SYLLABUS Programme: Environmental Engineering Title of course unit: Statistics Year: 2nd Semester: 1st ECTS credits: 3,5 CNAEF area: 462 Student workload in hours Contact Total Theoretical Lectures 105 - Theoreticalpractical Lectures 45 Laboratory Supervised Classes Field Work - - Seminars - Placements - Autonomous Tutorials - 60 Summary Statistics is a tool of great importance in many professional areas, being the basis for decisions making. This course aims to provide a necessary theoretical background of the Probability and Statistical techniques and methodologies, complemented with applications that allow the student to develop analysis and reasoning skills which makes them capable to design and implement solutions to various problems they may encounter in the exercise of their profession, use the proper tools to solve these problems and be able to interpret the results Course Contents Introdution to Statistics: Importance and goals of Statistics. Data analysis method steps. Descriptive statistics: Data organization, classification and graphical representation; Measures of the location, shape and dispersion. SPSS. Probability theory: Event. Probability concept.Conditional probability. Independent events. Total probabilities theorem and Bayes' theorem . Random variables: Discrete and continuous random variables. Discrete distributions : Binomial and Poisson. Continuous distributions: Normal . Central Limit Theorem Statistical Inference: Confidence intervals. Hypotheses Testing. Statistical data analysis using SPSS software. Applications. Página 1 de 2 Recommended or required reading Required: MAROCO, J. (2003). Análise Estatística – Com utilização do SPSS. Edições Sílabo: Lisboa. GUIMARÃES, R. C. e CABRAL, J.A. (1998). Estatística. Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal: Lisboa. PESTANA, M.H. e GAGEIRO, J.N. (2000). Análise de Dados para Ciências Sociais – A complementaridade do SPSS.Edições Sílabo: Lisboa. SANTOS, C. (2010) Estatística Descritiva- Manual de auto-aprendizagem, Edições SILABO Recommended: BARDIN, L. (2004). Análise de conteúdo. França: Edições 70. CLEGG, F. (1995). Estatística para Todos. Editora Gradiva: Lisboa. CUADRAS, C.M. (1995). Problemas de Probabilidades y Estadística. Editora EUB: Barcelona. HILL, M. e HILL, A. (2002). Investigação por Questionário. Edições Sílabo: Lisboa. MURTEIRA, B. (1995). Análise Exploratória de dados. Editora Edições Sílabo: Lisboa. REIS, E. (1991). Estatística Descritiva. Edições Sílabo: Lisboa. ROBALO, A. (1995). Estatística – Exercícios, Vol.II. Edições Sílabo: Lisboa. SILVA, C.M. (1994). Estatística Aplicada à Psicologia e Ciência Sociais. Editora McGraw-Hill de Portugal: Lisboa RIBEIRO, J. L. P. (1999) Investigação e Avaliação em Psicologia e Saúde, Lisboa: Climepsi Editores SILVA, C. M. (1994). Estatística Aplicada à Psicologia e Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill Learning outcomes 1. Understand the statistical language and notation; 2. Apply the techniques of descriptive statistics in the analysis of a data set (Collect and organize data and interpret results). 3. Develop working methods and select the appropriate statistical techniques. 4. Identify, in real situations, the theoretical distributions. 5. Apply the statistical inference techniques as a tool to support decision -making and interpreting the results. 6. Use computer applications as useful tools for research activity and professional innovation. Planned learning activities and teaching methods In classes, the teacher presents the concepts through slide show accompanied by oral discussion, always complemented by examples presentation, discussion and resolution in the context of real-world situations, particularly concerning to the professional field, which will enable the consolidation of basic concepts learning. Furthermore, for each of the syllabus will be proposed to the students, exercises/problems resolution (individually or in groups) using, wherever possible, SPSS software. Contribution to the acquisition and development of specific skills 1 Fundamental: Complementary: Partial: Assessment methods and criteria Theoretical examination : two written tests (with concepts, exercises and problems) or a final exam (with concepts, exercises and problems) . 1 See registration process sent to DGES. Página 2 de 2