Κρασί Ιστορικές αναφορές φέρουν την Κέρκυρα ως «οινοφόρα χώρα πρώτης τάξεως» κατά την αρχαιότητα και µέχρι την κατάκτησή της από τους Ενετούς «ο οίνος ήταν το σπουδαιότερο εξαγωγικό προϊόν της νήσου» και κατά την συνθήκη του 1386 – παράδοση της Κέρκυρας στους Ενετούς - αναφέρεται ότι «ο οίνος είναι το πολυτιµότερο προϊόν» της Κέρκυρας (Παρτς σελ. 260-261). Είναι γενικά γνωστός ο αρνητικός ρόλος των Ενετών στην διατήρηση των αµπελώνων στην Κέρκυρα µε τις διατάξεις που εξέδωσε και τα οικονοµικά κίνητρα που έδωσε – για την φύτευση 100 ελαιοδέντρων αµοιβή 42 τσεκινία. Αυτό είχε ως αποτέλεσµα µέσα σε δύο δεκαετίες να καταστραφεί ο Κερκυραϊκός αµπελώνας και να δώσει τη θέση του στον κερκυραϊκό ελαιώνα. (Παρτς σελ. 260-265). Παρόλη την σηµαντική µείωση της αµπελοκαλλιέργειας κατά την ενετική κατοχή, η Κέρκυρα διατήρησε την παραγωγή οίνου και ακολούθως την επέκτεινε λόγω της καταστροφής των αµπέλων από την φυλλοξήρα στη ∆υτική Ευρώπη. Η επικρατέστερη ποικιλία (85%) ήταν το σκοπελίτικο, που παρήγαγε οίνο µε βαθύ κόκκινο χρώµα, το οποίο αγόραζαν στη ∆υτική Ευρώπη για αναµείξεις. Η άλλη ποικιλία ήταν ο κακοτρύγης (15%), που παρήγαγε οίνο λευκό καλής ποιότητας. Περί το 1900 άρχισε η ραγδαία επέκταση της καλλιέργειας του κακοτρύγη λόγω της µη ζήτησης των βαθύχρωµων οίνων (Παπαβλασόπουλος σελ.106-107). Ο Lambert-Gocs µετά από µια επίµονη διερεύνηση των τοπικών ποικιλιών αµπελιών στην Κέρκυρα γράφει: «Κανένα σχεδόν ελληνικό νησί δεν έχει σήµερα να δείξει από χωριό σε χωριό τόσους 82 Wine The historical reports state Corfu as “a first class wine producing country” during antiquity and up its occupation by the Venetians; “the wine was the most important exported product of the island” and during the convention of 1386 – submission of Corfu to the Venetians – it is stated that “the wine is the most precious product” of Corfu (Parch pages 260-261). It is generally known that the Venetians held a negative role in the preservation of vineyards on Corfu through the issuance of provisions and the financial motives provided – for the cultivation of 100 olive trees a fee of 42 chekinia. Within two decades, this resulted to the destruction of the Corfu vineyards and their replacement by the Corfu olive groves. (Parch pages 260-265). Despite the significant reduction of vine cultivations during the Venetian occupation, Corfu retained the production of wine and further expanded it due to the destruction of the West Europe vineyards by vine louse. The prevailing variety (85%) was the Skopelos vine which produced a dark red wine, διαφορετικούς τύπους κρασιών όσους η Κέρκυρα… Η ποικιλία των κρασιών της Κέρκυρας µπορεί να αποδοθεί στο γεγονός ότι έχει δύο ξεχωριστές περιοχές, ευδιάκριτες αµέσως µόλις φανερωθεί το νησί από το κατάστρωµα του πορθµείου… Το µακρύ, στενό, χαµηλό και λοφώδες νότιο τµήµα φτάνει τα 100 µέτρα πάνω από την επιφάνεια της θάλασσας, ενώ η βραχεία υπερυψωµένη στα περισσότερα σηµεία βόρεια πλευρά έχει κατά µέσον όρο υψόµετρο 300-400 µέτρα, αλλά και κορυφές που φτάνουν τα 900 µέτρα.». Επιπλέον αναφέρει ότι το χώµα διαφοροποιείται από περιοχή σε περιοχή – βαθύ και χονδρόκοκκο στα νότια, ρηχό και λεπτόκοκκο στα βόρια και ότι οι λευκές ποικιλίες κατά συντριπτική πλειονότητα βρίσκονται στα νότια ενώ οι ερυθρές και η µαύρες στα βόρεια. Σήµερα, µελέτες και καταγραφές των οινοποιήσιµων τοπικών ποικιλιών του κερκυραϊκού αµπελώνα αναδεικνύουν ότι υπάρχει στην Κέρκυρα πλήθος τοπικών ποικιλιών που καλλιεργούνται διάσπαρτα στις διάφορες περιοχές µε σχετικά µικρό αριθµό φυτών και πολλές ποικιλίες απειλούνται µε εξαφάνιση (Σπινθηροπούλου, Lambert-Gocs, ΕΠΑΝ). Συνολικά, από τους µελετητές, έχουν εντοπισθεί περίπου 30 γηγενείς ποικιλίες της Κέρκυρας που η αξιοποίηση τους µπορεί να διαµορφώσει συνθήκες ανάπτυξης του άµπελο-οινικου τοµέα. purchased by the Western Europe for mixes. The other variety was “kakotrygis”(15%), which produced good quality white wine. Around 1900, commenced the rapid expansion of “kakotrygis” cultivation due to the non existent demand for dark-colored wines (Papavlasopoulos, pg.106-107). Lambert-Gocs following persistent investigation of the local vine varieties of Corfu reported the following: “Almost none of the Greek islands can currently demonstrate from one village to the other so many different types of wine as Corfu… The variety of Corfu wines can be attributed to the fact that it has two different regions, clearly distinguished as soon as one sees the island from a deck, at the docks… The long, narrow, low and hilly south part, reaches 100 meters above sea level, while the brief, mainly elevated northern side has an average altitude of 300-400 meters, as well as peaks reaching 900 meters”. Moreover, he states that the color varies from one region to the other – dark and thick-grainy to the south, shallow and thin-grainy to the north, while he further states that the white varieties, in their vast majority are found in the south while the red and black ones to the north. Currently, the studies and recordings of the wine producing local varieties of Corfu vineyards demonstrate that Corfu has numerous local varieties the cultivation of which is scattered in various regions with a relatively small number of plants, while many varieties are threatened with extinction (Spinthiropoulou, Lambert-Gocs, EPAN). In total, the researchers have located approximately 30 native Corfu varieties the exploitation of which may formulate the conditions for the development of the vine-wine sector. 83 Kumquat Κουµκουάτ Fortunella Margarita είναι το επιστηµονικό όνοµα του κουµκουάτ, είδος εσπεριδοειδών της Άπω Aνατολής που το έφερε στην Eυρώπη το 1846 ο Pόµπερτ Φορτίν. Το ύψος του δεν ξεπερνά τα 22,5 µέτρα και προέρχεται από τη Νότια Κίνα. Στην Kέρκυρα το έφερε ο Mέρλιν µαζί µε τα γνωστά οµφαλοφόρα πορτοκάλια. Ο καρπός του µοιάζει µε µικρό πορτοκάλι. Καλλιεργείται στην Βόρεια Κέρκυρα από τις αρχές του προηγούµενου αιώνα και εναρµονίστηκε τέλεια στις συνθήκες του νησιού. Το κουµκουάτ καλλιεργείται στον κάµπο των Νυµφών, στην περιοχή Πλάτωνας του ∆ήµου Θιναλίων εκεί όπου το έφορο έδαφος, τα πλούσια νερά και το ήπιο κλίµα, ειδικά το χειµώνασυνιστούν ένα ιδανικό περιβάλλον για την σωστή ανάπτυξη τον καρπού. Έχει χαρακτηρισθεί ως προϊόν Προστατευόµενης Γεωγραφικής ΄Ενδειξης (ΠΓΕ). Το κουµκουάτ έχει αρωµατικές, φαρµακευτικές και θρεπτικές ιδιότητες και είναι πλούσιο σε βιταµίνες και ιχνοστοιχεία. Περιέχει ουσίες µε έντονη αντιοξειδωτική και αντιυπερτασική δράση. 84 Fortunella Margarita is the scientific name of kumquat, a type of citrus fruit from Far East brought to Europe in 1846 by Robert Fortin. The height of the plant does not exceed 2-2,5 meters and comes from Southern China. In Corfu it was brought by Merlin along with the known navel oranges. The fruit resembles a small orange. It is cultivated on the northern Corfu since the beginning of the previous century and it has adapted perfectly to the conditions of the island. The kumquat is cultivated at the valley of Nymphes, at the region of Platonas of the Municipality of Thinalia, where the fertile soil, plentiful water supply and mild Ο καρπός του τρώγετε µε το φλοιό. Αυτή είναι και η ιδιαιτερότητα που έχει έναντι των άλλων εσπεριδοειδών. Τα 100 mg νωπά Κουµ κουάτ περιέχουν: Θερµίδες 274, Πρωτεΐνες 3,8 gr, Βιταµίνη C 2,530 üí., Ασκορβικό Νάτριο 151 mg, Λίπος 0,4 mg, Υδατάνθρακες 72,1 mg, Φώσφορο 97 mg., Ασβέστιο 266 mg, Κάλιο 995 mg, Σίδηρο 1,7 mg, Θειαµίνη 0,35 mg, Νάτριο 30 mg, Ριβοφλάβίνη 0,40 mg. Το κουµκουάτ έχει πολλές χρήσεις, χρησιµοποιείται φρέσκο ή επεξεργασµένο στη µαγειρική, ζαχαροπλαστική, ποτοποιία καθώς και το αιθέριο έλαιο του καρπού στη φαρµακευτική και τη βιοµηχανία καλλυντικών. Το κουµκουάτ διατίθεται φρέσκο και επεξεργασµένο ως γλυκό του κουταλιού, µαρµελάδα, φρουί γλασέ και λικέρ. climate, particularly during the winter, constitute the ideal environment for the correct development of the fruit. It has been characterized as a product with Protected Geographical Origin indication (PGO). Kumquat has aromatic, medicinal and nutritional abilities and is rich in vitamins and micronutrients. It contains elements with intense antioxidant and anty-hypertension action. The fruit is edible with the peel. This is the particularity of the fruit compared to the other citrus fruits. 100 mg of raw Kumquat contains: Calories 274, Proteins 3,8 gr, Vitamin C 2,530 mg, Ascorbic Sodium 151 mg, Fat 0,4 mg, Carbohydrates 72,1 mg, Phos-phorous 97 mg, Calcium 266 mg, Potassium 995 mg, Ferrum 1,7 mg, Thiamine 0,35 mg, Sodium 30 mg, Riboflavin 0,40 mg. Kumquat has many applications, it is used fresh or processed in cooking, confectionary, liquor distillery, while the ethereal oils of the fruit is used in medicine and cosmetics industry. Kumquat is available both fresh and processed as home made sweet, marmalade, fruit-glace and liqueur. 85 Μέλι Μέλι παράγεται σε όλες τις περιοχές της Κέρκυρας δεδοµένου ότι η βλάστηση και η ανθοφορία είναι έντονη όλες τις εποχές του χρόνου. Ιδιαιτερότητες έχει το µέλι που παράγεται στη περιοχή του ορεινού όγκου του Παντοκράτορα και των Οθωνών (φασκόµηλο και θυµάρι). Βασικό χαρακτηριστικό του κερκυραϊκού µελιού είναι η ποικιλία των συστατικών µε τα οποία τρέφονται οι µέλισσες στην Κέρκυρα. Honey The honey is produced in all Corfu regions given that the vegetation and flowering is intense throughout the year. The honey produced in the region of the mountainous area of Pantokratoras and Othoni presents with particularities (sage and thyme). A basic characteristic of Corfu honey is the variety of the constituents that the bees of Corfu feed on. Noumpoulo Νούµπουλο Το νούµπουλο παρασκευάζεται από χοιρινό φιλέτο ή από το ρόστο – το κρέας που µένει αφαιρώντας τα κόκαλα από τις µπριζόλες ολόκληρο. Η αναλογία κρέατος /λίπους είναι συνήθως 4/5 κρέας και 1/5 λίπος. Πρόσθετα χρησιµοποιούντα για την παρασκευή του: έντερα χοιρινού, κόκκινο κρασί, αλάτι χοντρό, πιπέρι µαύρο και σπετσιέρικο (µείγµα µπαχαρικών – κανέλα, γαρύφαλλο, µοσχοκάρυδο, µπαχάρι και κύµινο). Το νούµπουλο, σήµερα παράγεται σε σχετικά µεγάλες ποσότητες από οργανωµένες µονάδες αλλαντοποιίας. Επίσης µερικά κρεοπωλεία παρασκευάζουν και νούµπουλο στα µικρά εργαστήριά τους. Επίσης από χοιρινό κρέας φτιάχνονται και άλλα αλλαντικά όπως λουκάνικα, σαλάµια καθώς και καπνιστές παντσέτες: 86 The noumpoulo is produced by pork filet or by the roast – the meat that remains following the removal of the bones from stakes. The ration of meat/fat is approximately 4/5 meat and 1/5 fat. Its production requires also: pork intestines, red wine, large-grain salt, black pepper and spetsieriko (a mix of spices – cinnamon, clove, nutmeg, pimento and cumin). The noumpoulo is currently produced in relatively large quantities by organized sausage production units. Moreover, some butcher-shops produce noumpoulo in their small workshops. Pork meat is also used for the production of other sausage products such as sausages, salami, as well as smoked pork chops. Συκοµαΐδα Για τις «συκοµαΐδες» ή αλλιώς «συκόπιτες» ή «συκόψωµα» χρησιµοποιούνταν σύκα µικρά και άσπρα από συγκεκριµένη τοπική ποικιλία τα «στριψίδια». Περιέχει σύκα, µούστο, µάραθο, µαραθόσπορο, ούζο, πιπέρι, φλούδα πορτοκαλιού, σταφίδες, αµύγδαλα και καρύδια. Η συκοµαίδα είναι γνωστή από την αρχαία Ελλάδα και διατρέχει στους αιώνες χάρη στην ιδιαίτερη γεύση της. Στη Κέρκυρα έχει διατηρηθεί και είναι ιδιαίτερα πικάντικη… αποτελεί θαυµάσιο µεζέ για ούζο ή τσίπουρο. Sykomaida For “sykomaides” or else “fig-pies” or “fig bread” people used small and white figs from a particular variety called “stripsidia”. It contains figs, must, fennel, fennel seed, ouzo, pepper, orange peel, raisins, almonds, and nuts. Sykomaida is known since ancient Greece and survived through centuries grace to its particular taste. It is preserved in Corfu and its particularly spicy… its an excellent snack for ouzo or tsipouro. 87 Τσιτσιµπύρα (Ginger-beer ) Το σήµα κατατεθέν των Επτανήσιων από την εποχή των Εγγλέζων, σήµερα φτιάχνεται µόνο στη Κέρκυρα. Περιέχει χυµό και ψίχα λεµονιού, τριµµένο τζίντζερ, άσπρες σταφίδες, νερό και ζάχαρη. Είναι αναψυκτικό αφρώδες. Βασικό συστατικό της είναι τ ο τζίντζερ (πεπερόριζα), που έχει πολλά θεραπευτικά χαρακτηριστικά (αντισηπτικό, αντιεµετικό, διεγείρει την κυκλοφορία του αίµατος, βοηθάει στις παθήσεις του αναπνευστικού όπως βήχας και κρυολογήµατα, κλπ.) Παράγεται στην Κέρκυρα από το 1860 µε την ίδια συνταγή µέχρι σήµερα. 88 Ginger-beer An original of the Ionians’ since the time of the English occupation, currently it is produced only in Corfu. It contains the juice and flesh of lemons, trimmed ginger, white raisins, water and suggar. It’s a sparkling refreshment. Its basic component is ginger (ginger root), which has many therapeutic characteristics (antiseptic, antivomic, excites blood circulation, helps respiratory diseases such as cough and colds, etc.) It is produced in Corfu since 1860 using the same recipe till nowadays. Κερκυραϊκή Κασέλα Η ιστορία της κερκυραϊκής κασέλας ανάγεται από την Οµηρική εποχή και πιθανότατα ελάχιστα έχει αλλάξει τουλάχιστον στην απλή χωριάτικη µορφή της. Είναι το έπιπλο του γάµου. Πηγαίνει στο νέο σπιτικό γεµάτη προικιά. Στα κερκυραϊκά χωριά αποτελεί έως τα τέλη του 19ου αιώνα το µοναδικό έπιπλο του σπιτιού. Υπάρχει σε κάθε σπίτι και φυλάει τα λινά του σπιτιού και τα λιγοστά ρούχα των µελών της οικογένειας. Στο µπροστινό µέρος της είναι διακοσµηµένη µε εσώγλυφα σχέδια που εµπνέονται από την οµορφιά της κερκυραϊκής φύσης όπως κυπαρίσσια, δέντρα, πουλιά, λουλούδια, χρωµατισµένα µε έντονα χρώµατα. Μια αχτίδα φωτός στο γκρίζο σκοτεινό και µουντό σπίτι εκείνων των δύσκολων χρόνων. Σήµερα κατασκευάζονται από τοπικές επιχειρήσεις κερκυραϊκές κασέλες, φτιαγµένες ακριβώς όπως παλιά και είναι ένα στολίδι για κάθε σπίτι που θα χαρούν πολλές γενιές. Kasela of Corfu The story of Kasela of Corfu runs back to the era of Homer and probably it has not change very much, at least in its simple country form. It is a piece of furniture for marriages. It goes to the new home filled with dowry items. Till the end of the 19th century, for the villages of Corfu it constituted the sole furniture of the house. It exists in all houses and keeps the linen of the house and the few garments of the members of the family. On its front part it is decorated by carved motifs inspired by the beauty of the country of Corfu, such as cypresses, trees, birds, flowers, painted with vivid colors. A ray of light in the gray dark and gloomy houses of that hard era. Currently local businesses produce Corfu kasela, made the “old-way” and they are deemed as a jewel to be cherished in each house for many generations. 