MANUAL DO CURSO {Descrição das Unidades Curriculares}
Progam: 3rd Cycle; 180 ECTS
Curricular Unit (UC) Code: 1912098
Course Nº: 5571
year: 1º
Semester: 1º
ECTS: 1,5
Português/ English
Scientific Area:
History, Theory and
Code: HTC
Professor :
Doutor Eduardo Côrte-Real,
Prof. Associate
IADE-U Scientific Are:
History, Theory and Critique
UC Designation: Presentation Seminar
Academic Year: 2013-2014
Total working hours : 39h
:Lectures: 5h
T - Theoretical, TP - Theoretical-practical, PL – Laboratoriail, TC – Field Work,
S - Seminar,
E – Internship, OT - Tutorial, O – Other
Objectivos de aprendizagem (conhecimentos, aptidões e competências a desenvolver pelos estudantes)
Objectives of the curricular unit and competences:
Present the Doctoral program.
Develop Skills in critical listening of a lecture.
Develop Skill in studying and utilizing proposed literature
Conteúdos programáticos
Presentation of the Doctoral Program; A Brief History of Doctoral studies in Design: From the 1998 Ohio
Conference to the CURE, Cumulus Research Group report in 2008; European models versus US models: Aalto
University (former UIAH); the Royal College of Art e o Politecnico Milano vs Illinois Institute of Technology e a
North Carolina University.
The Design research associations and their main areas of action.
The main journals and conferences; relevant on-line resources; The program structure and the doctoral
research structure: 3 ways: 1) dissertation by project; 2) dissertation by thesis; 3) dissertation through a body of work.
Demonstração da coerência dos conteúdos programáticos com os objectivos da unidade curricular
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s objectives.
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s objectives.
In a doctoral seminar, the Syllabus is designed to refer to the curricular unit objectives, namely:
Awareness of the goals to achieve in the doctoral program related with the institutional research goals
Awareness of the work structure and the quality assurance measures and assessment in the program
Knowledge about the resources both physical and digital for research
Knowledge about the history of the doctoral programs in Design and the major research associations and institutions.
knowledge about the general skills required to completion: literature research; team work; creative thinking; reasoning; organize a pilot
study/a critical argumentation/theorize over a body of work; validate a research.
Metodologias de ensino (avaliação incluída)
Teaching methodologies (including evaluation):
Lectures with discussion. The evaluation is done through the demonstration done in the paper developed in
the curricular units of "Academic Writing in English" and "Research Topic" of the knowledge in the literature discussed in the seminar. The
assessment will be conducted by the responsible member of faculty in the interval between 0 and 20.
Demonstração da coerência das metodologias de ensino com os objectivos de aprendizagem da unidade curricular
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit’s objectives.
Being a doctoral seminar, the curricular unit's objectives are coherent with teaching methodologies through
the participation in the lectures, the readings and the resulting knowledge application in a structural document for the doctoral research.
Bibliografia principal (Main Readings:
CORTE-REAL, Eduardo (coord.), The Triumph of Design, O Triunfo do Desenho, Lisboa: Livros
Horizonte/UNIDCOM – IADE, 2010
CORTE-REAL, Eduardo (coord) “Doctoral Supervison Workshop” in A Idade da Imagem, nº 3. série. 2
Maio/Agosto 2005, Lisboa: Centro Editorial do IADE, 2005 pp 18-148
FRAYLING, Christopher, “Research in Art and Design”, in Royal College of Art Research Papers, Volume One,
number one, 1993/1994Londres: Royal College of Art, 1994
VÁRIOS, Doctoral Education in Design Proceedings of the Ohio Conference, 8-11 October 1998, Pittsburgh:
Carnegie Mellon University, 1999
VÁRIOS, PhD in Design
IADE-U | Instituto de Arte, Design e Empresa – Universitário

Objectives of the curricular unit and competences: Present