Revista Trágica: Estudos sobre Nietzsche – 2º semestre 2010 – Vol.3 – nº2
Complexity of effectivity, reality and perspectivism
Roberto Barros∗
The following exposition aims to consider aspects of the perspectivist character that
Nietzsche identifies in philosophy and in science. From the philosopher’s distance of
the metaphysical rationalist points of view and the insertion of the psychological
perspective in the cognitive process analysis as well as the scientific results, the
philosopher can not only analyze but also mull over the limits of the human cognitive
apparatus as a medium of interpretation and representation of the reality (Realität).
From this results not only a new consideration of it, taken as a factor, but not as a
product of the human representational capacity (Wirklichkeit), but also a necessary
reconsideration of the human capacity to investigate her.
Keywords: effectivity; reality; perspectivism; reason; conscience; moral.
Doutor em Filosofia pela Universidade Técnica de Berlim (Alemanha). Professor da Faculdade de
Filosofia da Universidade Federal do Pará.
Revista Trágica: Estudos sobre Nietzsche – Vol.3 – nº2

Abstract - Revista Trágica