89 España Spain Omezyma. Organización para el Desarrollo del Mezquín, Matarraña y Bajo Aragón El territorio de Omezyma constituye una unidad geográfica con identidad social, económica y cultural propia. Los 38 municipios incluidos en la iniciativa Leader-Plus pertenecen a las comarcas del Bajo Aragón y el Matarraña/Matarranya, situadas en el extremo Nororiental de la provincia de Teruel, actuando como frontera administrativa entre esta provincia y las de Zaragoza,Tarragona y Castellón. Esta situación geográfica constituye una de las principales potencialidades del territorio, al encontrarse el territorio Omezyma en contacto con dos de los principales ejes de desarrollo del Sur de Europa: el corredor Cantábrico Mediterráneo a través del Valle del Ebro y el Levante español. Así, la comarca se encuentra en el área de influencia natural de ciudades tan importantes en el contexto peninsular como Santander, Bilbao, Pamplona, Zaragoza, Barcelona, Castellón o Valencia. En lo funcional el ámbito Omezyma constituye un espacio complementario a los grandes polos urbanos antes citados, un espacio que, como ocurre en la mayor parte de la España interior, debe considerarse como un territorio eminentemente rural, tanto en lo referente a sus características paisajísticas como demográficas, económicas y socioculturales. Su medio natural, todavía bien conservado, presenta condiciones bioclimáticas muy heterogéneas que se traducen en una gran variedad de unidades paisajísticas. De Norte a Sur cabe destacar los ámbitos esteparios de la Depresión del Ebro; amplias extensiones de tierra cultivada donde el olivar, el almendro y los cereales de invierno se entremezclan con carrascas, romeros y coscojas; en las zonas más elevadas, a casi 1.400 metros, importantes superficies boscosas compuestas principalmente por pino carrasco.Además, el territorio está recorrido por diversos afluentes del Ebro, destacando los ríos Guadalope y Matarraña, espacios fluviales de importantísimo valor ecológico y paisajístico. Valderrobres 92 Omezyma. Organization for the Development of Mezquín, Matarraña and Bajo Aragón info C O R M E A G R I This county is on the natural influence of important Spanish cities, such as Santander, Bilbao, Pamplona, Zaragoza, Barcelona, Castellón or Valencia. Regarding the functional aspect the Omezyma’s territorial field is an area complementing the big urban poles above mentioned. It is an area which should be considered a rural area not only because of its landscape but also because of its demographic, economic and socio-cultural characteristics. Its natural environment, which is still well preserved, has very heterogeneous bioclimatic conditions, which produce a wide variety of different landscapes. From the north to the South some of the landscapes deserve special mention: steppes on the Ebro basin, big areas of surfaces where the olive tree, almond tree and winter cereals coexist with holm oaks, rosmaries and kermes oaks. On the highest areas, at around 1,400 meters, big forest areas composed mainly by Aleppo pine can be found. This area is also crossed by Ebro’s tributaries, among whose rivers Guadalope and Matarraña deserve special mention because of its important ecological and landscape values. C A N S S +34 (978) 834386 Bajo Aragón The Omezyma’s territorial field is a geographical entity with an especial social, economic and cultural identity. The 38 municipalities included on the programme LEADER – PLUS are included in the so-called counties of the Bajo Aragón and Matarraña / Matarranya.These regions are on the Northeast area of the province of Teruel. They constitute the administrative border between Teruel and Zaragoza, Tarragona and Castellón.This geographical situation is one of the main potentials of this are, because the Omezyma’s territorial field is in contact with the two main axes of the South European development: the Cantábrico-Mediterráneo corridor through the Ebro valley and the Spanish Levante. O informació[email protected] www.bajoaragon.es +34 (978) 890860 Matarraña administració[email protected] www.matarranya.org E M P R E S A S T U R Í S T I C A S T O U R I S T C O M P A N I E S Senda +34 (978) 890723 [email protected] www.websenda.com O F I C I N A S DE TURISMO COMARCALES LOCAL OFFICES OF TOURISM Oficina de Turismo Comarcal del Matarraña +34 (978) 890886 Oficina de Turismo Comarcal Bajo Aragón +34 (978) 831213 A S O C I A C I O N E S DE EMPRESARIOS TURÍSTICOS A S S O C I A T I O N S OF TOURIST INDUSTRALISTS Asociación Empresarios del Matarraña +34 (978) 890573 Asociación Pro-Turismo del Bajo Aragón +34 (978) 870506 Mazaleón 93 Arte Alimentación Bajo Aragón C/ Ramón y Cajal, 15 44640 Torrecilla de Alcañiz (Teruel) Matarraña • Bajo Aragón • España teléfono +34 978 877 088 e-mail [email protected] web www.sabor-artesano.com Nuestra estructura “Arte Alimentación Bajo Aragón” surge con la intención de impulsar la distribución y comercialización de los pequeños productores agroalimentarios, uniendo los esfuerzos de agricultores, ganaderos y cooperativas con el objetivo común de alcanzar nuevos mercados. Nuestro objetivo es poner a disposición de todo el público los productos de gran calidad que se elaboran en la provincia de Teruel, desde el aceite de oliva virgen hasta el jamón de Teruel pasando por los quesos, los embutidos o los vinos de la tierra, facilitando una distribución directa desde los propios productores hasta sus consumidores finales a través de su página web www.sabor-artesano.com. Our structure Arte Alimentación Bajo Aragón came up aiming to promote distribution and trade of the small producers working for the food industry. We joint the efforts made by agricultures, livestock farmers and cooperatives. Our aim is to make available to our of the customers the products of high quality made in the province, from the virgin olive oil to the ham of Teruel, throughout cheeses, cold cuts or specific wines. We make easier the direct distribution from the producers to final consumers throughout the web site www.sabor-artesano.com. productos P RO D U C T S P R O D U C T O S D E T E R U E L Jamón D.O.Teruel Jamón Serrano Aceite de oliva virgen D.O Bajo Aragón Embutidos curados Vinos de Teruel Patés artesanos Queso de oveja curado Queso de oveja semicurado Aceitunas negras y verdes Melocotón D.O. Calanda Pan artesano de Castelserás Dulces y pastas Productos ecológicos 94 Bodega Celler d’Algars C/ Cooperativa, 9 44622 Arens de Lledó (Teruel) Matarraña • España teléfono +34 978 853 147 e-mail [email protected] web www.cellerdalgars.com Nuestra estructura Our structure productos En 2004, tras acumular experiencia en varias bodegas y trabajos relacionados con la viña y el vino, nace la bodega Celler d’Algars con la intención de ofrecer vinos de la máxima calidad. Las uvas con las que se elaboran estos caldos proceden de la propia explotación familiar, once hectáreas de viñedo en las que se cultivan, entre otras, las variedades macabeo, garnacha y cavernet sauvignon. Con esta apuesta por la calidad se pretende, además de dignificar los rendimientos económicos de la actividad agrícola, demostrar el potencial de los viñedos de este territorio. Our winery Bodega Celler d’Algars came up in 2004, thanks to the experience in different wineries and other works, all related to vineyards’ and wine’s world developed before. We aim to offer the highest quality wines.The grapes with whom these wines are made come from own familiar farm, eleven vineyards hectares where we grown macabeo, grenache and cavernet sauvignon varieties, among others. Our aim is not only to improve the economic returns from our agriculture activity but also to show the potential of the vineyards of the region.This is the reason why we bet on quality. P RO D U C T S V I N O S Vino blanco joven Vino blanco crianza 6 meses Vino rosado joven Vino tinto crianza 12-14 meses Vino tinto crianza 14-18 meses 95 Bodegas Sorolla C/ Santa Águeda, 20 44580 Valderrobres (Teruel) Matarraña • España teléfono +34 978 850 433 productos P RO D U C T S Nuestra estructura La bodega ecológica Sorolla cuenta con una explotación de siete hectáreas de viñedo ubicadas en el término municipal de Valderrobres, donde se cultivan las variedades garnacha, syrah, tempranillo y cabernet. Tanto las labores agrarias como el proceso de vinificación se realiza de forma artesanal, sin añadir productos químicos o tratamientos que perturben las cualidades de aroma, sabor y color de nuestros caldos; ofreciendo al consumidor una gama de vinos ecológicos de la máxima calidad. 96 Our structure The biological wine maker Sorolla has a seven hectares vineyard located in the municipality of Valderrobres, where the grenache, syrah, tempranillo and cabernet grapes grown.The agricultural labours as well as the winemaking processes are handmade produced, without any chemical products or treatments which could change the aroma, flavour and colour qualities of our wines.We offer a range of biological wines of the highest quality to the consumer. V I N O E C O L Ó G I C O Vino tinto joven Vino tinto crianza 4 meses Conservas Calanda s.l. Pol. Las Horcas, Parc. 35.11 44600 Alcañiz (Teruel) Bajo Aragón • España teléfono +34 978 835 705 e-mail [email protected] web www.conservascalanda.com Nuestra estructura Fundada en el año 2001, Conservas Calanda S.L. es una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de conservas de frutas. En buena medida, el proyecto nace al amparo de la excelente calidad de las frutas cultivadas en todo el entorno del Bajo Aragón Histórico, destacando muy especialmente su Melocotón D.O. Calanda. Nuestra empresa dispone de más de 2.600 metros cuadrados de las más modernas instalaciones donde se desarrolla la selección, tratamiento y envasado de una amplia variedad de productos que incluyen todo tipo de frutas, tomates deshidratados, aceitunas, frutos secos y un largo etcétera. Our structure Created in 2001, Conservas Calanda is a company orientated to production and trade of canned fruits. Our project came up somehow thanks to the excellent quality of the fruits cultivated all around the area denominated Bajo Aragón, the peach denomination of origin Calanda is the most popular product. Our company has more than 2600 sqm fully equipped with the most modern facilities. The selection, treatment and packaging of a widely range of products are here made. Our range of products includes any kind of fruits, dehydrated tomatoes, olives, nuts, etc. productos P RO D U C T S C O N S E R V A D E F R U T A S Melocotón de Calanda Almíbar Melocotón de Calanda al vino Orejón de melocotón en tiras Orejón de melocotón al vino Pera en almíbar • Pera al vino Pera deshidratada Ciruelas pasas al brandy Ciruelas pasas con y sin hueso Orejones de albaricoque Dátil natural Tomate deshidratado Tomate deshidratado en aceite de oliva Nueces Higo seco Uva pasa Aceituna negra de Aragón Paté de aceituna negra 97 Cooperativa del Campo San Antonio C/ Ramón y Cajal, 15 44640 Torrecilla de Alcañiz (Teruel) Matarraña • Bajo Aragón • España teléfono +34 978 852 315 Nuestra estructura Miembro de la Asociación de Productores de Agricultura Ecológica del Bajo Aragón, la Cooperativa San Antonio Abad agrupa a un buen número de productores de aceite de oliva ecológico de las comarcas del Bajo Aragón y Matarraña. A las excepcionales condiciones ambientales que presenta el Bajo Aragón Histórico para el cultivo del olivo hay que sumar todo el conjunto de tratamientos ecológicos realizados por estos productores, obteniendo así un producto de calidad excepcional, reconocido por su intenso aroma a aceitunas maduras y su característico color amarillo oro viejo. 98 Our structure productos P RO D U C T S The Cooperativa San Antonio Abad (Saint Antonio Abad Cooperative) a member of the Asociación de Productores de Agricultura Ecológica del Bajo Aragón (The Biological Agriculture Producers’ association of the Bajo Aragón) gathers together a high number of biological olive oil producers of the local area of Bajo Aragón and Matarraña. To the exceptional environmental conditions which are present on the historical Bajo Aragón region for olive tree cultivation, we should add the complete biological treatments made by these producers, so they reach an exceptional quality product, popular for its intense mature olives’ aroma and its characteristic yellow colour as old gold. A C E I T E E C O Y L A C E I T U N A S Ó G I C A Aceitunas negras ecológicas Aceite ecológico del Bajo Aragón Paté de olivas negras ecológico S Elohim C/ Mayor, 24 44570 Calanda (Teruel) Bajo Aragón • España teléfono +34 978 847 097 e-mail [email protected] Nuestra estructura Our structure productos P RO D U C T S Elohim es una empresa dedicada a la elaboración de productos agrarios biodinámicos, una filosofía que combina prácticas agrarias naturales y sostenibles, similares a las de la agricultura ecológica, con todo un conjunto de creencias espirituales en las que la tierra, las plantas, los animales y el ser humano se consideran interconectados como un único organismo agrícola. Los productos elaborados por Elohim cuentan con el sello Demeter Internacional que acredita los métodos de la producción agrícola biodinámica. “Elohim” is a company dedicated to produce biodynamic agrarian products. It is a philosophy which combines agrarian natural and sustainable practices, similar to those of the biological agriculture. We work following spiritual believes where the earth, plants, animals and human beings are considered interconnected as an unique agrarian organism. Products made by Elohim are certified by Demeter International, who certifies the methods of biodynamic agrarian production. A G B I R I C U L T U R A O D I N Á I C A M Aceite Productos frutícolas Productos hortícolas 99 Frutos Secos Alcañiz Pol. Las Horcas, parc. 23 - 26.2 44600 Alcañiz (Teruel) Bajo Aragon • España teléfono +34 978 832 280 e-mail [email protected] web www.sat3117.com Nuestra estructura Ubicada en el Bajo Aragón Histórico, una de las principales zonas productoras de almendra de España, Frutos Secos Alcañiz dispone de las más modernas instalaciones de selección, tratamiento y envasado de almendras, lo que permite ofrecer una extensa gama de productos que van, desde almendras con piel, hasta peladas, en láminas o granuladas. El minucioso cuidado que la almendra recibe desde su cultivo y durante todo el proceso de transformación permite que nuestros clientes, tanto nacionales como internacionales, disfruten de una gama de productos de excepcional calidad. 100 Our structure Located on the historical region of Bajo Aragón, one of the most important areas of almonds’ production in Spain, Frutos Secos Alcañiz has the most modern facilities for selection, treatment and packaging of almonds. Thanks to this, the company is able to offer a wide range of products, not only almonds with skin, but also skinned, sliced, granulated... almonds. We really care for almonds, from the very beginning and during the whole transformation process, so the customers, the Spanish as well as the foreign can be delighted with a range of products of exceptional quality. productos P RO D U C T S F R U T O S S E C O Almendra Marcona, Largueta y Comunas Almendra grano con piel Almendra grano pelada Industrializados Almendra ecológica con cáscara S Gaibar Hnos. s.l. C/ Muro Santiago, 73-75 44600 Alcañiz (Teruel) Bajo Aragon • España teléfono +34 978 830 609 e-mail [email protected] web www.aceitesgaibar.com Nuestra estructura La familia Gaibar se dedica a la elaboración de aceite de oliva desde 1.903, atesorando una experiencia que se ha trasmitido durante tres generaciones y que permite al consumidor disfrutar de unos excelentes productos de base natural. La gama de productos ofertados incluye diferentes variedades de aceite, destacando el aceite de oliva virgen extra de primera presión, reconocido por la Denominación de Origen Bajo Aragón, así como todo tipo de encurtidos y aderezos tanto de aceitunas como de otros productos. Our structure productos P RO D U C T S The family Gaibar is dedicated to olive oil production since 1903. We have acquired the experience throughout three generations. We make the consumer be delighted by excellent products of natural origin. The range of offered products includes different varieties of oil, where the virgin olive oil from the first press, certified by Denomination of Origin Bajo Aragón, as well as any kind of pickles and casing sauces like olives or other products. A Y E N C C E U I T R E T S I D O S Aceite D.O. Bajo Aragón Gordal-pepinillo Cocktail Manzanilla sabor anchoa Cebolletas Pepinillos Banderillas dulces Banderillas picantes Ajos dulces Aceituna negra de Aragón Aceituna de Caspe partida Aceituna arbequina 101 Miel Peñas Blancas C/ Eleuterio Blasco, 6 44579 Foz Calanda (Teruel) Bajo Aragon • España teléfono +34 978 846 938 e-mail [email protected] Nuestra estructura Con el objetivo de ofrecer al consumidor un producto de la máxima calidad, todo el proceso de elaboración de la miel “Peñas Blancas” se realiza de forma integrada, desde la colocación de las 1.200 colmenas en los montes del Bajo Aragón y Maestrazgo hasta su envasado y etiquetado final. El resultado es una miel completamente natural que mantiene intactas las cualidades del producto y que se comercializa en tiendas Gourmet de Cataluña, Valencia, Madrid y Aragón. 