Revista Trágica: estudos de filosofia da imanência – 2º quadrimestre de 2015 – Vol. 8 – nº 2
Optional or variable rules: the regulation of life in Deleuzean ethics
Mariana de Toledo Barbosa*
The optional or variable rules come to scene in Deleuzean ethics, when it becomes
necessary to define the kind of rules which is adopted in ethics, in contrast with the
constraining or obligatory rules of morals. Instead of a complete absence of rules, which
would be the same as nihilism, another kind of rules is suggested for the ethics, which
would take into account the variations of life itself. The aim of this paper is, firstly, to
show how, according to Deleuze, the variable or optional rules have a political aspect in
Labov’s sociolinguistics and assume, moreover, an ethical extent in Foucault’s
philosophy and, secondly, to elucidate the role of these rules in Deleuzean ethics, and
more specifically in the ethical task of evaluation.
Key-words: optional or variable rules; ethics; Gilles Deleuze; William Labov; Michel
Professora Adjunta do Departamento de Filosofia da Universidade Federal Fluminense (GFL/UFF),
Niterói, RJ, Brasil. Contato: [email protected]
Revista Trágica: estudos de filosofia da imanência – 2º quadrimestre de 2015 – Vol. 8 – nº 2

Abstract - Revista Trágica