Description of individual course units / Descrição das unidades curriculares English Degree programme in: Nursing Course title: Nursing of medical-surgical specialties Type of course: Compulsory ECTS: 6,5 rd Year/semester: 3 year / 1 st semester Name of the lecturer: Maria Dulce Santiago Soares Objectives of the course: - To develop knowledge and understanding of nursing interventions to the patient in acute /critical situation and in areas of medical-surgical speciality - To develop problem-solving abilities problems resolution capacity, articulating the current knowledge with the preceding course units - To develop the capacity of oral and written communication in the themes of the course contents. Prerequisites: Not applicable Course Contents: - The critical patient in an intensive care unit. - The patient in the urgency service. - The care of the patient in critical condition. - Ethical questions in the approach of the critical patient. - The patient in a transplant program. - The patient with skeletal-muscular problems. - The cancer patient with cancer. Bibliography: Hudak, Gallo (1997), Cuidados Intensivos de Enfermagem – uma abordagem Holistica, 6ª Ed., Guanabara Koogan. Sheely, Susan (2001), Enfermagem de Urgência – da teoria à prática. Loures, Ed. Lusociência. Tifanny, Robert (1998), Oncology for nurses and health care professionals, Harper & Row Publishers, London. Teaching methods: Explanatory and interactive; group work group; case study. Assessment methods: Written tests; group assignments. Language of instruction: Portuguese