102 Our structure productos P RO D U C T S The complete making process of the Money Peñas Blancas is made in an integrated way from the 1200 beehives setting of the on the mountains of the Bajo Aragón and the Maestrazgo to its packing and final labelling, in order to offer the customer a product of the highest quality. The result is a complete natural honey which maintain intact the qualities of the product and which is sold in Gourmet shops in Cataluña,Valencia, Madrid and Aragón. M I E L Miel de romero, tomillo y mil flores presentada en envases de 1kg., 1/2 kg., 280 gr. y 50 gr. Quesería Freixneda deCabra Ctra. La Portellada, s/n 44596 La Fresneda (Teruel) Matarraña • España teléfono +34 978 854 104 e-mail [email protected] web www.stradasaporiporo.it Nuestra estructura Ubicada en la localidad de La Fresneda, la quesería Freixneda de Cabra sabe aprovechar las excepcionales condiciones ambientales de la comarca del Matarraña para producir una completa gama de quesos artesanos de cabra. Sus rebaños, que pastan entre bosques silvestres, trasmiten a estos quesos inconfundibles matices a setas, plantas aromáticas y cereales, haciendo de éstos productos únicos. Our structure productos P RO D U C T S Placed in La Fresneda, the cheese – mill Freixneda de Cabra benefits from the exceptional environmental conditions of the Matarraña county to produce a wide range of handmade goat cheeses. Its flock, which graze on wild woods, add to these cheeses special mushroom aromatic plants and crop’s tastes. Q U E S O S D E C A B R A Cabriola Queso de pasta semiblanda Afinat Queso de leche cruda Caprix Queso suave de leche pasteurizada Capra Crua Queso de leche cruda Frescor Queso fresco Mató Queso fresco 103 Adibama. Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral del Bajo Martín y Andorra-Sierra de Arcos La Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral del Bajo Martín es una entidad compuesta por los principales agentes socieconómicos de las comarcas del Bajo Martín y AndorraSierra de Arcos. Su objetivo es impulsar el desarrollo endógeno, integral y equilibrado de esta porción de la provincia de Teruel, implementando diferentes Programas e Iniciativas Europeas de desarrollo rural tales como Leader Plus o Equal. El territorio Adibama incluye 15 municipios localizados en el sector más septentrional de la provincia de Teruel, en el límite administrativo con la provincia de Zaragoza. Se encuentra apenas a 80 kilómetros de la capital Autonómica y a 40 de Alcañiz, capital del Bajo Aragón Histórico, por lo que mantiene importantes relaciones funcionales con el sector central y oriental del corredor del Ebro. En lo que al medio físico se refiere, este territorio se encuentra a caballo entre las estribaciones del sistema Ibérico, al Sur del área Adibama, y la depresión del Ebro, ya en su parte más septentrional. Por lo tanto, su desarrollo latitudinal coincide con el Piedemonte Ibérico, registrándose un paulatino gradiente altitudinal conforme nos desplazamos en dirección Norte104 Sur, que oscila entre los 200 metros de Castelnou y los 900 del entorno de la Sierra de Arcos. La evolución geológica de estas tierras ha permitido la explotación de importantes yacimientos de lignito, haciendo de la extracción del carbón y su transformación en energía eléctrica la principal actividad económica del territorio durante décadas. A la presencia de minerales energéticos hay que sumar la explotación de alabastro, yesos alabastrinos y arcillas rojas. Albalate del Arzobispo Adibama. Association for the Integral Development of the Bajo Martín and Andorra-Sierra de Arcos info C O R M E A G R I Asociación para el Desarrollo Integral del Bajo Martín y Andorra-Sierra de Arcos Avda. Zaragoza, nº 2 44540 Albalate del Arzobispo Teruel – España tel. +34 978 812177 e-mail [email protected] web www.adibama.es The Assotiation for the Integral development of the Bajo Martín is an entity composed by the main socioeconomic agents of the Bajo Martín and Andorra-Sierra de Arcos counties. It aims at ensuring the endogenous, integral and well-balanced development of this area of the province of Teruel, by implementing different programmes and European initiatives for rural development, such as Leader Plus or Equal. Oliete C A N S S +34 (978) 820126 Bajo Martín The Adibama territorial field includes 15 municipalities of the northern area of the province of Teruel, on the administrative border of the province with Zaragoza. It is just 80 km. far from the main capital of the Autonomous Community and 40 km. far from Alcañiz, the capital village of the historical Bajo Aragón. This is the reason why it maintains important functional relations with the central and eastern sector of the Ebro Corridor. Regarding the physical environment, this area is halfway between the Iberian mountainous area, which is on the South of Adibama’s territorial field, and the Ebro’s depression, on the northern area. Its latitudinal development is the Iberian foothill, where one can discover a gradual altitudinal gradient when travelling from the North to the South. This foothill varies from 200 metres in Castelnou to 900 metres. in the surroundings of Sierra de Arcos. Its geologic evolution enabled the exploitation of important beds of lignite.This is why the coal extraction and its transformation into electrical energy became the main economic activity of the area during decades. Apart from this presence of energy ores, the alabaster, alabaster gypsum and red clay also deserve special attention. O [email protected] www.comarcabajomartin.es +34 (978) 844336 Andorra-Sierra de Arcos [email protected] www.andorrasierradearcos.com E M P R E S A S T U R Í S T I C A S T O U R I S T C O M P A N I E S Senda +34 (978) 890723 [email protected] www.websenda.com O F I C I N A S DE TURISMO COMARCALES LOCAL OFFICES OF TOURISM Oficina de Turismo de Andorra +34 (978) 880927 A S O C I A C I O N E S DE EMPRESARIOS TURÍSTICOS A S S O C I A T I O N S OF TOURIST INDUSTRALISTS Asociación Empresarios del Bajo Martín +34 (978) 812177 Asociación Empresarios de Andorra +34 (978) 844105 Productos agroalimentarios 105 Almazaras de las Tierras del Martín Son cuatro almazaras representativas de los municipios de Albalate del Arzobispoy La Puebla de Híjar Bajo Martín • España Son cuatro almazaras representativas de los municipios de Albalate del Arzobispo y La Puebla de Híjar Nuestra estructura Estas cuatro almazaras representan algunos de los mejores ejemplos de empresas productoras de aceite de oliva virgen de la D.O. Bajo Aragón. Aunque se trata de entidades independientes, comparten métodos de producción tradicionales, por lo que el consumidor obtendrá de cualquiera de ellas el aceite de la mejor calidad. Our structure Composed by four oil mills, this holding represents some of the best virgin olive oil producers of the designated origin of Bajo Aragón, in Teruel. Even though every oil mill is independent from each other, they share its traditional production methods.This is the reason why consumers will obtain from any of these mills the highest quality of oil. productos P RO D U C T S A C E I T E ACEITE DE D. O. BAJO ARAGÓN Aceite de oliva Virgen Extra Aceites Albalate, s.l. C/ Collada, s/n, 44540 Albalate del Arzobispo. Tel. +34 978 813 104 [email protected] Aceites Aguilar s.l. C/ Pintor Gárate, 83 44540 Albalate del Arzobispo. Tel. +34 978 812 668 [email protected] www.aceitesaguilar.com Aceite de oliva al limón Aceituna verde Aceituna negra Aceites Impelte, s.l. Pol. Ind.Venta del Barro. 44511 La Puebla de Híjar. Tel. +34 978 821 028 [email protected] www.aceitesimpelte.com Aceites del Bajo Martín s.l. Pol. Ind. Eras Altas, s/n. Albalate del Arzobispo Tel. +34 978 812 766 www.aceitesbajomartin.com 106 Bodega Calera C/ Muro, s/n 44540 Albalate del Arzobispo (Teruel) Bajo Martín • España teléfono +34 978 812 607 e-mail [email protected] web www.agromartinarcos.com Nuestra estructura La puesta en marcha de la Bodega Calera se debe a la ilusión y trabajo de una familia que, generación tras generación, ha estado ligada al mundo del vino. Hace unos años se inició el proyecto con la plantación de 7 hectáreas de viñedo, que en la actualidad producen unos 18.000 kgs/año, destinándose toda la producción a la elaboración de vino tinto. Las instalaciones, de nueva construcción, están preparadas para realizar el ciclo completo de vinificación, hasta su salida embotellado y embalado, ya listo para su comercialización. Our structure Bodega Calera is the result of the dream and the work of a family, related from one generation to another to wine’s world.The project of our company began some years ago, when seven hectares of vineyard were planted. Nowadays, 18000 kg./year can be collected, all of them dedicated to our production of red wine. Our recently built facilities are well prepared to carry out the complete cycle of winemaking, including its last phases as bottling and packing, when the wine ready to be sold. productos P RO D U C T S V I N O VINO DE LA TIERRA DEL BAJO ARAGÓN Vino tinto joven 107 Eurocatering s.l. Ctra. acceso a Endesa, s/n 44500 Andorra (Teruel) Sierra de Arcos • España teléfono +34 978 880 753 e-mail [email protected] web www.euro-catering.net Nuestra estructura Eurocatering es una empresa con más de una década en el sector de la hostelería. Ofrece un servicio variado, elegante y profesional, aportando soluciones para cualquier tipo de evento o celebración y poniendo a disposición del cliente toda la información necesaria para ajustarse a sus gustos y necesidades. Disponemos de vehículos dotados de completas instalaciones de cocina (hornos, frigoríficos, freidoras, etc.) y un amplio equipo de profesionales que garantizan la calidad de nuestros menús. Además nos encargamos de ofrecer el mejor ambiente, con carpas totalmente equipadas (mobiliario, variados modelos de vajillas, etc.), decoración floral y música de ambiente. 108 Our structure For more than ten years Eurocatering has been a company dedicated to the hotel industry. We offer a varied, elegant and professional service, including solutions to any type of event or celebration. We also give any kind of information that our customers could need, in order to meet all their requirements, not only what they need, but also what they enjoy them find the best option according to their GUSTOS and needs. We boast vehicles equipped with kitchen facilities (oven, fridge, fryer, etc.) and a wide professional’s team who guarantees our menu’s quality. Moreover, we offer the best atmosphere, using big tops fully equipped (furniture, different wares, etc) as well as floral decoration and background music. productos P RO D U C T S C Y B A T A E N Q R I U N E G T Banquetes con servicio de camareros Banquetes self-service Paellas gigantes Vinos españoles (Cócteles) E S Fanbar s.l. Partida Descanso, s/n 44520 Samper de Calanda (Teruel) Bajo Martín • España teléfono +34 978 822 778 e-mail [email protected] web www.fanbar.es Nuestra estructura Fanbar S.L. es una empresa familiar con una dilatada trayectoria en la producción artesanal de una amplia gama de quesos y vinos. En cuanto a los productos, se ha apostado claramente por la calidad, utilizando para sus quesos y vinos una cuidadosa selección de materias primas y un conjunto de procesos de elaboración que combinan las tecnologías más actuales con los saberes tradicionales heredados durante décadas. Por último, añadir que Fanbar siempre ha distribuido sus productos en los establecimientos adecuados, evitando su venta indiscriminada, algo incompatible con el mantenimiento de la calidad. Our structure Fanbar S.L. is a familiar company with an extensive professional experience on traditional production of a wide range of cheeses and wines. The product’s quality is definitely our first set aim, therefore all our cheeses and wines are of the highest quality, because we use only carefully selected raw materials. We combine the most recent technologies with the traditional knowledge inherited for decades in wine and cheese’s production. Finally, we would like to point out that Fanbar has always distributed his products on the appropriated establishments, to prevent its indiscriminate selling, which is not compatible with the quality’s maintenance. productos P RO D U C T S Q Y U V E I S N O O S S VINO DE LA TIERRA DEL BAJO ARAGÓN Merlot Barrica Romero de Hijar Royal de Alloza Garnacha Negra Teca Moscatel Vinos espumosos Queso curado puro de oveja Patamulo Los Tambores Bajo Aragón Brazogitano Tonelito Fanbar Pañoleta Zambomba Untico de queso 109 Elaborados Cárnicos La Manolica s.l. Pol. Industrial La Estación, 54 44500 Andorra (Teruel) Sierra de Arcos • España teléfono +34 978 880 996 e-mail [email protected] web www.lamanolica.com Nuestra estructura La Manolica es una empresa familiar ubicada en el municipio turolense de Andorra que lleva ofreciendo sus servicios al público desde la década de 1960. El esfuerzo por ampliar la oferta de productos nos obliga a una búsqueda constante de nuevas formas de elaboración y presentación, pero manteniendo el buen hacer artesanal heredado de las recetas de nuestros antepasados. El lema de esta empresa es calidad y servicio a los mejores precios, siendo nuestro motor la confianza y satisfacción de nuestros clientes. 110 productos Our structure La Manolica is a familiar company located in Andorra, a village in Teruel, Spain. We have been offering our services to the public since the 60s. On our effort to make our product’s range wider, it is a must for us to look for new production and presentation ways, always maintaining the handmade know-how inherited from our ancestors’ receipts. Our company’s appeal is quality and service at best prices. Our match is our customer’s trust and satisfaction. P RO D U C T S C Á R N I C O S EMBUTIDO FRESCO Longaniza, chorizo, salchichas y chistorra EMBUTIDO CURADO Longaniza de Aragón, longaniza de Pascua, Chorizo del Bajo Aragón, salchichón casero y salchichón montañés CONSERVAS Lomo, costilla y longaniza CARNE DE CAZA ESCABECHADA Perdiz, codorniz y conejo Hnos. Igado Orcal s.a.t. C/ Alamines, 18 44520 Samper de Calanda (Teruel) Bajo Martín • España teléfono +34 978 822 589 e-mail [email protected] web www.lanzadera.com/lasvalles Nuestra estructura Los Hermanos Igado Orcal son una empresa familiar con más de veinte años de andadura en el municipio de Samper de Calanda. Su actividad principal es la producción quesera, pero realizando el ciclo completo, ya que la leche la obtienen de su propia cabaña ganadera, encargandose también de la distribución y venta del producto final. Son artesanos del queso de Aragón que mezclan tradición y modernas técnicas de producción, pero respetando todas las exigencias higiénico-sanitarias de la Unión Europea. Sus productos, bajo la marca “Las Valles” han recibido varios premios que avalan su calidad. Our structure Hermanos Igado Orca is a familiar company with more than twenty years’ experience in Samper de Calanda, a village in Teruel, Spain. Our main activity is cheese’s production. Nevertheless, we make the complete production’s cycle, because the milk we use is obtained from our own livestock farm. We also distribute and sell the final product.We are artisans of cheeses made from Aragon, who mix tradition and modern production’s techniques, always according to all the EU hygienic and sanitary requirements. Our products, under the trademark “Las Valles”, have been awarded different times: our product’s quality is guaranteed. productos P RO D U C T S Q U E S O QUESO CURADO DE OVEJA Queso 1 kg Queso 1'7 kg Queso 2'5 kg Cuñas envasadas al vacío 111 Los Frutos del Abuelo C/ Concepción, 30 44540 Albalate del Arzobispo (Teruel) Bajo Martín • España teléfono +34 978 812 426 e-mail asociacion @agromartinarcos.com web www.agromartinarcos.com Nuestra estructura Esta empresa nace en la Comarca del Bajo Martín, al calor de uno de los frutos más preciados de Aragón, la aceituna Empeltre, también conocida como aceituna de Aragón. La cuidada selección de la materia prima y los procesos de transformación tradicionales, unidos a unas modernas instalaciones, garantiza una excelente calidad de nuestros productos, caracterizada por una gama de aceitunas de sabores puros, naturales e intensos. Our structure The region Comarca del Bajo Martín boasts one of the most popular fruits of Aragón: the Empeltre olive, known also as olive from Aragón. As all our raw materials are carefully selected and as we use and the traditional transformation processes, together with modern facilities we guarantee the excellent quality of our products, which is characterized by a range of olives having pure, natural and intense flavours. productos P RO D U C T S A E C N E A I T D U E N R Aceituna Aragón en bote de plástico de 800 gr y 1'8 kg y tarro de cristal de 450 gr Aceituna Caspolina en bote de plástico de 800 gr y 1'8 kg Aceituna Caspolina partida aliñada en bote de plástico de 1'8 kg 112 A E Z S O Quesos Sardón s.c. Camino Eras Parroquia, s/n 44520 Samper de Calanda (Teruel) Bajo Martín • España teléfono +34 978 822 515 e-mail [email protected] web www.agromartinarcos.com Nuestra estructura Nuestros quesos son el resultado de una cuidada selección de la mejor leche de vaca, cabra y oveja; materias primas que unidas a una elaboración artesanal basada en una óptima maduración, da como resultado unos quesos que por su sabor y aromas llenos de matices satisfacen a los clientes más exigentes. La oferta de productos incluye quesos curados de mezcla, puros de oveja y cabra, así como queso fundido para untar, cada uno de ellos elaborados con diferentes procesos de maduración. Our structure All our cheeses come from carefully selected cow, goat and sheep milk; these selected raw materials, together with a traditional production based on an optimal maturation results on cheeses that, satisfy the most exigent customers, thanks to its flavours and aromas, full of nuances. Our range of products includes cure mixed cheeses, made of sheep and goat pure milk, as well as melted cheeses ready to spread, all of them made with different maturation processes. productos P RO D U C T S QUESO CURADO DE OVEJA, CABRA Y MEZCLA QUESO DE MEZCLA Tronchón de 0'5 y 1'5 kg Barra de 2'5 kg Redondo 2 kg Bote cristal en aceite 250 gr QUESO DE OVEJA Tronchón de 0'5 kg Redondo 1'5 y 3'5 kg Bote cristal en aceite 250 gr QUESO DE CABRA Tronchón de 0'5 y 1'5 kg Redondo 1'5 kg Bote cristal en aceite 250 gr QUESO FUNDIDO Crema de finas hierbas Flor de Sardón presentados en pequeños tarros de cristal 113 Salazoneras Aragonesas s.l. Pol. Industrial Eras Altas, parcela 1.5 44540 Albalate del Arzobispo Bajo Martín (Teruel) • España teléfono +34 978 812 504 e-mail [email protected] web www.salazonera.com Nuestra estructura Salazonera Aragonesa elabora productos artesanales, añadiendo a esta milenaria técnica de conservación modernos procesos de elaboración y envasado, todo ello para que el producto se mantenga en perfectas condiciones de aroma y sabor. De entre sus productos destaca la anchoa en salazón, elaborada con boquerones frescos de primera calidad procedentes del Mediterráneo, y los boquerones en vinagre, macerados con vinagre de vino de la mejor calidad. 