Corporate Taxpayer ID. (CNPJ/MF): 02.541.982/0001-54
Company Registry (NIRE): 3530017583-2
Publicly Held Company
Abril Educação S.A. (“Company”) hereby informs its shareholders and the market that, on this date,
it hired two executives for Ometz Group (Wise Up, Wise Up Teens, You Move and You Move Teens).
Marcelo Bruzzi will be the new Vice-President of the Language segment, replacing Julio De Angeli,
who held the position until September 15. Durval Antunes Filho will be the new Vice-President of
the recently created Academic Opportunities area and will report to Marcelo Bruzzi.
Marcelo Bruzzi has 25 years of experience, 20 of them leading business units, and his experience will
help the Company position itself to drive the sales of our Omtez Group brands, expand margins and
improve its results.
Marcelo started his career in the sales department, where he worked as trainee, salesperson,
operations manager, commercial and marketing manager, sales and distribution superintendent in
large companies such as Souza Cruz and Ambev, where he worked for eight years. He also worked as
Chief Products Officer for five years at ALL – América Latina Logística, as Chief Implementation
Officer at Brenco – Cia Brasileira de Energia Renovável, and as partner and CEO of Krug Bier
Cervejaria from 2008 2012. Prior to accepting his new assignment in Abril Educação, Marcelo served
as CEO of CER – Cia de Energias Renováveis SA and Rocha Log – Logística e Operações Portuárias.
Marcelo holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economics from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC) - Minas
Gerais) and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from Queens University, Canada.
Durval Antunes Filho has vast experience in the publishing business and in managing Learning
Systems, with his career focused on leading educational institutions. His experience will strengthen
the academic quality of the Ometz Group schools and relations with franchisees.
Before joining Abril Educação, Durval worked in renowned educational institutions such as Instituto
de Ensino Superior COC, CEI – Consultores Educacionais Independentes, Grupo CPV, Curso
Universitário, Colégio I.L. Peretz and others. He served as managing director of the Dom Bosco
Educational Group during the past six years, and as managing director of Matesc – Editora Dom Bosco
from 2008 to 2010. Durval holds a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from EAESP-FGV, São
Paulo, and a Graduate degree in Business Administration (CEAG), also from EAESP-FGV.
Company also informs that Red Balloon continues with Michel Lam´s leadership.
The management welcomes the new executives and thanks Julio for his commitment during his
São Paulo, September 17, 2014.
Guilherme Alves Mélega
Chief Financial and
Investor Relations Officer
Erro! Nome de propriedade do documento desconhecido.
