t is with great satisfaction that I present the first issue of the 2013 Acta
Paulista de Enfermagem. When I accepted the role to be chief editor
of this journal, my first idea was to develop an editorial project which
would place us among the best international nursing journals.
We began with the professionalization of the editorial office, adopting
ScholarOne which is an international reference system that processes online
web submission of manuscripts by authors and enables the flow of review
and evaluation by means of intervention of the chief editor, associate editors
and ad-hoc peer reviewers. The layout of articles began to be conducted in
the editorial office of Acta, and soon, we will adopt the system of intelligent
marking in the XML format, required by PubMed Central.
To collaborate with authors and readers we are using social networks to
disseminate information about how to write original articles, the scientific
method of investigation, and the essential steps for planning and developing
of scientific research: how to develop a research plan and its corresponding
project; formulating the object of the research; review of specialized literature; selection and application of research instruments; the collection, management, and analysis of data; presentation of results; editing and the choice
of ways for disseminating results; and, employing critical analysis in reading
articles of scientific dissemination related to your research topic.
Our new journal website (www.unifesp.br/acta) is dynamic, interactive
and pleasing to the reader, presenting all the necessary information for collaborators: readers, authors and reviewers.
I believe that the quality of the original articles published should contribute to the advancement of nursing knowledge and increase the level of
citation and the applicability of the information provided by the Acta Paulista de Enfermagem, making it an excellent vehicle for the dissemination of
scientific knowledge in nursing generated through the rigor of the research
methodology and of ethics.
Sonia Maria Oliveira de Barros
Original Articles
Repercussion of noise in the neonatal intensive care unit
Repercussões do ruído na unidade de terapia intensiva neonatal
Gabriela Menossi Grecco, Miriam Harumi Tsunemi, Maria Magda Ferreira Gomes Balieiro, Tereza Yoshiko Kakehashi, Eliana
Moreira Pinheiro������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 3
Myocardial revascularization: strategies for coping
with the disease and the surgical process
Revascularização miocárdica: estratégias para o enfrentamento da doença e do processo cirúrgico
Cintia Koerich, Maria Aparecida Baggio, Alacoque Lorenzini Erdmann, Gabriela Marcellino de Melo Lanzoni, Giovana
Dorneles Callegaro Higashi.......................................................................................................................................................10
Chronic low back pain: pain intensity, disability and quality of life
Dor lombar crônica: intensidade de dor, incapacidade e qualidade de vida
Thais Stefane, Amanda Munari dos Santos, Adriano Marinovic, Priscilla Hortense....................................................................16
Comprehension of undergraduate students in
nursing and medicine on patient safety
Compreensão de alunos de cursos de graduação em enfermagem e medicina sobre segurança
do paciente
Jamile Mika Yoshikawa, Bruna Elisa Catin de Sousa, Maria Angélica Sorgini Peterlini, Denise Miyuki Kusahara, Mavilde da Luz
Gonçalves Pedreira, Ariane Ferreira Machado Avelar.................................................................................................................23
Agreement between nurses regarding patients’
risk for developing pressure ulcer
Concordância entre enfermeiros quanto ao risco dos pacientes para úlcera por pressão
Carla Maria Fonseca Simão, Maria Helena Larcher Caliri, Claudia Benedita dos Santos...........................................................32
User assessment of a digital learning environment
Avaliação de um ambiente digital de aprendizagem pelo usuário
Maria Gorete Lucena de Vasconcelos, Fernanda dos Santos Nogueira de Góes, Luciana Mara Monti Fonseca, Laiane Medeiros
Ribeiro, Carmen Gracinda Silvan Scochi ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 38
Administration of medications for children born
exposed to human immune deficiency virus
Administração de medicamentos para crianças nascidas expostas ao vírus da imunodeficiência
Julyana Gomes Freitas, Gilmara Holanda da Cunha, Léa Maria Moura Barroso, Marli Teresinha Gimeniz Galvão....................44
Elderly persons in a situation of dependence:
informal caregiver stress and coping
Idoso em situação de dependência: estresse e coping do cuidador informal
Bruno Miguel Parrinha Rocha, José Eusébio Palma Pacheco......................................................................................................52
Polymyxin B: Dose and time dependent nephrotoxicity effect in vitro
Polimixina B: efeito dose e tempo dependente na nefrotoxicidade in vitro
Luciana Barros de Moura Neiva, Cassiane Dezoti da Fonseca, Mirian Watanabe, Maria de Fátima Fernandes Vattimo.............59
Meaning of workload on the view of cleaning professionals
Significado de cargas no trabalho sob a ótica de operacionais de limpeza
Júlia Trevisan Martins, Renata Perfeito Ribeiro, Maria Cristina Cescatto Bobroff, Maria Helena Palucci Marziale, Maria Lúcia
do Carmo Cruz Robazzi, Aida Cruz Mendes.............................................................................................................................65
Spirituality of relatives of patients hospitalized in intensive care unit
Espiritualidade dos familiares de pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva
Letícia Preti Schleder, Lucineia Stach Parejo, Ana Cláudia Puggina, Maria Júlia Paes da Silva....................................................73
Nursing time in a diagnostic imaging center: development of an instrument
Tempo de enfermagem em Centro de Diagnóstico por Imagem: desenvolvimento de instrumento
Carla Weidle Marques da Cruz, Raquel Rapone Gaidzinski.......................................................................................................81
Perception of nursing professionals on sexuality
in people with mental disorders
Percepção de trabalhadores de enfermagem sobre sexualidade de portadores de transtornos
Gisela Cardoso Ziliotto, João Fernando Marcolan.....................................................................................................................88
Qualify of life and daily activities performance after breast cancer treatment
Qualidade de vida e desempenho de atividades cotidianas após tratamento das neoplasias
Leticia Meda Vendrusculo Fangel, Marislei Sanches Panobianco, Leonardo Martins Kebbe, Ana Maria de Almeida, Thais de
Oliveira Gozzo..........................................................................................................................................................................95
Assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients with chronic
kidney disease according to Framingham’s criteria
Avaliação do risco cardiovascular de pacientes renais crônicos segundo critérios de Framingham
Cláudia Bernardi Cesarino, Patricia Peruche Borges, Rita de Cássia Helú Mendonça Ribeiro, Daniele Fávaro Ribeiro, Luciana

APE editorial 26(1) - ingles.indd