Universidade Federal da Bahia; 2004.
2 Grando MK; Ferreira SR; Dall agnol ''; Olschowsky a. El interjuego de papeles en el
proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje from la técnica de operating group. Rev Panamericana de
Enfermería. 2005; 3 (2): 146-52.
3 Delors J, organizer. Education: a treasure to discover. Report to UNESCO of the
International Commission on education for the twenty-first century. 2nd ed. São Paulo:
Cortez; 1999.
4 Bastable SB. O Nurse as educator: principles of teaching and learning for the practice of
nursing. 3rd ed. Porto Alegre: Artmed; 2010.

a enfermagem no evento comunidade saudável: uma