POLITECHNIC INSTITUTE OF GUARDA SCHOOL OF HEALTH DESCRIPTION OF CURRICULAR UNIT Curricular Unit: MEDICAL-SURGICAL NURSING II – NURSING IV MODULE Scientific Área: NURSING CÓDE: 723 DEGREE: NURSING YEAR: 1º ECTS CRÉDITS: 8,0 2º 3º Regime: Compulsatory 4º Option Semestre: 1º Tipe: Anual 2º Semester Other Work Hours: Theory (T) Teórethical Aplication (TP) Laboratorial Work (PL) Fieldwork (TC) Seminar (S) * Detail: 108 44 Work Experience (E) Tutorial (OT) Independent Study (IS) Assessement (A) Other (O*) 8 TOTAL 216 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CURRICULAR UNIT The module on Medical-Surgical Nursing II covers physiopathology, signals and symptoms, study methods, prevention and treatment of patients in various medical surgical pathologies, with the theoretical foundation for scientific knowledge for providing medical-surgical nursing care in its three levels of prevention. CONTENTS SURGERY PATIENTS: pre-op, peri-op and post-op nursing care; principles of assepsia during surgery; nursing care of the patient following anaesthesia. NURSING CARE AT THE THREE LEVELS OF PREVENTION FOR THE PATIENT WITH PROBLEMS CAUSED BY MEDICAL-SURGICAL AFFECTIONS: nursing care, techniques and complementary diagnostic exams for digestive tract affections; techniques and complementary diagnostic exams for urinary tract affections; affections of the genital organs and the male reproductive system; burns, reparatory surgery and techniques and complementary diagnostic exams for affections by physical and osteo-articular agents; techniques and complementary diagnostic exams for orthotraumatological affections, immobilisation methods, affections of the spine and muscular-articular kinesiotherapy; neurological surgical affections, encephalitic cranial traumatism, medular vertebral traumatism, cerebral tumor and cranial surgery, vesicular reeducation and intestinal reeducation; affections by chemical agents (poisoning). NURSING IN EMERGENCIES AND CATASTROPHES: polytraumatised patients and cardiopulmonary arrest patients – advanced life support. BIBLIOGRAPHY ATKINSON, Lucy (1994).Técnicas de quirófano de Berry y Konh. 7ªed., Interamericana, México. AYUSO, D.; PARRA, M. L. (1998). Cuidados de enfermeria al paciente com traumatismo térmico severo. SpringerVerlag Ibérica, Barcelona. GOMES, Dino (2001). Condutas actuais em queimaduras. ed. revinter, Rio de Janeiro. GUELER, Rodolfo F.(1990). Grande tratado de enfermagem. 3ª. Ed. Editora Brasileira. HENRIQUES, Fernando Manuel (2004). Paraplegia. Ed. Sinais Vitais, Coimbra. LIMA, A. et al.(1992). Métodos de laboratório aplicados à clínica: técnica e interpretação. 7.ª ed., Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro. LIPMAN; Bradford; CASCIO, Toni (2001). ECG – Avaliação e interpretação. ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. LORENTE, J. A.; ESTEBAN, A. (1998). El paciente quemado. Springer-Verlag Ibérica, Barcelona. MCSWEENEY, . (1990). Reações psicológicas do doente queimado. Nursing. Dez. ano 3, nº 35, pag. 22-26. MEEKER, M.; ROTHROCK, J. (1997). Alexander – Cuidados de enfermagem ao paciente cirúrgico. 10.ª ed., Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro. METZGER, Christiane; MULLER, André et al (2002). Cuidados de Enfermagem e dor – avaliação da dor modalidades de tratamento psicológico do doente. Ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. NETINA, S. M. (1998). Prática de enfermagem. 6ª ed. Goanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro. PHIPPS, Wilma J.; SANDS, Judith K.; MAREK, Jane F. (2003). Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica. Conceitos e Prática Clínica. Ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. PRADO, F. C.; VALLE, J. R. (1991). Actualização terapêutica prática de diagnóstico e tratamento. 15 edição. Ed. Artes Médica. SANTOS, N. C. M. (2003). Urgência e emergência para a enfermagem. ed. Iátria, S. Paulo. SWEARINGEN, Pamela L; KEEN, Janet Hicks (2003). Manual de Enfermagem de Cuidados Intensivos – Intervenções de Enfermagem Independentes e Interdependentes. 4.ª edição. Ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. SHEEHY,S (2001). Enfermagem de Urgência – da Teoria à Prática. 