114 Our structure Salazonera Aragonesa produces handmade products, but we add to our millennial technique of preservation, modern production and packing processes, so our products are maintained in perfect aroma and flavour conditions. Among our products, the salted anchovy, made with fresh anchovies of first quality, coming from the Mediterranean sea should be pointed out, as well as the vinegar anchovies, marinated with wine vinegar of the best quality. productos P RO D U C T S S A L A Z O N Anchoa en filete 60 gr, 40 gr, 600 gr Salmuera limpia 30 ud, 40 ud Pinchos de anchoa y boquerón con encurtidos 6 ud, 12 ud, 30 ud E S Sociedad Cooperativa Apícola Provincia de Teruel Pol. Industrial Peña Negra, parcela C-3 44547 Ariño (Teruel) Andorra Sierra de Arcos • España teléfono +34 978 817 074 e-mail [email protected] web www.agromartinarcos.com Nuestra estructura La Sociedad Cooperativa Apícola Provincia de Teruel tiene un triple objetivo. De una parte fomentar la producción y comercialización de miel y productos derivados, tales como el polen, los propóleos y la jalea real. En segundo lugar, asiste a los apicultores en su actividad, ofreciendo los materiales, productos y herramientas necesarias para el buen funcionamiento de las explotaciones de acuerdo con la normativa vigente. Por último, realiza una función divulgadora, informando a la sociedad del proceso de elaboración de la miel, de sus cualidades alimenticias y fomentando su consumo. Our structure The Sociedad Cooperativa Apícola Provincia de Teruel (Apiculture Cooperative of the Province of Teruel) has a triple aim. First of all, we aim to promote production and trade of honey and other derived products, such as pollen, propolis and royal jelly’s. Secondly, we aim to help apicultures on their activity, by offering to them the materials, products and tools for the correct farm’s work, according to the actual legislation. Finally, we have a disclosing function: we inform our members about the complete honey making process, about the honey’s food quality, and it also promotes its consumption. productos P RO D U C T S M I E L D E T E R U E Miel de romero Miel de tomillo Miel de espliego Miel de mil flores Polen Propóleos Jalea real 115 L Agujama. Asociación para el Desarrollo de Gúdar-Javalambre y Maestrazgo La Asociación para el Desarrollo de Gúdar-Javalambre y Maestrazgo (Agujama) nace en el año 2002 como la entidad encargada de gestionar los fondos Leader. Compuesta por agentes públicos y privados de las comarcas turolenses de Gudar-Javalambre y Maestrazgo, su objetivo es el de apoyar todo aquel proyecto que contribuya a incentivar el desarrollo socioeconómico y la generación de empleo en estas tierras, así como toda iniciativa encaminada a fomentar la valorización de su patrimonio; el impulso de los recursos endógenos y la conservación del medio ambiente. El espacio Agujama consta de 39 municipios situados a lo largo de la frontera Sur, Sureste y Este de Teruel, lindando con las provincias deValencia y Castellón. En su conjunto se trata de un territorio que, a pesar de distar menos de 100 kilómetros de la costa levantina, una de las zonas más dinámicas de España, presenta un alto grado de aislamiento como consecuencia de sus condiciones montañosas y, sobre todo, de las importantes deficiencias que sufre en materia de comunicaciones terrestres. Posiblemente, el aspecto que mayor unidad otorga a este territorio sea su medio físico, caracterizado por tratarse de un ambiente de alta montaña mediterránea que impregna sus cualidades y condicionantes a todos los demás aspectos socioeconómicos de este espacio, alzándose como el ele116 mento territorial más significativo. Así, en torno a un 80% de la superficie de ambas comarcas se sitúa por encima de los 1.000 metros de altitud, alcanzando cotas en las que incluso se superan los 2.000 metros. Esta elevada altitud provoca que el clima de la zona resulte especialmente riguroso, otro de los rasgos definitorios del espacio Agujama, caracterizado por veranos muy suaves en lo térmico e inviernos fríos con abundancia de precipitaciones en forma de nieve que incluso permiten la presencia de dos estaciones de esquí, las de Javalambre yValdelinares. El tercero de los rasgos a destacar del medio natural es la presencia de importantes formaciones vegetales, destacables tanto por la superficie que ocupan como por la variedad y singularidad de especies representadas. Castillo. Mora de Rubielos Agujama. Association for the Development of the Gúdar-Javalambre and Maestrazgo areas info C O R The Association for the development of the Gúdar-Javalambre and Maestrazgo areas (Agujama) came up in 2002 as an entity to manage the Leader funds. It is composed by public and private agents of the GúdarJavalambre and Maestrazgo, all of them counties of Teruel. It aims at supporting any project giving incentives to the socio-economic development and job creation in these areas. It also aims at promoting any activity promoting the heritage’s valuation or of the endogenous resources and the environmental preservation. The Agujama’s territorial field includes 39 municipalities located through the South, South-East and Eastern border of the province of Teruel, bordering the provinces of Valencia and Castellón. Actividades deportivas Even if it is 100 km. far from the eastern cost of Spain, one of the most dynamic areas, this region is highly isolated, due to its mountainous conditions and specially, because of the important problems derived from its bad communications through its infrastructure. Its physical environment is perhaps the aspect which gives a greater unit to this area is. It is characterized by its high Mediterranean mountains environment, which spreads its qualities and determining factors to the rest of the socio-economic aspects of this county.This is the reason why it is the most significant element of the area. In this way, around 80% of the area of both counties is located 1,000 m. over the sea level. Some of its points are event placed 2,000 m. over the sea level. This high altitude results in an extreme weather, which is also a determining factor of the territorial field where Agujama works. It is characterized by snow’s precipitations, so even two ski resorts, the one in Javalambre and the one of Valdelinares can be here located. The third important factor of the natural environment is the existence of important vegetal formations, which are emphasized not only by its length but also by the variety and peculiarity of the species found there. M E A G R I C O A N S S +34 (964) 185242 Maestrazgo [email protected] www.comarcamaestrazgo.es +34 (978) 800008 Gúdar-Javalambre [email protected] www.gudarjavalambre.es E M P R E S A S T U R Í S T I C A S T O U R I S T C O M P A N I E S Saif-vivencial +34 (978) 801802 [email protected] www.saifvivencial.com O F I C I N A S DE TURISMO COMARCALES LOCAL OFFICES OF TOURISM Oficina de Turismo Comarcal Mora de Rubielos +34 (978) 806132 Oficina de Turismo Comarcal Cantavieja +34 (964) 185414 A S O C I A C I O N E S DE EMPRESARIOS TURÍSTICOS A S S O C I A T I O N S OF TOURIST INDUSTRALISTS Asociación Empresarios Turísticos del Maestrazgo +34 (978) 887561 Asociación Empresarios Turísticos Sierra de Javalambre +34 (978) 670268 Asociación Empresarios Sierra de Gúdar +34 (639) 346057 117 Asociación de Empresarios Agroalimentarios del Maestrazgo C/ Nueva, 47 44560 Castellote (Teruel) • España teléfono +34 978 887 671 e-mail [email protected] web www.maestrazgo.org Nuestra estructura La asociación surge en 1995, al amparo del programa LEADER I. Compuesta inicialmente por empresas de nueva creación, su objetivo siempre ha sido el de dinamizar el sector agroalimentario del Maestrazgo turolense, actividad fundamental para la economía de estas tierras. La principal de sus encomiendas es la de ejercer la representación común de todos los asociados, apoyando a los pequeños empresarios locales en materia de formación, promoción, comercialización y todas aquellas cuestiones relacionadas con sus negocios. 118 Our structure Our association came up in 1995, under the auspices of the programme LEADER I. It was initially composed by recently created companies. Its main focus is to dynamize the food sector of the Maestrazgo of Teruel, which is the main activity for the economy of the villages included. The principal purpose is to represent all members, supporting the small local entrepreneurs in different fields like education, promotion, trade and any other aspect related to these businesses. servicios S E RV I C E S A E S M O P C R I E A S C A I R Ó I N A Representación del sector Asesoramiento en materia de formación, promoción, comercialización, etc. L Sociedad Cooperativa Agraria del Maestrazgo C/ Santa Lucía 44143 Fortanete (Teruel) • España teléfono +34 978 778 271 e-mail [email protected] web www.maestrazgo.org Nuestra estructura Our structure productos P RO D U C T S La Sociedad Cooperativa Agraria del Maestrazgo surge en el año 2006 con la intención de fomentar la producción y comercialización de patata ecológica. Incluye a productores de los municipios de Fortanete,Villarluengo, La Cañada de Benatanduz y Pitarque, localidades donde tradicionalmente se ha cultivado una patata de excelente calidad. Precisamente, esta calidad del producto, unida al valor añadido que genera la producción ecológica, se ha considerado como una interesante alternativa para la agricultura de la comarca, tradicionalmente poco productiva y escasamente rentable. The Sociedad Cooperativa Agraria del Maestrazgo came up in 2006 aiming to promote the production and trade of biological potatoes. It includes producers of different villages, such as Fortanete, Villarluengo, La Cañada de Benatanduz and Pitarque, communities where excellent quality potatoes have been traditionally grown. This quality of the product, together with the added value that biological agriculture gives, was considered as an interesting alternative for the agriculture of our community, which was traditionally neither very productive nor rentable. P A T A T A E C O L Ó G I C A Producción, comercialización y promoción de la patata ecológica del Maestrazgo 119 Bodegas Borraz C/ Extramuros, s/n 44563 Las Planas de Castellote (Teruel) Maestrazgo • España teléfono +34 978 723 084 e-mail [email protected] web www.maestrazgo.org Nuestra estructura Bodegas Borraz del Maestrazgo es una empresa vinícola cuyos fundadores proceden de una larga tradición familiar en la elaboración de vino. Ese saber hacer heredado de generación en generación se ha adaptado a los nuevos cambios tecnológicos en el sistema de producción, sin perder por ello el cariño, atención, interés y dedicación con el que siempre se han elaborado nuestros productos. El resultado son unos vinos jóvenes y reservas de excelente calidad que satisfacen al consumidor más exigente. 120 Our structure Bodegas Borraz del Maestrazgo is a wine making company whose founders come from a long familiar tradition on wine making. Our knowledge, which we get from one generation to another, was adapted to the new technological changes on production systems, bearing in mind the care, attention, interest and dedication which are always present on our products. As a result, we offer young and vintage wines of an excellent quality, which satisfy the most exigent consumer. productos P RO D U C T S V I N O D E L M A E S T R A Z G O Vino tinto joven Vino rosado joven Vino blanco joven Vino tinto reserva Embutidos Barcelón s.l. C/ Modesto Muñoz, 16 44420 Manzanera (Teruel) Gúdar-Javalambre • España teléfono +34 978 781 873 e-mail [email protected] web www.barcelon-embutidos.es Nuestra estructura “Embutidos Barcelón” cuenta con casi 20 años de experiencia en la elaboración de derivados del cerdo. De sus productos destacan el Jamón D.O.Teruel, los embutidos frescos y curados y, muy especialmente, su longaniza con trufa negra, un embutido que combina dos de los productos agroalimentarios más preciados de la sierra de Javalambre. El carácter familiar de esta empresa no es obstáculo para que sus productos se comercialicen en Madrid, Barcelona,Valencia y Zaragoza entre otras ciudades de España. Our structure Embutidos Barcelón has nearly 20 years experience on products derived from pork meat. Among our products, we should point out the Ham Denomination Origin Teruel, the fresh and cure cold cuts and also and very important our spicy sausage with black truffle, which combines two of the most valued products of the food sector of the Javalambre mountains. Even though this is a familiar company, our products are sold in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia and Zaragoza, among other towns, in Spain. productos P RO D U C T S C Á R N I C O S JAMÓN D.O. TERUEL Entero Deshuesado y envasado al vacio Tacos envasados al vacio Fileteados envasados al vacio EMBUTIDOS CURADOS Longaniza Longaniza con trufa Chorizo sarta y extra Chorizo picante Fuet Salchichón Sobrasada EMBUTIDOS FRESCOS Longaniza Chorizo Morcilla de arroz y cebolla Conserva de cerdo 121 Jamones Alto Maestrazgo s.l. Pza. Cristo Rey, 3 44140 Cantavieja (Teruel) Maestrazgo • España teléfono +34 964 185 121 e-mail [email protected] web www.maestrazgo.org Nuestra estructura Las excepcionales condiciones ambientales del Maestrazgo turolense se traducen, en el secadero Jamones Alto Maestrazgo, en una gama de productos derivados del cerdo de excelente calidad. Destaca el Jamón de Teruel Denominación de Origen, resultado de una cuidad selección de la materia prima y de un proceso de curación totalmente natural. Para asegurar una mejora continua de nuestros embutidos, Jamones Alto Maestrazgo realiza una constante mejora de su sistema de gestión de calidad, alcanzando de forma artesanal los característicos sabores y aromas de los curados del Maestrazgo. Our structure The exceptional environmental conditions of the Maestrazgo of Teruel changes at the drying place Jamones Alto Maestrazgo into a range of excellent quality of products derived from pork meat. The Ham Denomination Origin Teruel, as a result of a carefully selection of raw