CALL FOR INDIVIDUAL DOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS The PhD program in Music as Culture and Cognition supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, calls for 5 individual doctoral scholarships (3 national grants and 2 mixed grants). These doctoral Studentships will support research projects of graduates who comply with the requirements to apply for the referred PhD program. The duration of the scholarship is annual, renewable up to a maximum of three years, and cannot be awarded for periods of less than six consecutive months. WHO CAN APPLY? Portuguese citizens and citizens of EU member states may apply, as well as citizens of other countries, as long as they are resident in Portugal, or are citizens of countries with which Portugal has exchange agreements; Grants whose work program is developed partly in foreign institutions may only apply to nationals or foreigners who have permanent residence in Portugal. Requisites for applications: a) Successfully completed 1st year of the doctoral program; b) Being a doctoral candidate in the FCSH at the New University of Lisbon is also a condition. Candidates will be able to choose, in order of ranking, between a national and a mixed grant, until there are no more mixed grants available. May apply all currently enrolled in doctoral PhD in FCSH of Musicology who have completed to date the respective course, accumulating 40 credits corresponding to the 1st school year. The ranking criteria of candidates include the evaluation of the scientific curriculum (30%), average classification obtained in the doctoral program (35%) and the final project / dissertation project (35%). The jury will be composed of one representative from each of the three scientific areas of the program, all belonging to the respective team, and the coordinators of the Department and the PhD course in Musicology. PERIOD OF APPLICATIONS The call for applications is open until 30 October 2015. Any applications submitted after this date, as well as incomplete applications, will not be considered. APPLICATIONS Documents to be submitted in digital format, in the application: 1) Curriculum form, including credits and ratings obtained in the doctoral program; 2) Updated Curriculum Vitae; 3) Final work /project dissertation; 4) Declaration of preference between a national and a mixed grant. to be sent to the Program Director, for: [email protected]. EVALUATION After the application deadline, the proposals will be evaluated by an evaluation panel set up for this call; the following University commission will then make a final decision: Evaluation panel / University commission: President: Manuel Pedro Ferreira Members: Maria de São José Côrte-Real, João Nogueira, Salwa Castelo-Branco, Luísa Cymbron. PUBLICATION OF RESULTS The results of the evaluation will be published in the FCSH-UNL webpage ( If the decision is unfavorable for the scholarship required, the applicant, if willing to, has a period of 10 days after disclosure, to be heard, wanting in the preliminary hearing, according to the Administrative Procedure Code. The final decision may be appealed to the Steering Committee, within 15 working days after the respective notification. FINANCING The grants awarded under this contract will be financed by funds from the State Budget of the Ministério da Educação e Ciência and as eligible for funding from the Fundo Social Europeu through the Programas Operacionais of the 2014-2020 programming period, the Portugal 2020, inter alia, the Programa Operacional Temático do Capital Humano, the Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, do Centro ou do Alentejo, in accordance with the provisions of the Regulamento Específico applicable. In everything not predicted in the Aviso de Abertura applies the Regulamento de Bolsas de Investigação Cientifica da FCT, IP, available at: