1. Course title: Innovation and Technology (I&T)
2. Course code:
3. Type of course:
4. Year and trimester of study:
5. Stream:
6. Credits (ECTS/national):
7. Teaching methods and contact hours:
8. Language (s):
9. Prerequisites:
10. Lecturer: Vitor Corado Simões
11. Website:
12. Objectives of the course:
- To understand the relationships between technology and strategy and its implications for company competitiveness
- To study new product/process development projects
- To understand the processes of entering into, and managing, technology based cooperation agreements
- To analyse technology accumulation processes at company level and the whole of management in organational and
technological learning
13. Course contents:
- Basic concepts
- Technology and market changes: the main patterns
- Innovation and management in companies
- Technology and strategy
- Acquisition and development of new technologies
- Development and launch of new products
- Technology based cooperation agreements
- Integration of technology in company knowledge base
- Conclusions: future challenges
14. Recommended reading (main and other):
Adner, Ron, e Levinthal, Daniel A. (2003), ‘The Emergence of Emerging Technologies’, California Management Review,
Vol. 45, nº. 1, pp. 50-66. Burgelman, Robert A.; Maidique, Modesto A. e Wheelwright, Steven C. (2001), Strategic
Management of Technology and Innovation, 3ª edição, Irwin, Londres.
Chesbrough, Henry (2004), ‘Managing open innovation’, Research Technology Management, Vol. 47, nº.1, pp.23-26
Dodgson, Mark (2000), The Management of Technological Innovation: Am International and Strategic Approach,
Oxford, University Press
Leonard-Barton, Dorothy (1995), Wellsprings of Knowledge-Building and Sustaining the Forces of Innovation, Harvard
Business School Press, Harvard Mass
Simões, Vitor Corado (1997), Inovação e Gestão em PME, GEPE M. Economia, Lisboa
Tidd, Joe, John Bessant e Keith Pavitt (2003) Gestão da Inovação – Integração das mudanças tecnológicas, de
mercado e organizacionais, Monitor: Lisboa
15. Assessment methods:
Students performance will be assessed on the basis of three elements:
A – Written examination
B – Paper (essay)
C – Case discussion and participation in classroom activities
Note: To get approval, students should get a mark of at least 8 in the final exam.

1. Course title: Innovation and Technology (I&T) 2. Course code: 3