material and a curing process totally natural, should be pointed out. In order to assure a continuous improvement of our cold cuts, Jamones Alto Maestrazgo in constantly improving its quality management, and obtaining in a handmade way the characteristic flavours and aromas of the cured products of the Maestrazgo. productos P RO D U C T S J A M Ó N JAMÓN D.O. DE TERUEL Jamón serrano Cecina de toro Loncheados Lomo embuchado Cabeza de lomo Bacón 122 Jamones Hnos.Vivas s.l. Pol. Industrial Los Cerezos, 11 44400 Mora de Rubielos (Teruel) Gúdar-Javalambre • España teléfono +34 978 800 425 e-mail [email protected] Nuestra estructura Esta empresa de tradición familiar comienza su actividad en el año 1993. Centrada en la elaboración de Jamón serrano, desde 1997 cuenta con nuevas instalaciones que le permiten ofertar una variada gama de presentaciones que responden a las necesidades del cliente actual y que incluye jamón deshuesado, envasado al vacío, loncheados, etc. La excelencia de los productos elaborados por Jamones Vivas está garantizada por el Certificado de Calidad UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000. Our structure This company of familiar tradition began its activity on 1993. We focused on the Serrano Ham production. Since 1997 we have new facilities to offer a varied range of presentations, meeting to our actual customer’s needs and which includes boned ham vacuum packed, sliced ham, etc. The excellent quality of the products made by Jamones Vivas is guaranteed by the Quality Certification UNE-EN ISO 9001:2000. productos P RO D U C T S J A Y M Ó N D E R S E R R A N I V A D O S Jamón serrano Paletas curadas Deshuesados Loncheado de cárnicos curados 123 O Manjares de la Tierra C/ Teruel, 10 bajo 44460 Sarrión (Teruel) Gúdar-Javalambre • España teléfono +34 978 780 036 e-mail [email protected] web www.manjaresdelatierra.com Nuestra estructura Manjares de la Tierra es una empresa dedicada a transformar y comercializar uno de los productos más selectos y exclusivos de la naturaleza, la trufa negra (Tuber melanosporum), que de forma tradicional se viene recolectando en estas tierras. Ubicada en la localidad turolense de Sarrión, uno de los principales centros truferos de España, Manjares de la Tierra recibe las trufas frescas y las transforma en una gama de productos que permiten al consumidor disfrutar de este excelente producto en las mejores condiciones de calidad. Our structure Manjares de la Tierra is a company dedicated to transformation and trading of one of the most selected and exclusive products of the nature, the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum), which has been traditionally collected in this area. Located in Sarrión, near Teruel, one of the main areas in Spain where truffles are grown, Manjares de la Tierra picks the fresh truffles and transforms them into a range of products which delights the consumer with this excellent product which has the best quality conditions. productos P RO D U C T S T R U F A N E G R Trufa fresca Capricho de trufa/ tarro cristal 50 grs. Delicia de trufa/ tarro cristal 50 grs. Vinagre balsámico con trufa/ botella 100 y 250 ml. Aceite de oliva con trufa/ botella 100 ml. Queso de oveja con trufa/ pieza 800 grs. Trufa en brandy • tarro cristal 80 grs. Trufa en su jugo/ tarro cristal 15 y 75 grs. Jugo de trufa/ tarro cristal 45 y 160 ml. Trufa laminada tarro cristal 50 grs. 124 A Matadero Conejos Montolio s.l. C/ San Cristóbal, s/n 44440 Formiche Alto (Teruel) Gúdar-Javalambre • España teléfono +34 978 670 170 T Nuestra estructura El Matadero Conejos Montolio, dedicado a la producción de carne fresca de conejo, se localiza en el municipio de Formiche Alto. Con más de 25 años de experiencia en el sector, su producción semanal alcanza las 10.000 piezas, comercializando sus productos en las ciudades de Teruel, Castellón y Valencia. R U F A N E G R A Our structure The slaughterhouse Conejos Montolio, which is dedicated to fresh rabbit meat production, is based on the municipality of Formiche Alto. It has more than 25 years experience in this sector. Its weekly production is about 10.000 rabbits, which are sold in Teruel, Castellón y Valencia. productos P RO D U C T S M ATA D E R O D E C O N E J O S Carne fresca de conejo 125 Panadería y Bollería Tradicional Aznar Royo C/ Fernando Hué, 8 44559 Villarluengo (Teruel) Maestrazgo • España teléfono +34 978 773 130 e-mail [email protected] web www.maestrazgo.org Nuestra estructura Our structure productos P RO D U C T S Este horno tradicional se caracteriza por realizar una importante labor de recuperación de las antiguas recetas reposteras del Maestrazgo turolense. Se trata de una empresa familiar en el que se cuidan tanto las materias primas (harina, huevos, manteca de cerdo, almendras, vino dulce, miel, mermeladas etc.) como los procesos de elaboración tradicionales, combinados con nuevas tecnologías que aseguran la excelente calidad de sus productos. 126 This traditional oven is characterized for doing a great labour of recovering traditional pastrycook receipts of the Maestrazgo region in Teruel. It is a traditionally familiar owned company where not only the raw materials (flour, eggs, lard, almonds, sweet wine, honey, marmalades, etc.) but also the traditional pastrycook’s processes are taken into consideration, together with new technologies, which guarantee an excellent quality of its products. R T E R P A O D S I T C I E O R N Panes Pan resobao Pan de pintadera Cañada con aceite Repostería Tortas de alma Almendrados Mantecados Tortas de cabello de ángel Torticas de anís Misterios Mantecado pobre Almojábanas Mostachón Í A A L Quesos Mosqueruela C/ Postigo, 10 44410 Mosqueruela (Teruel) Gúdar-Javalambre • España teléfono +34 607 201 221 e-mail [email protected] Nuestra estructura Quesos Mosqueruela cuenta con su propia explotación ganadera, de la que obtiene la mejor leche para elaborar sus quesos de cabra. Pero además, su quesería se convierte en un centro dinámico donde el visitante que se acerque al Maestrazgo podrá conocer y participar de las labores propias de la actividad pastoril, aprender las claves de la elaboración de las distintas variedades de queso, así como participar en catas divulgativas. En definitiva, se trata de un planteamiento empresarial que persigue el aprovechamiento integral de los recursos endógenos del territorio en el ámbito de la ganadería, la producción agroalimentaria y la actividad turística. Our structure Quesos Mosqueruela possesses its own livestock farm, from which it obtains the better milk to produce its goat cheeses. Our cheese’s mill is also a dynamic centre where any visitor coming to the Maestrazgo can discover and participate in the normal activities of shepherds, learn the keys of the production of different kind of cheeses as well as participate in disclosing flavours’ activities. In one word, it is a company’s believe consisting on taking full advantage of the endogenous resources of the area regarding livestock, food industry and tourist activity. productos P RO D U C T S Q U E S O S D E C A B R A Queso de cabra Queso de pasta blanda Queso curado Queso con trufa 127 Wilmar Monfort Cebrián C/ Baja, s/n 44563 Bordón (Teruel) Maestrazgo • España teléfono +34 964 178 453 e-mail [email protected] web www.maestrazgo.org Nuestra estructura La miel Portal del Maestrazgo es elaborada íntegramente por la empresa familiar Wilmar Monfort, con más de 35 años de experiencia en la producción de miel. Las instalaciones de la empresa permiten cerrar el ciclo productivo, desde la colocación de las colmenas en los montes del Maestrazgo hasta el envasado y etiquetado, ofreciendo un producto sano y natural que cuenta con todas las garantías para satisfacer al cliente más exigente. Our structure The honey “Portal del Maestrazgo” is fully prepared by the familiar company Wilmar Monfort, which has more than 35 years experience on producing this product. The company’s facilities make possible to do the complete production’s cycle, from the log hiving in the Maestrazgo’s mountains to the packing and packaging stages. We offer healthy and natural products, which give all the guarantees to satisfy the most exigent customer. productos P RO D U C T S M I E L Miel Portal del Maestrazgo Miel de romero Miel de tomillo Miel de mil flores 128 129 Portugal Adraces Portugal A Adraces, criada em 1992, é uma Associação de Desenvolvimento Regional, privada e sem fins lucrativos, gestora de Programas e Iniciativas Comunitárias e Nacionais em Portugal para a Beira Interior Sul (Concelhos de Castelo Branco, Idanha-a-Nova, Penamacor e Vila Velha de Ródão). Para o cumprimento desse desiderato definiu como estratégia central de intervenção a mobilização dos recursos humanos e a exploração equilibrada dos recursos endógenos, através da criação de emprego e melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações para atingir o desenvolvimento integrado e auto-sustentado da Região. Neste quadro, as intervenções efectuadas nos diversos sectores têm vindo a introduzir uma lógica de desenvolvimento integrado, multifuncional e multisectorial de carácter territorializado, através da conciliação no território dos diversos instrumentos existentes, em convergência e articulação com o plano estratégico de desenvolvimento integrado e integral previsto para a região. Jardim do Paço, Castelo Branco Portas de Ródão,Vila Velha de Ródão A D R AC E S A S S O C I A Ç Ã O PA R A O D E S E N V O LV I M E N T O DA R A I A C E N T RO - S U L Rua de Santana, 277 • 6030-230 Vila Velha de Ródão tel. +351 272 540 200 fax +351 272 540 209 e-mail [email protected] web www.adraces.pt 132 Idanha-a-Velha, Idanha-a-Nova Dados do território Territory data Área Area População ADRACES, created in 1992, is a private, non-profit Association of regional Development which manages programmes and both communitarian and national initiatives in Portugal for the southern interior Beira region (which includes the township of Castelo Branco, Idanha-a-Nova, Penamacor and Vila Velha de Ródão). Its objective is promoting the socioeconomic and cultural development of the region. In order to achieve this goal, it has defined its central interventional strategy as being the mobilisation of human resources and the balanced exploitation of natural endogenous resources trough the creation of job opportunities and the improvement of life quality amongst the populations so as to achieve a level of integrated development and self-sufficiency in the region. Population Densidade populacional Population density km2 3.738,3 kmq 2006 74.681 2006 Hab/km² 19,8 population/kmq Numero de Concelhos 4 Number of Municipalities Numero de Freguesias Number of Parish 58 info C Â M A R A S C I T I M U N I C I P A I S E S H L L +351 272 330 330 Castelo Branco In this scope, the actions which are undertaken in the various sectors have come to introduce a logic based on integrated, multifunctional and multi-sectored development with a profoundly territorial characteristics, converging and articulating the strategy of integrated development foreseen for the region. A [email protected] www.cm-castelobranco.pt +351 277 200 570 Idanha-a-Nova [email protected] www.cm-idanhanova.pt +351 277 394 106 Penamacor [email protected] www.cm-penamacor.pt +351 272 540 300 Vila Velha de Ródão [email protected] www.cm-vvrodao.pt P O S T O S D E T U R I S M O LOCAL OFFICES OF TOURISM Posto deTurismo de Castelo Branco +351 272 330 339 [email protected] Posto deTurismo de Idanha-a-Nova +351 277 201 023 Posto deTurismo de Idanha-a-Velha +351 277 914 280 Junta de Turismo de Monfortinho +351 277 434 223 Posto de Turismo de Monsanto +351 277 314 642 Posto de Turismo de Penha Garcia +351 272 366 011 Posto de Turismo de Penamacor +351 277 394 058 [email protected] Posto de Turismo de Vila Velha de Ródão +351 272 540 312 [email protected] E M P R E S A S T U R Í S T I C A S T O U R I S T C O M P A N I E S Naturtejo +351 272 320 176 [email protected] www.naturtejo.com Torre de Vigia, Penamacor 133 Lagar de azeite tradicional Traditional oil mill Principais actividades económicas da Região A Beira Interior Sul possui uma elevada qualidade ambiental e histórica, factor que fornece uma vantagem imensurável à população – qualidade de vida. É um território chave para diversos produtos agrícolas e do sector alimentar, assim como preserva produtos artesanais de reconhecida qualidade como o Bordado de Castelo Branco. As principais actividades económicas da região baseiam-se na indústria alimentar, nomeadamente com os segmentos do leite/queijo e das azeitonas/azeite, na indústria do frio e na indústria de cabos e componentes para a indústria automóvel. Principal economic activity of the Region The Beira Interior Sul possesses a high ambient and historical quality, a factor which gives it the benefit of being able to “provide” immeasurable advantage to the population – a good environment and quality of life. It is a key for diverse agricultural products and of the alimentary sector, as well as high-quality craft work like the Embroidery of Castelo Branco. Queijos da Beira Baixa DOP Beira Baixa Cheese PDO 134 Bordado de Castelo Branco Castelo Branco Embroidery Diversos produtos alimentares de excelência da região são reconhecidos e certificados como DOP – Denominação de Origem Protegida, nos quais se incluem o Azeite da Beira Interior (Azeite da Beira Baixa) e os Queijos da Beira Baixa, englobando o Queijo de Castelo Branco, o Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa e o Queijo Picante da Beira Baixa. O Bordado de Castelo Branco é um dos ex-líbris culturais e patrimoniais da Região e de Portugal, constituindo a excelência das artes têxteis portuguesas. De grande beleza estética e exemplo de originalidade, as Colchas de Castelo Branco resultam do encontro de culturas entre o Ocidente e o Oriente e também de influencias vincadamente europeias, constituindo objectos sumptuários. Colmeias Beehives The region’s main economic activities are based on the food industry, namely the milk/cheese and olive/olive oil segments, on refrigeration and its components and on the manufacture of cable and its components for the automobile industry. Diverse alimentary products of excellence of the region are recognized and certified as PDO – Protected Designation of Origin, including the Oil of Beira Interior (Oil of Beira Baixa) and the Cheeses of Beira Interior, including the Cheese of Castelo Branco, the Yellow Cheese of Beira Interior and the Spiced Cheese of Beira Interior. The Embroidery of Castelo Branco is one of the cultural and patrimonial emblems of the Region and Portugal, embodying the excellence of Portuguese textile arts. Of great aesthetic beauty and originality, the quilts of Castelo Branco are the result of meeting between East and West and moreover contain distinctly European influences, and are thus considered to be sumptuous pieces. Colcha de Castelo Branco Castelo Branco Coverlet Enchidos Sausages 135 Rodoliv Cooperativa de Azeites de Ródão Zona Industrial, lote 2 6030-245 Vila Velha de Ródão (Beira Interior Sul) • Portugal telefone +351 272 541 001 telemóvel +351 969 082 978 e-mail [email protected] O nosso empreendimento A Cooperativa de Azeites de Ródão situa-se em Vila Velha de Ródão onde se estendem olivais, ao longo do rio Tejo. O Azeite Ródão é produzido a partir de matéria-prima de excelência que é a azeitona proveniente dos olivais que se estendem ao longo do rio Tejo, maioritariamente de variedade Galega. A Rodoliv utiliza um método de extracção contínuo, e unicamente por processos mecânicos e segundo rigorosos métodos de controlo de qualidade. 