The editors acknowledge the efforts of the following referees who have expended their time to provide reviews of
manuscripts submitted along 2007. Their contributions have been essential to maintaining the high standard of the
Alexandre Salino
André Victor L. Freitas
Astrid Kleinert
Benedito Lopes
Carlos J.E. Lamas
Eneida Skinazi
Helena Matthews-Cascon
Herculano Alvarenga
José Roberto Pujol-Luz
Lana S. Sylvestre
Leonardo M. Versieux
Marcelo Duarte
Marcelo F. Vasconcelos
Marcelo G. Santos
Maria Lucia Kawasaki
Michael L. May
Miriam Gimenes
Natalia von Ellenrieder
Paulo H. Labiak Evangelista
Rafaela C. Forzza
Ricardo B. Machado
Rogério R. da Silva
Tereza Sposito
Terry Griswold
Thales de Lema
Vinícius Antônio O Dittrich

80 The editors acknowledge the efforts of the following referees who