Curricular Unit Contemporary Themes (5,5 ECTS) - 45 hours Study cycle to which the curricular unit belongs (with academic semester and scholar year) BA in Social and Cultural Communication / 1st Semester / 2014-2015 Responsible academic staff member and lecturing load in the curricular unit Eduardo Cintra Torres Learning outcomes of the curricular unit The seminar intends to present to students of Communication courses a set of themes of the contemporary society, allowing for its study and reflection with the participation of the students, based on readings and other type of activities. The themes chosen are relevant for society in general and for the thickening of the students’ general knowledge, allowing them to master methods of reflection and research that will be useful to them as citizens and communicators. Syllabus The seminar syllabus includes seven themes. Four of them will be studied and debated in class. The remaining three can be chosen by the students for their group and individual Works. 1. Collective Effervescence Today: Religion, Football and Music 2. National Identity 3. Social Classes 4. Getting Old 5. Celebrity in the 21st Century 6. The Gift in Contemporary Society 7. Political Representation and the Empowered Individual of the 21st Century Teaching methodologies (including evaluation) Theoretical-practical methodology: each theme of the programme will be presented by the teacher, followed by a discussion based on previous readings of a book and other materials. Each theme study will also focus on the adequate theory and methodology to arrive at a deeper knowledge. Evaluation will consider: presence and active participation in classes, with intervention in debates and written comments and/or worksheets; also, making 15 interviews for a public opinion survey about one theme (30%) working group (four students) about one of the seven themes, of their choice (30%) final test: individual work about one of the seven themes, of their choice (40%) The complementary test for students with a final mark of 8 or 9 in the continuous evaluation will be considered on average in the following proportion: Continuous evaluation 60% Complementary test 40% Main bibliography Each theme’s bibliography includes a mandatory reading, among to books, and complementary readings to allow for the deepening the debate and enriching of group and individual works. All mandatory readings are of small dimension. Foreign students who do not master yet Portuguese will be given alternative readings. 1. Durkheim, Émile. 2002. As Formas Elementares da Vida Religiosa, Livro II, cap. VII, pp. 215-248. Torres, Eduardo Cintra. 2013. A Multidão e a Televisão, Conclusões, pp. 345-54. Lisboa, UCE. 2. Mattoso, José. 1998. A Identidade Nacional. Lisboa: Gradiva. Sobral, José Manuel. 2012. Portugal, Portugueses: Uma Identidade Nacional. Lisboa: FFMS. 3. Estanque, Elísio.2012. A Classe Média: Ascensão e Declínio. Lisboa: FFMS. Carmo, Renato Miguel do, org. 2013. Portugal, uma Sociedade de Classes. Polarização Social e Vulnerabilidade. Lisboa: Edições 70. 4. Marques, Sibila. 2011. Discriminação da Terceira Idade. Lisboa: FFMS. Rosa, Maria João Valente. 2012. O Envelhecimento da Sociedade Portuguesa. Lisboa: FMMS. 5. Torres, Eduardo Cintra. 2013. Economia e Carisma da Indústria Cultural da Celebridade. In Vera França e João Freire Filho, Natureza e Construção da Celebridade no século XXI (Belo Horizonte, Brasil; no prelo). Torres, Eduardo Cintra. 2011. Televisão: A Celebridade em Estado Natural. In A Vida como um Filme: Fama e Celebridade no Século XXI, eds. Eduardo Cintra Torres e José Pedro Zúquete. Lisboa: Texto Editores: 81-104. 6. Mauss, Marcel. Ensaio sobre a Dádiva. Lisboa: Edições 70 (capítulos a indicar). 7. Castells, Manuel. 2013. O Poder da Comunicação, cap.1. Lisboa: Gulbenkian Catroga, Fernando. 2011. Ensaio Respublicano. Lisboa: FFMS.