136 Our firm The Cooperativa de Azeites de Ródão (Olive Oil Cooperative) is in Vila Velha de Ródão, and its olive groves stretch out along the River Tejo. Ródão Olive Oil is produced from the finest raw material, that is to say, from the olives grown in the olive groves along the River Tejo, which are mostly the Galega variety. Rodoliv uses a continuous extraction process which is entirely mechanical and subject to strict quality control. produtos P RO D U C T S Azeite Virgem Extra DOP (VE DOP) Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP (VE DOP) Azeite Virgem extra (VE ) Extra Virgin Olive Oil (VE) Azeite Virgem Extra DOP (V) Extra Virgin Olive Oil DOP (V) Cooperativa de Produtores de Queijos da Beira Baixa Zona Industrial, lote 5 6060-182 Idanha-a-Nova (Beira Interior Sul) • Portugal telefone +351 277 200 230 fax +351 277 200 239 e-mail [email protected] O nosso empreendimento Our firm A Cooperativa de Produtores de Queijos da Beira Baixa, funciona desde 1988 em Idanha-a-Nova, uma região onde a produção de queijo não era muito relevante. A Cooperativa surgiu para começar a produzir queijo com a matéria-prima local, dando origem a produtos tradicionais de elevada qualidade, produzidos com o leite das ovelhas da região da Beira Baixa. A tradição aliada ao rigor do controle de qualidade conferiu a alguns dos seus produtos a Denominação de Origem Protegida. The Cooperativa de Produtores de Queijos da Beira Baixa has been operating since 1988 in Idanha-a-Nova, a region where cheese production did not used to be particularly important.The Cooperative was established to make cheese using local raw materials, thereby giving rise to high quality traditional products made from the milk of the sheep that graze in the Beira Baixa. Tradition plus strict quality control have enabled some of its products to benefit from protected designation of origin status (PDO). produtos P RO D U C T S Queijo Castelo Branco DOP Castelo Branco Cheese PDO Queijo Amarelo DOP Yellow Cheese PDO Queijo De Ovelha Curado Idanha-A-Nova Curede Sheep Cheese Idanha-A-Nova 137 Euromel, Lda Quinta dos Pocinhos, Apartado 20 6090-909 Penamacor (Beira Interior Sul) • Portugal telefone +351 277 394 585 fax +351 277 394 982 telemóvel +351 965 049 554 e-mail [email protected] web www.serramel.com O nosso empreendimento Produtos Naturais das Abelhas é a que se dedica a empresa Euromel, sedeada em Penamacor desde 1979. A Euromel explora as suas colmeias em plena Serra da Malcata, uma reserva natural com 21.000 hectares onde se encontra uma enorme riqueza de flores silvestres como as urzes e rosmaninhos de onde as abelhas extraem méis de grande qualidade. Our firm Natural bee products are Euromel’s speciality. The firm has been in business in Penamacor since 1979. Euromel has set its beehives up in the heart of the Serra da Malcata, a 21-thousand hectare natural park which is full of wild flowers like heathers and lavenders from which the bees are able to create first rate honey. You can find Serramel products in supermarkets in Portugal, as well as in France, England, Ireland and Germany, and other countries. produtos P RO D U C T S Mel de Rosmaninho Serramel Wild Lavender Honey Serramel Mel de Rosmaninho Lacre Wild Lavander Honey (Jute Cover) Mel de Queiró Serra da Malcata Hether Honey from Serra da Malcata Mel com Polém Serra da Malcata Honey with Pollen From Serra da Malcata Doces (abóbora, framboesa, ginja, laranja, groselha, figo, mirtillho...) Jams (pumpkim, raspberry, cherry morello, orange, redcurrant, fig, blueberry...) 138 Farinha e Tomé, Lda Sitio da Ponte 6090-294 Bemposta (Beira Interior Sul) • Portugal telefone +351 277 312 663 fax +351 277 312 662 e-mail [email protected] O nosso empreendimento A empresa Farinha e Tomé, a funcionar desde 1991 na Bemposta, dedica-se à produção e comercialização de azeitona de mesa e tremoço. Toda a sua produção é feita com azeitonas da mais alta qualidade, dos olivais que se entendem pela região. A sua unidade de produção funciona com todas as condições tecnológicas garantindo a qualidade e segurança alimentar dos seus produtos. Our firm This company has been operating in Bemposta since 1991, producing olive oil and tremoços (lupin seeds). The olive oil comes from the very best olives, harvested from olive trees all over the region. The appropriate technology is used in the production process to ensure high standards of quality and food safety. produtos P RO D U C T S Azeitona Cura Natural Natural Cure Olive Azeitona Galega Galega Olive Azeitona Preta Oxidada Oxidated Black Olive Azeitona Verde Green Olive Tremoço Lupin Seeds 139 Herdade - Tapada da Tojeira Tapada da Tojeira 6030-006 Vila Velha de Ródão (Beira Interior Sul) • Portugal telefone +351 272 541 108 telemóvel +351 917 323 168 fax +351 272 545 314 e-mail [email protected] web www.centa-tojeira.blogspot.com O nosso empreendimento Our firm A Tapada da Tojeira é uma herdade que ocupa uma área de 270 hectares, em modo de produção biológico, dos quais 100 hectares são de olival. A Tapada dispõe de um lagar de azeite de sistema tradicional, que integra a "Rota dos Lagares". Desde 1900 que aí se transformam as azeitonas, maioritariamente da variedade “galega”, e se obtém o primeiro azeite com certificação biológica na Beira Baixa. Os principais produtos da Casa Agrícola - o Azeite, as Azeitonas de Conserva e a Pasta de Azeitona (a primeira no país) são certificados pela EcocertPortugal e comercializados em dezenas de lojas gourmet e supermercados. Tapada da Tojeira is a 270-hectare estate which practises organic farming. One hundred hectares are given over to olive production. Tapada has a traditional olive press, which is part of the Rota dos Lagares. Olive Press RouteIt has been producing products from olives (principally using the Galega variety) since 1900 and was the first olive oil to obtain organic certification in the Beira Baixa. The chief products of the Casa Agrícola are olive oil, preserved olives and olive paste (tapenade) – the first in Portugal. They are certified by Ecocert-Portugal and are available in dozens of gourmet outlets and supermarkets. 140 produtos P RO D U C T S Azeite Olive Oil Azeitonas De Conserva Preserved Olives Pasta De Azeitona Olive Paste Meimoacoop Estrada Nacional 233 6090-385 Meimoa, Penamacor (Beira Interior Sul) • Portugal telefone +351 277 377 482 fax +351 277 377 517 e-mail [email protected] O nosso empreendimento Our firm Na vertente sul da Serra da Estrela, entre a Serra da Malcata e a Serra da Gardunha é produzido o prestigiado queijo da Beira Baixa. Mantendo os métodos de fabrico tradicionais, a Meimoacoop teve como principal preocupação dotar a queijaria de equipamentos sofisticados que garantem as melhores condições de qualidade e segurança alimentar. Em 2007 a Meimoacoop instalou o seu apiário na Serra da Malcata, onde a abundância de rosmaninho, urze, giesta e estevas influencia a cor, textura e paladar do mel aqui produzido, o que faz deste um produto de elevada qualidade. It is on the south slopes of the Serra da Estrela, between the Serra da Malcata and the Serra da Gardunha, that the fine Beira Baixa cheese is produced. Still using traditional production methods, Meimoacoop’s primary concern has been to equip the cheese dairy with sophisticated equipment to ensure the best conditions for quality and food safety. In 2007 Meimacoop set up an apiary on the Serra da Malcata where the abundant Spanish lavender, heather, broom and rock-rose play their part in creating the colour, texture and flavour of the honey made here, and in ensuring its superb quality. produtos P RO D U C T S Queijo puro de Ovelha Curado Cured Puré Sheep cheese Queijo de Ovelha Cabra Curado Cured sheep Goat cheese Queijo de Cabra Curado Serra Da Malcata Cured Goat cheese Serra Da Malcata Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa Yellow cheese from Beira Baixa Mel Multiflora Multiflora honey Mel de Rosmaninho Rosmaninho honey 141 Queijaria Artesanal Lourenço e Filhos, Lda Zona Industrial, n. 2 - Lote 1 6030-245 Vila Velha de Ródão Beira Interior Sul • Portugal telefone +351 272 541 233 fax +351 272 541 234 e-mail [email protected] web www.queijarialourenco.com.pt O nosso empreendimento Our firm A actividade principal da Queijaria Artesanal - Lourenço e Filhos é a produção de queijo de ovelha. O “Sabor da Tradição” aliado às novas tecnologias reflecte-se no fabrico de queijo de ovelha de excelente qualidade. A utilização de produtos naturais como o cardo e o coalho contribuem para que a tradição se mantenha inalterada. Todo o leite utilizado no fabrico do queijo é recolhido mecanicamente e refrigerado no local da ordenha, sendo depois transportado com todas as condições de higiene. The dairy mainly produces ewes’ milk cheese. The traditional flavour, along with new technologies, is reflected in the production of sheep’s milk cheese of extremely high quality. The process uses natural products, such as cardoon and rennet, mean that the tradition continues unchanged. All the milk used to make the cheese is collected mechanically and refrigerated in the milking unit before being transported in conditions of the utmost hygiene. produtos P RO D U C T S Queijo de Castelo Branco DOP Castelo Branco cheese PDO Queijo Amarelo da Beira Baixa DOP Yellow cheese from Beira Baixa PDO Queijo de ovelha Curado Cured sheep cheese Queijo picante da Beira Baixa DOP Spicy cheese from Beira Baixa PDO Queijo ovelheira (amanteigado) Ovelheira cheese (soft) Queijo de ovelha Curado (queimoso) Cured sheep cheese (spicy) 142 Viniparra - Representações, Lda Quinta dos Currais 6230-145 Capinha (Castelo Branco) Beira Interior Sul • Portugal telefone +351 275 941 620 fax +351 275 941 620 e-mail [email protected] web www.viniparra.pt O nosso empreendimento Our firm A Quinta dos Currais tem uma área de 130 ha, está situada no coração da Talavara Romana, hoje Capinha, em plena via da Egitânia. Estende-se pelas terras de Currais e encosta de Santana – nome que lhe vem de um antigo santuário ali existente – até à Ribeira de Meimoa, que lhe passa a Sul. Terceira geração de uma família de viticultores, o proprietário optou por um projecto em moldes modernos, plantando 30 ha de vinha exclusivamente com castas típicas da região, tais como: síria e fonte-cal nas brancas e castelão, touriga nacional, tinta roriz, jaen e rufete nas tintas. Estas tiram partido da exposição Norte-Sul e do solo xistoso. Numa segunda fase, foi construída uma adega equipada com a mais moderna tecnologia enológica, para vinificação, estágio e engarrafamento. The Quinta dos Currais covers an area of 130 ha deep in Roman Talavara (today’s Capinha) on the road from Egitânia. The estate extends through Currais and the Santana hillside, taking its name from an old sanctuary there, as far as the Meimoa stream, which passes to the south. The third generation of a wine-growers, the owner has first modernised the estate and planted 30 ha of vines typical of the region, including: Síria and Fonte Cal, for white wine, and Castelão,Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz, Jaen and Rufete for the reds.They benefit from the north-south exposure and the schist soil. Then an adega (winery) was built, equipped with the most modern wine-making technology for vinification, aging and bottling. produtos P RO D U C T S Quinta dos Currais tinto DOC Cova da Beira Quinta dos Currais red wine Quinta dos Currais Siria branco DOC Cova da Beira Quinta dos Currais Síria white Quinta dos Currais tinto Reserva DOC Cova da Beira Quinta dos Currais red wine reserve Quinta dos Currais colheita Selecciona da Branco DOC Cova da Beira Quinta dos Currais white selected harvest 143 Serra da Estrela A Adruse – Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural da Serra da Estrela, é uma associação sem fins lucrativos, constituída por escritura pública lavrada a 3 de Maio de 1991, sendo os seus associados entidades públicas e privadas. A associação tem por objectivo a promoção, apoio e realização de um aproveitamento mais racional das potencialidades endógenas dos concelhos que integram a área de actuação, por sua iniciativa ou em colaboração com organismos ou serviços oficiais ou privados, nacionais, estrangeiros ou internacionais, tendo em vista o desenvolvimento rural e a melhoria das condições de vida das populações. A Adruse tem a sua sede na cidade de Gouveia e a sua área de actuação abrange os concelhos de Celorico da Beira, Fornos de Algodres, Gouveia, Manteigas e Seia. A Serra da Estrela tem um nome conhecido em todo o Portugal por ser a de maior altitude, onde existe neve, e por aí se produzir o melhor queijo do país, o queijo “Serra da Estrela”, com excelente imagem de marca. A região alia a qualidade dos seus produtos ao seu ambiente, à sua paisagem, ao seu património artístico e cultural. A Serra da Estrela, propriamente dita, tem aliás condicionantes positivas específicas inerentes à existência do Parque Natural da Serra da Estrela. Os produtos tradicionais são, pela sua diversidade, uma das grandes riquezas da região. 144 The Adruse – Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural da Serra da Estrela, it is an association without profitable ends, constituted by public scripture, written in 3 of May of 1991, being his associates public and private entities. The association takes as an objective a promotion more rational, support and realization of a use of the endogenous potentialities of the districts that integrate the area of acting, for his initiative or in collaboration with organisms or official or private, national, foreign or international services, considering the rural development and the improvement of the conditions of life of the populations. The Adruse is located in the city of Gouveia and his area of acting includes the districts of Celorico da Beira, Fornos de Algodres, Gouveia, Manteigas and Seia. The Serra da Estrela is known in all the Portugal because of being the hightest, where it snows, and where there is produced the best cheese of the country, the cheese “Serra da Estrela”, with excellent image of mark. The region allies the quality of his products to his environment, to his landscape, to his artistic and cultural inheritance. The Serra da Estrela, properly said, it has in fact positive specific restrictions inherent in the existence of the Natural Park of Serra da Estrela. The traditional products are, for its diversity, one of the great wealth of the region. Adega Cooperativa de S. Paio Rua das Cortes, 16 6290-414 S. Paio, GVA • Portugal telefone +351 238 492 101 fax +351 238 492 101 e-mail [email protected] web www.adegaspaio.com O nosso produto Our product produtos P RO D U C T S A Adega Cooperativa de S. Paio está inserida na região demarcada do Dão, Sub Região da Beira Alta. Foi fundada em 1959 e desde 1962 (primeiro ano de laboração) que produz vinhos maduros de carácter nobre. As castas mais importantes são o Alfrocheiro, o Touriga Nacional e o Jaen, sendo esta última a casta predominante nos vinhos o que lhe confere características organolépticas “sui generis”. Toda a produção do vinho processa-se nas instalações da adega que foi sofrendo alterações e remodelações de forma a se actualizar e produzir os vinhos nas melhores condições. Horário venda ao Público (Cheque ou Dinheiro) Segunda a Sexta-Feira: 8:30h/12:30h - 13:30h/17:30h The Cooperative Wine cellar of S. Paio is inserted in the demarcated region of the Dão, sub-region of the Beira Alta. It was established in 1959 and from 1962 (first year of toil) that produces ripe wines of noble character. The chaste most important are the Alfrocheiro, the Touriga Nacional and the Jaen, being this one the chaste predominant in the wines what gives him characteristics organoleptics “sui generis”. The whole production of the wine is prosecuted in the installations of the wine cellar that was suffering alterations and remodellings to bring itself up to date and to produce the wines in the best conditions. Vinhos Brancos White Wines Encosta de S. Paio 2005 Terras Nevadas Bag-in-Box Terras Nevadas Vinhos Tintos Red Wines Encosta de S. Paio Reserva 2000 Fonte Oriana 2001 Encosta de S. Paio 2005 Encosta de S. Paio 2003 Terras Nevadas Bag-in-Box Terras Nevadas Horary public Sale (Check or money) Monday to Friday: 8:30am/12:30pm - 13:30pm/5:30pm L I N G U A S F A L A D A S L A N G U A G E S Português Inglês Portuguese English Francês French 145 Adega Cooperativa de Vila Nova de Tazem Rua Dr. António Borges,122 6290-632 Vila Nova de Tazem • Portugal telefone +351 238 486 182 fax +351 238 486 267 e-mail [email protected] web www.adegacoop-vntazem.com O nosso produto Our product produtos P RO D U C T S A Adega Cooperativa de Vila Nova de Tazem, C.R.L. produtora de vinhos D.O.C., situa-se na região do Dão, sub-região da Serra da Estrela, abrangendo os concelhos de Gouveia e Seia. Os solos de origem granítica, aliados a condições climatéricas únicas e a castas seleccionadas onde pontificam a TourigaNacional e o Jaen