4ª Edição. Ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. TINTINALLI, J. E.; RUIZ, E. E. et al (1996). Emergências médicas. 4ª edição. MCGraw Hill, Rio de Janeiro. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Gain knowledge of physiopathology, signals and symptoms, study methods, prevention and treatment of patients with varied medical-surgical pathologies. Gain knowledge to provide care to medical-surgical patients at the three levels of prevention. Gain enough theoretical knowledge in medical nursing to respond knowledgeably and positively in the periods of on-going and final assessment. Understand the individual patient and the implications resulting from the illness at a a personal, family and community level. Develop the ability to articulate knowledge for preceding curricular units. Identify, plan, execute and assess nursing care for patients with medical-surgical affections at the three levels of prevention. Fundamental: 1;2,3;4;5; 6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;14;15; 16;20;23;24;25;26;34;41; 44; 46; 49; 50;53;54;58; 60; 62; 63; 64; 65; 68;70;83;85;88;93 Complementar: Parcial: 17; 18; 19; 21; 22; 27; 28;29; 30; 31; 32; 33; 35; 36; 37;38; 45, 47; 48; 51; 52,55;56;57;59;61; 66;69;72;74;78; 79;81;82;86; 87;91;92;94;95;96. 39;40;42;43;67;71;73;75;76;77; 80;84; 89;90 Observations: 1. The referential competences are based on the Portuguese Nurses Association (Ordem dos Enfermeiros) framework of competences for generalist nurses, numbered in the order of the attached list; 2. The contribution is classified as: a. Fundamental, if the curricular unit is determinant; b. Complementary, if it is complemented by a fundamental curricular unit; c. Partial, if there are more curricular units with the same importance TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Student-centred learning to develop organisational, control and assessment abilities within the learning process. Lectures, demonstrations and autonomous and oriented discovery for overall student development. During the tutorial sessions, the teacher will work with small groups of students to guide them and support their individual study or their projects/assignments. ASSESSMENT On-going assessment with one written test (70%), class participation and 75% compulsory attendance in lectures (15%), one individual and group project with oral presentation and discussion (15%). POLITECHNIC INSTITUTE OF GUARDA SCHOOL OF HEALTH DESCRIPTION OF CURRICULAR UNIT Curricular Unit: MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING II – MEDICAL-SURGICAL PATHOLOGY II MODULE Scientific Area: MEDICINE CÓDE: 721 DEGREE: NURSING YEAR: 1º ECTS CRÉDITS : 3,0 2º 3º Regime: Compulsatory 4º Option Semestre: 1º Tipe: Anual 2º Semester Other Work Hours: Theory (T) Teórethical Aplication (TP) Laboratorial Work (PL) Fieldwork (TC) Seminar (S) * Detail: 35 12 Work Experience (E) Tutorial (OT) Independent Study (IS) Assessement (A) Other (O*) 8 TOTAL 81 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CURRICULAR UNIT The module on Medical-Surgical Nursing II covers physiopathology, signals and symptoms, study methods, prevention and treatment of patients in various medical surgical pathologies. CONTENTS The evolution of surgery. The surgery patient: surgical act; pre-op, peri-op and post-op, anaesthesia. Medical surgical affections: of the digestive tract; of the liver and bile pathways; of the pancreas; severe specific abdomen situations; urinary affections; affection of the genital organs and male reproductive system; surgical neurological affections. Affections by physical and chemical agents: osteo-articular affections, burns and reparatory surgery. Emergencies: polytraumatised and the patient in cardiopulmonary arrest – advanced life support. BIBLIOGRAPHY ATKINSON, Lucy (1994).Técnicas de quirófano de Berry y Konh. 7ªed., Interamericana, México. AYUSO, D.; PARRA, M. L. (1998). Cuidados de enfermeria al paciente com traumatismo térmico severo. SpringerVerlag Ibérica, Barcelona. GOMES, Dino (2001). Condutas actuais em queimaduras. ed. revinter, Rio de Janeiro. GUELER, Rodolfo F.