Degree programme in: Elementary and Early Childhood Education Course title: Elements of Statistics and Probability Type of course: Compulsory ECTS: 6 Year/semester: 2 nd year / 2 nd semester Name of the lecturer: Objectives of the course: To master the terminology and the specific language of probabilities and statistics; to be acquainted with probabilistic models and statistic constructions which may contribute to the interpretation of diverse types of phenomena; to understand mathematical and organisational reasoning (observation, analysis, construction and systemisation); to be able to apply certain calculus techniques consciously; to relate and integrate the different concepts discussed in class; to manipulate computing tools, of statistical interest, as a way of approaching the resolution of problems (EXCEL, SPSS etc.) Prerequisites: Knowledge of Mathematics Course Contents: PROBABILITY - COMBINATORY CALCULUS - ELEMENTARY PROBABILITY THEORY - ALEATORY EXPERIENCES, SAMPLE SPACES AND EVENTS - PROBABILITY - KOLMOGOROV’S AXIOMATIC. THEOREMS - CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY - INDEPENDENT EVENTS - BAYES’ THEOREM - DISCRETE RANDOM VARIABLES – BINOMIAL, POISSON AND HYPERGEOMETRIC. - CONTINUOUS RANDOM VARIABLES – NORMAL, T-STUDENT, QUI-SQUARE. STATISTICS - IMPORTÂNCE AND OBJECT OF STATÍSTICS. - TABLES AND GRAPHS. - LOCALISATION MEASUREMENTS. - DISPERSION MEASUREMENTS. - LINEAR CORRELATION AND REGRESSION. - ESTIMATE OF INTERVALS - SOME STATISTICAL TESTS. - THE COMPLEMENTARITY OF EXCEL/SPSS Bibliography: CLEGG, F. (1995), Estatística para Todos, Lisboa: Gradiva. CUADRAS, C.M. (1995), Problemas de Probabilidades y Estadística, Barcelona: Editora EUB. GUIMARÃES, R. C. & CABRAL, J.A. (1998), Estatística, Lisboa: Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal. HILL, M.M. e HILL, A. (2002), Investigação por Questionário, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. MAROCO, J. (2003), Análise Estatística – Com utilização do SPSS, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. MURTEIRA, B. (1995), Análise Exploratória de dados, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. PESTANA, M.H. & GAGEIRO, J.N. (2000), Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais – A complementaridade do SPSS, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. REIS, E. (1991), Estatística Descritiva, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. ROBALO, A. (1995), Estatística – Exercícios, Vol. II, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. SILVA, C.M. (1994), Estatística Aplicada à Psicologia e Ciência Sociais, Lisboa: Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal. Teaching methods: Presentation (using the most diversified means: oral, written and multimedia) of core ideas which are indispensable to the teaching/ learning process of theoretical knowledge. Various types of practical coursework: laboratorial practice, field trips. Bibliographic research work, scripto and on-line, in specific areas, in order to accomplish group and written assignments, to be presented and discussed in the class as whole. Assessment methods: Presentation (using the most diversified means: oral, written and multimedia) of core ideas which are indispensable to the teaching/ learning process of theoretical knowledge, and which will serve as a platform for the implementation of the related practical work, in which the level of abstraction should, whenever possible, be linked to practical applications Observation of practical cases resolution, requiring the use of statistical computing tools (SPSS, EXCEL) Language of instruction: Portuguese