nas uvas tintas, e o Encruzado e o Bical nas uvas brancas, permitem obter vinhos de características distintas. Deste modo, usando modernas técnicas de vinificação e respeitando todo o potencial qualitativo da uva conseguimos produzir vinhos onde aliamos corpo e estrutura a uma frescura e finesse incomparáveis, características fundamentais para os grandes vinhos. Horário venda ao Público (pagamento com Multibanco) Segunda a Sexta-Feira: 9:00h às 17:30h The Cooperative Wine cellar of Vila Nova de Tazem, producing C.R.L. of wines D.O.C., it is situated in the region of the Dão, sub-region of the Serra da Estrela, including the districts of Gouveia and Seia. The grounds of granitic origin, allied to the only climacterical conditions and to chaste selected where the Touriga-Nacional and the Jaen pontificate in the dyed grapes, and the Encruzado and the Bical in the white grapes, allow to obtain wines of different characteristics. So, using modern techniques of winegrowing and respecting all the qualitative potential of the grape we manage to produce wines where we ally body and it structures to a freshness and finesse incomparable, basic characteristics for the great wines. Penedo-Regional Beiras branco e tinto • white and red Encosta da Estrela-DOC Dão branco e tinto • white and red Tazem-DOC Dão tinto e espumante branco red and white foaming Pedra d’Orca-DOC Dão Reserva branco e tinto • white and red Ribaboa-DOC Dão tinto • red Garrafeira-DOC Dão tinto • red Jaen Touriga-Nacional Tinta-Roriz Alfrocheir Horary public Sale (ATM Pay) Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5.30 pm L I N G U A S F A L A D A S L A N G U A G E S 146 Português Inglês Portuguese English Associação de Apicultores do Pnse Apartado 77 6290 – Gouveia • Portugal telefone +351 238 492 411 fax +351 238 494 183 e-mail [email protected] web www.fnap.pt O nosso produto Our product produtos P RO D U C T S O mel produzido na Serra da Estrela é multifloral e provém essencialmente do pólen e de néctar de plantas existentes nesta montanha, tais como, urzes, soagem, rosmaninhos e castanheiros. Relativamente à cor o mel pode ser claro, âmbar ou âmbar escuro quase negro.Tem níveis de cristalização médios e regulares podendo apresentarse no estado fluido ou no estado cristalizado. Possui um aroma intenso, persistente (característico da urze), espesso com um paladar adstringente e macio (característica do rosmaninho). O Mel Serra da Estrela é no essencial um mel de montanha, isento de poluição, já que é produzido fora dos grandes centros urbanos, onde a paisagem da agricultura tradicional pouco intensiva possui elevada diversidade florística e onde não se usam praticamente produtos químicos. O mel produz – se em colmeias de quadros móveis, com menos de cinco anos, localizadas nas montanhas e nos vales da área geográfica delimitada. Não é permitida a transumância fora desta área e não é permitida a alimentação artificial das colmeias.A colheita do mel é feita a partir de favos completamente operculados e isentos de criação e realiza-se entre 1 de Julho e 1 de Setembro pelo método tradicional. The honey produced in the Serra da Estrela is multifloral and it comes essentially from the pollen and from nectar of existent plants in this mountain, such as, heathers, soagem, rosemaries and chestnut trees. Relatively to the color the honey can be clear, an amber or almost black dark amber. It has middle and regular levels of crystallization being able to show up in the fluid state or in the crystallized state. It has an intense, persistent fragrance (characteristic of the heather), thick with a taste adstringente and softly (characteristic of the rosemary).The Serra da Estrela is in the essential a honey of mountain, without pollution, because it is produced out of the great urbane centres, where the scenery with intensive traditional agriculture has elevated floral diversity and where chemical products are not in use practically.The honey is produced in beehives of movable boxes, with fewer five years, located in the mountains and in the valleys of the geographical delimited area. The transhumance is not allowed out of this area and the artificial food of the beehives is not allowed.The harvest of the honey is done from honeycombs completely covered and exempt of creation and the traditional method happens between 1st of July and 1st of September. Mel de diversas variedades Honey of several sorts Pólen Pollen Velas de cera Wax candles Aguardentes e licores de mel Honey spirits and liquor drinks serviços S E RV I C E S Venda ao público em supermercados, casas de artesanato, comercios tradicionais, e via internet. Sale to the public in supermarkets, handicrafts shops, traditional trades, and internet. L I N G U A S F A L A D A S L A N G U A G E S Italiano Inglês Italian English Francês French 147 Associação de Artesãos Av. Luís Vaz de Camões Edifício Jardim, 1 - Apartado 2063 6270-436 Seia • Portugal telefone +351 238 084 100 fax +351 238 315 290 e-mail [email protected] web www.aasestrela.com O nosso produto Our product seviços S E RV I C E S Na Serra da Estrela hoje em dia ainda subsistem mais de cem actividades artesanais. Muitos dos produtos são produzidos pela sua função utilitária e recriados em miniaturas com uma função decorativa. As peças são produzidas por artesãos que trabalham nas suas próprias casas ou em pequenas unidades de produção artesanal, na maior parte das vezes de carácter familiar. A Associação de Artesãos da Serra da Estrela, foi criada em 1992, por iniciativa de um pequeno grupo de artesãos do concelho de Seia, que tinha por objectivo identificar e organizar a capacidade de oferta dos artesãos do referido concelho. Rapidamente a associação se transformou numa associação de cariz regional da Serra da Estrela. At Serra da Estrela today’s still remais more than one hundred craft activities. Many of the products are produced by its utilitarian function and are recreated in miniature with a decorative function. Parts are produced by artisans who work in their own homes or in small units of production, in most cases, family nature. The Association of Artisans of the Serra da Estrela, was created in 1992 by the initiative of a small group of craftsmen in the council of Seia, which aimed to identify and organize the ability to supply the craftsmen of that council. Quickly the association became a combination of a regional Serra da Estrela association. Participação em Feiras Nacionais e Internacionais Participation in National and International Fairs Organização de Feiras Organization of Fairs Formação Formation Unidade de Produção Artesanal Handicraft Production Unit Apoio Técnico para obtenção da Carta de Artesão Technical Support to obtain the Charter of Craftsman L I N G U A S F A L A D A S L A N G U A G E S Português Inglês Portuguese English Francês French 148 Licrase, liga dos Criadores e amigos do Cão Clube Camões, Apartado 99 6290 Gouveia • Portugal telefone +351 275 981 215 fax +351 275 982 670 e-mail [email protected] web www.licrase.org O nosso produto Our product seviços S E RV I C E S O Cão Serra da Estrela, é uma das raças mais antigas da Península Ibérica. O cão de gado e protecção aos rebanhos era utilizado fundamentalmente em zonas montanhosas e acompanhava os pastores e rebanhos nas suas migrações anuais, para os defender dos lobos e dos assaltantes.Terá sido por estas razões que a Serra da Estrela, pelo seu enorme isolamento e dificuldade se tornou o solar desta magnífica raça canina. O cão de pastor para guarda de rebanhos foi utilizado durante séculos para defender o rebanho contra agressores. Ele permanecia sempre com as ovelhas enquanto o pastor se afastava para ir à aldeia.Assim, o cão desenvolveu um carácter independente, pronto para agir sozinho e defender as ovelhas. Daí resultou o seu carácter de excelente cão de guarda. Em 1934, quando surgiu o estalão da raça passou a fazer-se a distinção entre o cão serra da estrela de pêlo curto e de pêlo comprido, dando origem a duas variedades.A variedade de pêlo comprido tornou-se alvo de criação apurada, existindo exemplares magníficos dispersos pelo mundo inteiro. The Dog Serra da Estrela is one of the most ancient races of the Iberian Peninsula.The dog of cattle and protection to the flocks was used fundamentally in mountainous zones and it was accompanying the shepherds and flocks in his annual migrations, to defend them of the wolves and of the robbers. It will have been for these reasons that Serra da Estrela, by his enormous isolation and difficulty there was made the mansion of this magnificent canine race. The shepherd's dog to guard flocks was used during centuries to defend the flock against aggressors. He was always remaining with the sheep while the shepherd was moving away to go to the village. So, the dog developed an independent, ready character to act alone and to defend the sheep.Therefore there resulted his character of excellent dog to guard. In 1934, when it appeared the standard of the race started to do to itself the distinction between the dog Serra da Estrela of short hair and of long hair, giving rise to two variety. The variety of long hair became a target of refined creation, when magnificent scattered examples are for the whole world. Realização de Exposições Caninas Dog´s Exhibitions Edição de Boletim Informativo Newsletter Edition Edição de folhetos de divulgação sobre o Cão Serra da Estrela Edition of Serra da Estrela Dog´s pamphlet divulgation Apoio Técnico Technical Support Estudo da Raça Study of the Race L I N G U A S F A L A D A S L A N G U A G E S Português Alemão Portuguese German Italiano Francês Italian French 149 Loja “O mundo rural” Largo Dr. Alípio de Melo 6290-520 Gouveia • Portugal telefone +351 238 490 180 fax +351 238 490 188 e-mail [email protected] web www.adruse.pt produtos O nosso produto A loja “O Mundo Rural”, criada em 2001, é uma monta do artesanato da Serra da Estrela que visa a promoção, divulgação e valorização dos produtos genuínos e tradicionais da Serra da Estrela. Localizada em Gouveia, na sede da ADRUSE – Associação de Desenvolvimento Rural da Serra da Estrela, “O Mundo Rural” aposta em diversos produtos da economia rural fomentando a fixação das populações rurais, bem como, a dinamização da actividade artesanal da região e a promoção do turismo considerando o artesanato uma das imagens de marca da identidade do território Serra da Estrela. À venda estão diversos produtos agro-alimentares, bem como, peças utilitárias e decorativas elaboradas artesanalmente. Our product The shop “ The Rural World ”, created in 2001, is a shop window of the craftwork of the Serra da Estrela that aims at the promotion, spread and increase in value of the genuine and traditional products of the Serra da Estrela. Located in Gouveia, in ADRUSE Association of Rural Development of the Serra da Estrela, “ The Rural World ” bets on several products of the rural economy promoting the fixation of the rural populations, as well as, the dynamization of the craft activity of the region and the promotion of the tourism finding the craftwork one of the images of mark of the identity of the territory Serra da Estrela. For sale are several products food-roughly, as well as, utilitarian and decorative pieces prepared craftily. P RO D U C T S Queijo Cheese Vinho Wine Aguardentes Brandys Licores Liquors Mel Honey Doces Jams Vinagres Vinager Tecelagem Weaving Trabalhos em Pele Leather works Peças em Cerâmica Ceramics Trabalhos em madeira e em talha Wood work Tanoaria • Cooperage Miniaturas em Xisto • Schist Miniatures Olaria • Pottery Bordados • Embroidery Horário De Segunda a Sexta Feira: 9:00h/2:30h - 4:00h/17:30h Horary From Monday to Friday: 9:00am/12:30pm - 2:00pm/5:30 pm L I N G U A S Português Inglês Portuguese English Alemão Italiano German Italian Francês French 150 F A L A D A S L A N G U A G E S Solar do Queijo Largo de Santa Maria 6360 Celorico da Beira • Portugal telefone +351 271 747 473 fax +351 271 747 473 e-mail emcel @cm-celoricodabeira.pt produtos O nosso produto Our product Na Capital do Queijo Serra da Estrela, a autarquia de Celorico da Beira ergueu em homenagem ao pastor/produtor de queijo, o Solar do Queijo, que constitui a autentica catedral onde se expõe, promove e vende o melhor Queijo produzido no concelho.O Queijo Serra da Estrela é produzido a partir do melhor leite cru de ovelha da raça autóctone Bordaleira da Serra da Estrela, flor de cardo e sal, misturados com mestria e arte pelas mãos da queijeira, segundo processos ancestrais sabiamente guardados e transmitidos de geração em geração. O queijo é depois, submetido a maturação ou cura num local com temperatura entre 6ºC e 12ºC e humidade entre 80% e 95%. O processo de maturação até sair para o mercado leva no mínimo 45 dias. Quando chega à mesa dos comensais apresenta uma pasta semi-mole, branca ou ligeiramente amarelada, e sem olhos.A forma é cilíndrica baixa, com abaulamento lateral, sem bordos definidos e com um peso que varia entre 700 g e 1,7 Kg. In the Capital of the Cheese Serra da Estrela, the autarchy of Celorico da Beira raised in honor of the shepherd/ producer of cheese, the Mansion of the Cheese, what it appoints authenticates it cathedral where it is exposed, promotes and sells the best Cheese produced in the district.The Cheese Serra da Estrela is produced from the best raw milk of sheep of the indigenous Crisp race of the Serra da Estrela, of disentangle flower and salt, mixed with expertise and art for the hands of the cheesemaker, according to ancestral processes well guarded and transmitted of generation in generation.The cheese is then, when the maturing or cure was subjected in a place with temperature between 6ºC and 12ºC and moisture between 80% and 95%.The process of maturing up to going out for the market gets a beating at least 45 days.When it reaches the table of the diners he presents a semi-soft, white or lightly yellowed briefcase, and without eyes. The form is a cylindrical decrease, with side incurvation, without definite sides and with a weight that varies between 700 g and 1,7 Kg. P RO D U C T S Queijo Serra da Estrela Cheese Queijo Serra da Estrela Velho Old Cheese Queijo de Ovelha amanteigado Buttery Ship Cheese Mel • Honey Compotas • Jams Vinho • Wine Bolos Regionais Tipical Cakes Artesanato Handy Crafts Horário De Terça a Sexta-feira: 9:00h às 19:00h Sábado e Domingo: 9.30h/13:00h - 14:30h/18:00h Horary Tuesday to Friday 9:00am/7:00pm Saturday and Sunday 9:30am/1:00pm - 2:30pm/6:00pm L I N G U A S F A L A D A S L A N G U A G E S Português Inglês Portuguese English Spagnolo Francês Spanish French 151 France Centre du Verger HÉBERGEMENT COLLECTIF 11, av. des Cadets de Saumur 49350 Gennes • France téléphon +33 (0)241 380 730 fax +33 (0)241 380 712 e-mail [email protected] web www.cfp-gennes.com Notre structure Domaine services S E RV I C E S Au cœur du Val de Loire et du Pays de Loire en Layon, l'hébergement collectif du Centre du Verger accueille vos groupes de 20 à 50 personnes dans un cadre chaleureux et convivial. Le Centre du Verger dispose de 20 chambres de 2 à 4 personnes, 5 salles de travail, cuisine et réfectoire, salle de détente de 110m²... A proximité, retrouvez piscine, centre équestre, canoë-kayak et nombreuses visites: Loire, troglodytes, monuments de prestige, caves viticoles, produits à la ferme, randonnées pédestres et vélo... In the centre of the Loire Valley, our accommodation structure welcome groups from 20 to 50 people. With 20 bedrooms from 2 to 4 peoples, 5 work rooms, kitchens and a restaurant, that’s the perfect place to spend good time in the Loire Valley. Near the Centre du Verger, you’ll find a swimming pool, horses centre, kayaking and numerous possibilities of visits in caves, castles, museum... T S R U C T U R E S T R U C T U R E Ouvert toute l’année • Open all year Accès Internet • Internet access Parking dans l'enceinte de la structure Chauffage • Heating R E S T A U R A T I O N R E S T A U R A N T Cuisine traditionnelle • Traditional cusine S E R V I C E S F A C I L I T I E S Terrain de football et volley Foyer avec ping-pong Baby-foot Salle TV C A B E D RO O M M E R E F A C I L I T I E S Telefono in camera • Direct dial telephone Tv in camera • TV ½ Pension ou Pension Complète Full pension or /12 pension Aria condizionata • Air conditioning L A N G U E S P A R L E E S E L A N G U A G E S 154 Français Espagnol French Spanish Chateau de Suronde A G R I C U LT U R E B I O L O G I Q U E Suronde - 49190 Rochefort sur Loire • France téléphon +33 (0)241 786 637 e-mail [email protected] web www.suronde.fr Notre structure Domaine services S E RV I C E S Il faut franchir la Loire, passer Rochefort et trouver Chaume, petit hameau accroché au Côteau. Se lancer sur une piste de terre, quitter le temps et les gens pour se perdre dans les vignes – un océan mouvant, émouvant, de ceps et de feuilles, de sillons, de rangs. Apercevoir la toiture du chai et s’arrêter devant les trois pressoirs, sans effrayer les poules, les oiseaux, les animaux. Faire quelques pas dans la propriété et deviner une humidité, de l’eau en contrebas: le Layon. Un affluent de la Loire qui amène ici la pourriture noble: le fameux botrytis cinerea. Horaires Du lundi au vendredi: 9h00-12h00 et 14h00-18h00 Le samedi et dimanche: sur rendez-vous uniquement Cross the Loire Valley, go past the village of Rochefort, and you will come upon Chaume, a little village posed upon the hillside.Take a dirt path, leaving time and people behind to lose yourself in the vineyards – a moving ocean of vinestocks, leaves, fields, and rows. When you see the roof of the winery, stop in front of the three presses, being careful not to disturb the chickens, birds and other animals. Walk around the property and feel the faint humidity of water down below: the Layon, a branch of the Loire River which brings noble rot (the famous Botrytis cinerea) to the area. Cuisine traditionnelle à proximité Cuisine traditionnelle à proximité Parking Hébergement sur place possible Bed & breakfast vins produits W I N E S Anjou Blanc • Chenin Sec Dry White Wine Quarts De Chaume Selecion De Grains Nobles Sweet White Wine Sauvignon Opening hours From Monday to Friday: 9am-12am and 2pm-6pm Saturday and Sunday: by appointment only L A N G U E S P A R L E E S L A N G U A G E S Francês Anglais French English Allemand Chinois German Chinese 155 Domaine Cady VINS D’ANJOU E T C O T E AU X D U L AYO N 20 Valette - 49190 Saint Aubin de Luigne • France téléphon +33 (0)241 783 369 fax +33 (0)241 786 779 e-mail [email protected] web www.domainecady.fr Notre structure Domaine services S E RV I C E S Viticulteurs de père en fils depuis quatre générations, l’exploitation s’est agrandi au fils des ans et compte aujourd’hui 20 ha. Notre domaine se situe au coeur des Coteaux du Layon sur la commune de Saint Aubin de Luigné. Petit village niché au creux des coteaux, qui est très accueillant avec ses promenades en barques et ses vieilles demeures. Notre spécialité de par notre situation géoraphique, est bien-sûr le COTEAUX DU LAYON. Notre vignoble est conduit en agriculture raisonnée. Depuis neuf ans, il est agréé et reconnu “TERRA VITIS” : observer, respecter pour produire. Nous accueillons et faisons visiter notre domaine. This familial winery (4 generations of wine grower) is composed of 20ha, in the heart of the famous “Coteaux du layon”, in the little village of St Aubin de Luigné. Our biological production is open to the public to discover the way we produce our wine and as well to taste the differents flavour. Cuisine traditionnelle à proximité Cuisine traditionnelle à proximité Parking vins produits W I N E S COTEAUX DU LAYON SAINT AUBIN Vin moelleux Apéritif et fromages bleus Sweet white wine Opening hours From Monday to Friday: 9am-12.00am and 2am-6.00pm Saturday and Sunday: by appointment only CHAUME Vin liquoreux Apéritif et foie gras Sweet white wine ANJOU VILLAGES 100% Cabernet Sauvignon Vin rouge puissant Red wine CABERNET D’ANJOU Rosé 1/2sec, Idéal l’été pour l’apéritif et vos entrées: melon… Sweet rosé wine Horaires Du lundi au vendredi: 9h00-12h00 et 14h00-18h00 Le samedi et dimanche: sur rendez-vous uniquement CRÉMANT DE LOIRE AOC Brut Fines bulles Sparkling wine L A N G U E S P A R L E E S L A N G U A G E S 156 Français Anglais French English Domaine de Flines VINS D’ANJOU 102, rue d’Anjou 49540 Martigné-Briand • France téléphon +33 (0)241 594 278 fax +33 (0)241 594 560 e-mail [email protected] web www.domainedeflines.com Notre structure Domaine services S E RV I C E S Situé en Anjou au coeur de la vallée de la Loire, notre domaine familial s’étend sur 47 ha. Venez découvrir notre passion et notre palette de vins rosés, rouges et blancs que nous produisons en alliant pratiques culturales traditionnelles et innovations. Nous pouvons également vous proposer notre jus de raisin. La maison a toujours été ouverte à la vente directe aux particuliers et peut recevoir des groupes, sur rendez-vous, pour des visites du vignoble et de caves. Parking accueillant tout type de véhicules: voitures, camping-cars et autocars. Situated in Anjou in the heart of the Loire Valley, the Domaine covers over 47 hectares of chalky clay soil with a south facing aspect. Various varieties of grape are carefully and sensitively cultivated to produce and bottle wine maturing in the cellars. The wines produced offer a variety of flavours which we hope will delight your eyes and your palates. Private customers wishing to taste and purchase our wines are welcome to visit our vineyard and our winery. Group visit can also be arranged by appointment. Accomodating carpark: cars, motor homes and buses. Cuisine traditionnelle à proximité Cuisine traditionnelle à proximité Parking vins produits W I N E S Vin rosé sec et fruité Sweet rosé Vin rosé demi-sec Dry rosé Vin rouge élégant et fruité Red wine Vin blanc moelleux Sweet white wine CRÉMANT DE LOIRE AOC Brut Sparkling wine Horaires Du lundi au vendredi: 9h00-12h00 et 14h00-18h00 Le samedi: sur rendez-vous uniquement. Opening hours Monday to Friday: 9am-12.00am and 2am-6.00pm Saturday: by appointment only. L A N G U E S P A R L E E S L A N G U A G E S Français Anglais French English Allemand German 157 Domaine de Pied Flond VINS D’ANJOU Pied Flond 49540 Martigné-Briand • France téléphon +33 (0)241 599 236 e-mail [email protected] web www.pied-flond.fr vins produits W I N E S Notre structure Domaine COTEAUX DU LAYON Vin blanc moelleux Sweet white wine Notre Domaine est situé à l’entrée de Martigné-Briand, à 30 km au sud d’Angers, en plein coeur de la vallée de la Loire. Ancienne seigneurerie du Xvème siècle, ce manoir a conservé en partie les traces du passé: mâchicoulis, meurtirères, douves et enceinte. Une tradition rapporte que le Domaine servit de cachette aux Chanoines de martigné en 1586! Depuis 7 générations de vignerons ont travaillé sur ce Domaine en se transmettant leur savoir-faire dans le respect de la tradition et le souci d’une amélioration constante de qualité. Possibilité d’accueillir les groupes et d’organiser des journées dans le vignoble. Parking accueillant tout type de véhicules: voitures, camping-cars et autocars. Horaires Du lundi au vendredi: 9h00-12h00 et 14h00-18h00 (sur rendez-vous) Le samedi: 9h00/12h00 158 The Pied-Flond domain is located 30km (18 miles) south of Angers close to the village of Martigné-Briand, in the heart of the Loire Valley.The Pied-Flond buildings date from the 15th century and were modified in the 19th century. The main gate was machicolated while the main building was designed with slits for archers.The outer walls and moat are partially visible today on the north side.The house used to include a chapel, built in 1547, dedicated to St Nicolas. Tradition has it that the house was used to hide the Martigné Canon’s treasure in 1586! Group visit can be arranged by appointment. Accomodating carpark: cars and buses. ROSÉ DE LOIRE Cabernet d’Anjou Vins rosés sec et demi-sec Rosé wine ANJOU GAMAY Anjou Rouge Red wine ANJOU Blanc sec Dry white wine SAUMUR BRUT Méthode Traditionnelle Fines bulles Sparkling wine L A N G U E S Français Anglais French English Allemand German Opening hours From Monday to Friday: 9am-12am and 2pm-6pm (by appointment) Saturday: 9am-12am P A R L E E S L A N G U A G E S Domaine Matignon VINS D’ANJOU V I N S D U VA L D E L O I R E 21, avenue du Château 49540 Martigné-Briand • France téléphon +33 (0)241 594 371 fax +33 (0)241 599 234 e-mail [email protected] web www.domaine-matignon.fr services S E RV I C E S Notre structure Situé en plein coeur du vignoble d’Anjou, à Martigné-Briand, commune la plus viticole de cette région, le Domaine Matignon, a été créé en 1988 par Yves Matignon, fils d’une famille de vignerons depuis trois générations. Hélène, sa soeur, l’y a rejoint un peu plus tard. Nous produisons des vins blancs, rosés et rouges sur une surface de 38 ha. Vous qui aimez les rapports directs avec le vigneron, nous partagerons des moments de plaisir et d’authenticité. Nous vous transmettrons le fruit et l’amour de notre travail attaché au terroir. Le Domaine se distingue régulièrement pour la qualité de ses vins dans différents concours et guides. Tous les vins du Domaine sont élevés et mis en bouteille à la propriété. Horaires Du lundi au vendredi: 9h00-12h30 et 14h00-18h30 Le samedi: sur rendez-vous uniquement Domaine Situated in the heart of Anjou’s vineyard, in Martigné-Briand, at the south of the Loire Valley, the Domaine Matignon is a family propriety since 3 generations, runned by Yves and Helene Matignon, brother and sister. The town, Martigne-Briand, has the greatest surface of vines of the Anjou’s area. We have 38 hectares of vines on which we produce white, rose and red wines. Chists, shell marls, clays, limestone are the components of our soils. We work the vineyard on the basis of respect of the terroir from which we can extract the best grapes at the best maturity to make quality wines. Every year, we get rewards for some of our wines and we are regularly quoted in the Guide Hachette in France. All our wines are raised and bottled on our Domaine. Bed & breakfast Parking voiture • camping-car • autocar vins produits W I N E S Vin rosé demi-sec Rosé wine Vin rouge fruité Red wine Vin rouge charnu Red wine Vin blanc moelleux Sweet white wine Saumur méthode traditionnelle AOC brut Sparkling wine L I N G U E P A R L A T E L A N G U A G E S Français French Allemand German Anglais English Opening hours From Monday to Friday: 9am-12.30am and 2pm-6.30pm Saturday: by appointment only 159 DomaineTrompeTonneau VINS D’ANJOU 12, rue du Layon - 9380 Faveraye Mâchelles • France téléphon +33 (0)241 541 495 fax +33 (0)241 540 388 e-mail [email protected] web www.trompetonneau.com Notre structure Domaine vins produits Depuis 1950 et la création du vignoble familial, nous apportons toutes nos compétences et notre savoir-faire pour mettre à la disposition de notre clientèle des vins de grande qualité. Notre Domaine compte aujourd’hui 30 hectares de vignes, tous classés en AOC (Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée). Ces principaux cépages sont le Cabernet Franc et le Chenin, cultivés sur des sols à dominante Gravier d’Anjou et schiste. Since 1950 and the creation of this familiual vineyard, we bring all our knowledge at the customer’s disposition to provide wines of high quality. Our Domaine is composed of 30ha of vineyards, all of them are classified to produce only “certified high quality” wines. W I N E S COTEAUX DU LAYON Vin blanc moelleux Sweet white wine ROSÉ DE LOIRE Cabernet d’Anjou Vins rosés sec et demi-sec Rosé wine ANJOU GAMAY Anjou Rouge Red wine ANJOU Blanc sec Dry white wine SAUMUR BRUT Méthode Traditionnelle Fines bulles Sparkling wine Horaires Du lundi au vendredi: 9h00-12h00 et 14h00-18h00 Le samedi: sur rendez-vous uniquement Opening hours From Monday to Friday: 9am-12am and 2pm-6pm Saturday: by appointment only L A N G U E S P A R L E E S L A N G U A G E S 160 Français Anglais French English Le Clos des 3 Rois L I L I A N E E T M A R C D U S E AU X 13, rue du Bellay 49380 Thouarcé en Anjou • France téléphon +33 (0)241 663 404 mobile +33 (0)699 919 520 e-mail [email protected] web www.closdes3rois.fr Notre structure/produits Domaine services Dans le vignoble (Coteaux du Layon/Bonnezeaux), entre Angers, Saumur et Cholet, 5 chambres d’hôtes de charme (2 à 5 personnes) vous attendent dans les dépendances rénovées de notre demeure du 19ème siècle. Tout a été prévu pour votre confort: literie très haut de gamme, climatisation, salle de billard, piscine chauffée. Nous organisons sur demande des soirées gourmandes pour les groupes animées par un vigneron avec dégustation de vins d’Anjou et de produits du terroir. In the heart of the vineyards (Coteaux du Layon/Bonnezeaux), between Angers, Saumur and Cholet, 5 stylish all en-suite non smoking bed and breakfast with exceptional comfort with our bedding, air conditioning, heated swimming-pool from June to September, French billiards... Wine and local products tasting sessions can be organized for groups. S E RV I C E S Restaurants à proximité • Restaurant Soirée gourmande sur demande pour les groupes Thematics animations onn demand Tennis à proximité Piscine couverte à proximité S T R U C T U R E S T R U C T U R E Ouvert toute l’année • Open all year Accès Internet à proximité • Internet access Parking à proximité • Parking Animaux non acceptés • Pets not allowed Site non fumeur • No smoking Paiement par CB accepté Possibility to pay by credit card Air conditionné • Air conditionned Piscine chauffée de juin à septembre Site non fumeur, animaux non acceptés. Paiement par CB accepté Swimming pool No smoking, pets not allowed. Possibility to pay by credit card Salle de billard français L A N G U E S P A R L E E S L A N G U A G E S Français Anglais French English Allemand Espagnol German Spanish 161 Maison Coraboeuf C L A I R E E T B E RT R A N D La Télachère 49310 Vihiers • France téléphon +33 (0)241 758 239 fax +33 (0)241 561 045 e-mail [email protected] Notre structure Our firm services S E RV I C E S Il y a plus de 20 ans déjà qu’à la ferme de la Télachère, l’activité principale est la production de Foie gras. Nos canards sont élevés depuis leur plus jeunes ages dans nos parcs herbés, pour ensuite être gavés de façon traditonnelle aux maïs grain entier; la transformation s’effectue dans nos laboratoires agrées aux normes sanitaires, et selon une méthode simple, traditionnelle, mais ô combien délicate! Dans la famille Coraboeuf, notre savoir-faire existe depuis 2 générations! Ouverture de la boutique aux particuliers du lundi au vendredi de 9h à 12h30 et de 14h à 18h30. Le samedi sur RDV. Accueil de groupe (à partir de 20 pers.) pour visite et dégustation payante Restauration pour groupe exclusivement (sur réservation) From 20 years in the farm of the Telachere, we produced one of the best foie gras of the Loire Valley. Our ducks are bred outside and feed with local corn. L A S T R U C T Ouvert toute l’année U R • Open all year (sauf du 1er au 8 Janvier et 1ere quinzaine d’Aouts) Parking protégé • Protected parking Accueil handicapé • Access for disabled Chauffage • heating Cuisine traditionnel à base de Canard gras Traditional cusine produits P RO D U C T S Foie gras de Canard Entier Rillettes pur canard We are open to the public from Monday to Friday, between 9 and 12.30 et 14.00 and 18.30. By appointment on Saturday Pâté de canard Gésiers confits Confits de canard L A N G U E S P A R L E E S L A N G U A G E S Francês French 162 E Information Contact details For further information about the Project, the coordinator’s contact details are Paolo Pileggi CO.G.A.L. Monte Poro – Serre Vibonesi Viale Affaccio, IV Traversa n. 9 89900 Vibo Valentia • Italia Tel. +39 0963 91312 Fax +39 0963 94413 [email protected] www.cogalmonteporo.net www.euroconsulting-geie.net I testi e foto del territorio sono stati forniti dai vari GAL di riferimento. I testi e le foto delle aziende sono state fornite direttamente dalle ditte che si assumono ogni responsabilità di quanto pubblicato. Any information, content and picture have been provided by the LAGs with reference to their own area. The firms are responsible for any information, content and picture provided with reference to their forms. Content Italia .............................. 5 Cyprus .............................. 47 Ε. .λ.λ ά. ς. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 España .............................. 91 Italy Greece Spain Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 France . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153