Curricular Unit Great Books (5.5 ECTS) – 45 hours Study cycle to which the curricular unit belongs (with academic semester and scholar year) BA in Social and Cultural Communication – 1st semester – 2014/2015 Responsible academic staff member and lecturing load in the curricular unit Maria Alexandra Ambrósio Lopes Learning outcomes of the curricular unit The course will explore the vast and diversified corpus of the western literary canon through a selection of works that continue to influence contemporary life. It aims at teaching how to read the world in a critical and plural way. As a theoretical-practical discipline within the framework of subjects that provide additional education in the B.A. in Social and Cultural Communication it fulfills a general formative role in the preparation of future professionals who will work in the area of media and cultural relations providing them with a cultural framework. The course aims at fostering the critical competence of reading and interpreting texts, promoting not only interdisciplinary relations and historical, social, political, literary and cultural contextualization, but also the development of competences in argumentation and in oral and written expression. Syllabus In this semester we focus on five books that changed the way society perceived the condition of women in the context of patriarchy and the transformation of the discourses about the body and gender: Gustave Flaubert’s Madam Bovary (1857), Leo Tolstoi’s Anna Karenina (1877), Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House (1879) and Virginia Woolf’s A Room of One’s Own (1929). As further readings, allowing debate and evaluation of the posterities of such questions, the course proposes several essays of theory and criticism. Teaching methodologies (including evaluation) Teaching: The teaching methodology rests on the articulation of expository moments led by the teacher and previously scheduled students’ oral interventions. The program starts with an introduction to the history and theories of feminism and to the issue of women rights, followed by the analysis of and commentary on essential works through the examination of the posterity and topicality of themes. During weekly office hours, students will benefit from an individualized support given by the teacher in the preparation of their work. Evaluation: Evaluation is continuous and attendance is mandatory. Evaluation takes into account the following aspects: Participation: 20%; Take-home assignments: 15% 2 Tests: 25%+40% Evidence of plagiarism will result in the student’s exclusion from the evaluation process. Main bibliography Primary texts FLAUBERT, Gustave (1991), Madame Bovary, trad. João Pedro de Andrade, Lisboa: Relógio d’Água [11857]. TOLSTOI, Lev (2006), Anna Karénina, trad. António Pescada, Lisboa: Relógio d’Água [11877]. WOOLF, Virginia (2005), Um Quarto Só para Si, trad. Maria de Lurdes Guimarães, Lisboa: Relógio d’ Água [11929]. A selection of critical readings of the three works will be made available on the seminar’s site. Selected secondary reading BEAUVOIR, Simone de (2008), O Segundo Sexo, trad. Sérgio Milliet, Lisboa: Quetzal [11948]. BUTLER, Judith (2004), ‘Performative acts and gender constitution: an essay in phenomenology and feminist theory’, Henry Bial (ed.), The Performance Studies Reader, Londres/Nova Iorque: Routledge, pp. 154-166. BUTLER, Judith (1990), Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, Londres/Nova Iorque: Routledge. GIDDENS, Anthony (1995), Transformações da Intimidade. Sexualidade, Amor e Erotismo nas Sociedades Modernas, trad. Rosa Maria Perez, Oeiras: Celta. HANNAM, June (2007), Feminism, Harlow: Pearson. MACEDO, Ana Gabriela e Ana Luísa Amaral (org.) (2005), Dicionário da Crítica Feminista, Porto: Afrontamento. MACEDO, Ana Gabriela (org.) (2002), Género, Identidade e Desejo. Antologia Crítica do Feminismo Contemporâneo, Lisboa: Livros Cotovia. Nussbaum, Martha C. (1990), Love’s Knowledge. Essays on Philosophy and Literature, Oxford e Nova Iorque: Oxford University Press. SCHOUTEN, Maria Johanna (2011), Uma Sociologia do Género, Famalicão: Húmus. WALTERS, Margaret (2005), Feminism. A Very Short Introduction, Oxford/Nova Iorque: Oxford University Press. WEEKS, Jeffrey (1986), Sexuality, New York: Routledge.