(1990). Grande tratado de enfermagem. 3ª. Ed. Editora Brasileira. HENRIQUES, Fernando Manuel (2004). Paraplegia. Ed. Sinais Vitais, Coimbra. LÉSICO, Ana;; AMARAL, Vanessa (2005). Apoio ao doente queimado. nº 200. Junho, pag. 35-39, Lisboa. LIPMAN; Bradford; CASCIO, Toni (2001). ECG – Avaliação e interpretação. ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. LORENTE, J. A.; ESTEBAN, A. (1998). El paciente quemado. Springer-Verlag Ibérica, Barcelona. MCSWEENEY . (1990). Reações psicológicas do doente queimado. Nursing. Dez. ano 3, nº 35, pag. 22-26. MEEKER, M.; ROTHROCK, J. (1997). Alexander – Cuidados de enfermagem ao paciente cirúrgico. 10.ª ed., Guanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro. METZGER, Christiane; MULLER, André et al (2002). Cuidados de Enfermagem e dor – avaliação da dor modalidades de tratamento psicológico do doente. Ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. NETINA, S. M. (1998). Prática de enfermagem. 6ª ed. Goanabara Koogan, Rio de Janeiro. PEREIRA, M. A. C. D. (2005). A infecção exógena no doente queimado, Nursing, n.º 197, pag. 46-49. PHIPPS, Wilma J.; SANDS, Judith K.; MAREK, Jane F. (2003). Enfermagem Médico-Cirúrgica. Conceitos e Prática Clínica. Ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. PRADO, F. C.; VALLE, J. R. (1991). Actualização terapêutica prática de diagnóstico e tratamento. 15 edição. Ed. Artes Médica. SANTOS, N. C. M. (2003). Urgência e emergência para a enfermagem. ed. Iátria, S. Paulo. SWEARINGEN, Pamela L; KEEN, Janet Hicks (2003). Manual de Enfermagem de Cuidados Intensivos – Intervenções de Enfermagem Independentes e Interdependentes. 4.ª edição. Ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. SEELEY, Rod R.; STEPHENS, Trent; TATE, Philips (2001). Anatomia e Fisiologia. 3ª edição. Ed. Lusodidacta, Lisboa. SHEEHY,S (2001). Enfermagem de Urgência – da Teoria à Prática. 4ª Edição. Ed. Lusociência, Lisboa. TINTINALLI, J. E.; RUIZ, E. E. et al (1996). Emergências médicas. 4ª edição. MCGraw Hill, Rio de Janeiro. TRINDADE, A.; LOURINHA, D. (1996). Cuidados de enfermagem a doentes queimados. Enfermagem em Foco, ano VI, nº 22, Fev/Abril, pag. 43. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Know the bases of the physiopathological process to understand the alterations produced by illness in humans. Gain knowledge of physiopathology, signals and symptoms, study methods, prevention and treatment of patients with varied medical-surgical pathologies. Understand the individual patient and the implications resulting from the illness at a a personal, family and community level. Develop the ability to articulate knowledge for preceding curricular units. CONTRIBUTION TO THE ACQUISITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF COMPETENCES FOR THE GENERALIST NURSE Fundamental: Complementar: Parcial: 10; 38; 77 1; 2; 3; 4; 12; 13; 14; 17; 20; 25; 30; 33; 35; 37; 39; 52; 55; 56; 57; 58; 69; 71; 75; 76; 78; 84 5 a 9; 11; 13 a 16; 18; 19; 21 a 24; 26 a 29; 31; 32; 34; 36; 40 a 51; 53; 54; 59 a 68; 70; 72 a 74; 79 a 83; 85 a 96. Observations: 1. The referential competences are based on the Portuguese Nurses Association (Ordem dos Enfermeiros) framework of competences for generalist nurses, numbered in the order of the attached list; 2. The contribution is classified as: a. Fundamental, if the curricular unit is determinant; b. Complementary, if it is complemented by a fundamental curricular unit; c. Partial, if there are more curricular units with the same importance TEACHING/LEARNING STRATEGIES Student-centred learning to develop organisational, control and assessment abilities within the learning process. Lectures, demonstrations and autonomous and oriented discovery for overall student development. During the tutorial sessions, the teacher will work with small groups of students to guide them and support their individual study or their projects/assignments. ASSESSMENT On-going assessment with one written test (70%), class participation and 75% compulsory attendance in lectures (15%), one individual and group project with oral presentation and discussion (15%).