Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” campus de Rio Claro PPGEB-Programa Pós-Graduação em Ecologia e Biodiversidade ◦ Construction of compensation mechanisms for environmental services in the sugarcane belt of the São Paulo state through participatory methods Stimulus :Ecosystem services, sugarcane area, implementation mechanisms of the Payment for Ecosystem services Goals; Material and Methods; Preliminary results; Preliminary considerations Next steps Regulating services Provising services Cultural services Supporting services Fonte: INPE Região de Rio Claro (2007/2008) Produção alimentos Produção canade-açúcar Agricultural Production Units + - 90% +-10% +-20% + - 80% Crop area (ha) Fonte: Lapola et al, 2013 990 Cracking Brazil’s Forest Code, Science Fonte: Soares Filho et al, 2014 Fonte: Banks-Leite et al, 2014 identify valuation Fund forms to institutionalize OPERACIONALIZATION Operationalization of natural capital and ecosystem services: from concepts to real world applications Operationalization of ecosystem services: opportunities involving bioenergy production and mandatory native vegetation areas in interior São Paulo Construction of compensation mechanisms for environmental services in the sugarcane belt of the São Paulo state through participatory methods Social Economic Environmental Synergies Goals Geral: To investigate operationalization and compensation mechanisms to Ecosystem Services through of the stakeholders perception and opinions. Food producers Sugarcane producers Scientist Decision makers Specific goals A) To relate the consensus views on PES involving the decision makers of the local political and of the producers (food and sugarcane). B-) To analyze ways to minimize or even avoid negative externalities generated by PES implementation policy. C) Identify the possible economic returns for farmers from the development of these action plans to PES. Material e Methods Study area (Rio Claro e Limeira) sugarcane belt Data collection: Semi structure interviews Direct observations Workshops Reunion with decision makers Data analyses: Triangulation methods Interviews and Workshops results Direct observation Statistical analyses A-) Relacionar as opiniões consensuais sobre PSA que envolvem os tomadores de decisão da região e dos produtores de alimentos e cana-de-açúcar ID Questão Você já ouviu falar sobre SA? Alimentos Cana Total Geral 1 In your perception, Are there Ecosystem Services in your farm? What? NÃO 15,6% 9,4% 25,0% 2 Is possible to measure it (ES)? NÃO SABE INFORMAR 3,1% 0,0% 3,1% 3 How could you value the Ecosystem Services provided in your farm? SIM 43,8% 28,1% 71,9% 4 Do you think that have threats to maintenance and protection of the Ecosystem Services in the your farm? Total Geral 62,5% 37,5% 100,0% 5 In your opinion, What could be the financial source to pay farmers that provide such Ecosystem Services? 6 What are the bigger obstacles, in your opinion, to proceed to environmental compensation into the region? Can you help overcome them? 40 Alimentos 35 Cana-de-açúcar Fq dos SA (%) 30 Total 25 20 15 10 5 0 Vegetação nativa Água Floresta Biodiversidade plantada animal (eucalipto ou cafezal) Polinizador Dispersores de Controle semente biológico de pragas Outros*² Não informou ID Questão 1 In your perception, Are there Ecosystem Services in your farm? What? 2 Is possible to measure it (ES)? 3 How could you value the Ecosystem Services provided in your farm? 4 Do you think that have threats to maintenance and protection of the Ecosystem Services in the your farm? 5 In your opinion, What could be the financial source to pay farmers that provide such Ecosystem Services? 6 What are the biggest obstacles, in your opinion, to proceed to environmental compensation into the region? Can you help overcome them? Restauração cana valor=abatimento de imposto valor entre 200 a 500$/ha/ano/área preservada valor de existência Salário mínimo/ área preservada/mês alimentos Não Sabe informar incentivo fiscal, desconto por imposto, facilitação de crédito custo de oportunidade 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% ID Questão 1 In your perception, Are there Ecosystem Services in your farm? What? 2 Is possible to measure it (ES)? 3 How could you value the Ecosystem Services provided in your farm? 4 Do you think that have threats to maintenance and protection of the Ecosystem Services in the your farm? 5 In your opinion, What could be the financial source to pay farmers that provide such Ecosystem Services? 6 What are the biggest obstacles, in your opinion, to proceed to environmental compensation into the region? Can you help overcome them? Ameaças aos Serviços Ambientais nas propriedades por categoria de produção alimentos agrotóxicos advindos da cana agrotóxicos advindos da cana+caça de animais agrotóxicos advindos da cana+contaminação da cerâmica assoreamento dos rios por atividade da usina e contaminação química das indústrias fogo fogo+agrotóxicos advindos da cana fogo+agrotóxicos advindos da cana fogo+agrotóxicos dos vizinhos+resíduos da poluição urbana perda de hábitat animal pela conversão de área p cana cana contaminação da cerâmica fogo fogo+caça de animais porco estraga a nascente, as pessoas jogam lixo e utilizam drogas na ponte da minha propriedade Total Geral 63,64% 9,09% 4,55% 9,09% 4,55% 18,18% 4,55% 4,55% 4,55% 4,55% 36,36% 4,55% 22,73% 4,55% 4,55% 100,00% ID Questão 1 In your perception, Are there Ecosystem Services in your farm? What? 2 Is possible to measure it (ES)? 3 How could you value the Ecosystem Services provided in your farm? 4 Do you think that have threats to maintenance and protection of the Ecosystem Services in the your farm? In your opinion, What could be the financial source to pay farmers that provide such Ecosystem Services? What are the biggest obstacles, in your opinion, to proceed to environmental compensation into the region? Can you help overcome them? 5 6 70.00% alimentos 60.00% cana 50.00% 40.00% 30.00% 20.00% 10.00% 0.00% Alguma forma de governo (federal e/ou estadual e/ou municipal) concessionária de energia e água Indústria poluidora Sociedade Preliminary considerations Área de alto potencial agrícola, reforça a necessidade de incentivo para conservação; Produtores reconhecem os SA e seus múltiplos benefícios; Incentivo monetário é atraente; Produtores acreditam que recurso deve vir do governo, isso gera embate de opiniões por hora é o maior desafio para implementação de PSA; Próximos passos Reunião dos dados do II Workshop afim de dar continuidade nos objetivos b e c; Análise estatística multivariada; Estágio pesquisa no exterior Escócia, baseado nas entrevistas com produtores locais;