REGISTRATION FORM Name:______________________________________________ Surname:___________________________________________ Nationality:__________________________________ ID document:_______________________________________ ACCOMMODATION Due to the high cost of accommodation in the Algarve in August, the University will make some units at a University Residence Hall available for Summer school students at the rate of 230€ (single room) and 115€ (double room shared with a colleague). Please indicate this choice when registering Accomodation. Birth date: __/ __/ __ Age: ___ Gender: M__ F__ First Language:______________________________________ Address:____________________________________________ Phone:____________________ E-mail:______________________________________________ Food Students can eat on or off campus: on Campus - about 6€ Off Campus - about 10€ Occupation:________________________________________ Knowledge of Portuguese (circle one): Basic/Elementary/Intermediate/Upper Intermediate /Advanced What area of studies do (did) you follow?____________ ____________________________________________________ Do you wish to be accommodated in the University Residence Hall? Yes___ No___ Coordenadora do setor de bolsas e alojamento, Universidade do Algarve, serviços de Acção Social da Ualg, setor de bolsas de estudo e alojamento. Campus da Penha, 1º andar edíficio da cantina Tel.: 289 895 959/289 882 556 mail to: [email protected] PAYMENT Amount: Bank: Cheque nr.:_______________________________________or Bank Transfer date:___/___/2014 If you decide to pay by bank transfer, please ensure it is free of bank taxes and email confirmation of the transfer. COURSE INFORMATION Levels The course offers 5 levels of Portuguese as a foreign language. Each level has 140 hours of work, summing up 5 ECTS (this includes 80 hrs of classes and other activities). Basic (A1) - for students with no prior knowledge of Portuguese; Elementary (A2) - for students with little knowledge of Portuguese; Intermediate (B1) - for students with some knowledge of Portuguese who are able to cope with limited day-today situations; Upper Intermediate (B2) - for students with prior knowledge of Portuguese, who are able to understand and communicate with native Portuguese speakers in a fairly wide range of situations; Advanced (C1/C2) - for students with a good command of Portuguese who wish to deepen their knowledge of Portuguese linguistic structures as well as their understanding of culture and arts in the Portuguese-speaking world. Caíque de Olhão 15.º Curso de Verão de Português Língua Estrangeira th 15 Portuguese Language Summer Course 1 - 31 Julho 2014 1 - 31 July 2014 Informações e inscrição: Further information and enrolment: For further information: Tel. (+351) 289 800 914 Fax. (+351) 289 800 067 E-mail: [email protected] Coordenadora do Curso Profª Ana Clara Santos email: [email protected] | Tel: 289800914 THE ALGARVE AND THE UNlVERSITY GENERAL INFORMATION The Algarve is the southernmost region of Portugal, famous for its mild sunny climate, the 200km coastline boasts splendid beaches hidden among sandstone cliffs and sand dunes, bathed by calm, warm waters. The Algarve region has more to offer visitors, for example: the Ria Formosa Natural Park, the protected costal landscapes of Costa Vicentina, the estuary of the River Guadiana (which is part of the Natural Reserve of Castro Marim and Vila Real de Santo António), the hills of the Barrocal (which are rich in history and tradition), and are a place of outstanding natural beauty. Admission to Course Minimum age for admission: 17 years old. Candidates must have completed their secondary school education. The University of the Algarve is home to Faculties and Schools offering specialised courses in sciences and in humanities. The University of the Algarve is divided into campus , the Penha Campus in Faro and the Gambelas Campus, next to the Ria Formosa. The summer course will take place on the Gambelas Campus. There is a University restaurant, snack-bars, a Student Association, open-air sporting facilities and several auditoriums on campus. There is a regular bus service which connects the campus to the beach (2km) and to Faro (5km). COURSE TEACHERS The summer course is taught by our Department teaching staff. CERTIFICATES Students are entitled to a certificate (attesting their level) at the end of the course. At least 70% of class attendance is required. CULTURAL ACTIVITIES There is a programme of cultural activities included in the course fee (transport is provided but, on occasion, students may have to pay their own entrance fees to some sites). The purpose of these cultural events (such as excursions to historical places in the Algarve) is to broaden students’ knowledge on Portuguese history and culture, particularly that of the Algarve. The cultural schedule will be given out at the beginning of the course. These outings are optional. Registration The completed registration form must be sent to the following address by 28/06/2014: Universidade do Algave - FCHS DLCA PLE- Verão Campus de Gambelas 8005-139 Faro Portugal FICHA de INSCRIÇÃO Nome: _____________________________________________________ Apelido: ___________________________________________________ Nacionalidade: ____________________________________________ N. doc. de Identificação: ___________________________________ Tipo de doc.: ______________________________________________ Data nascimento: ______/______/______ Sexo: M/F _________ Língua materna: ___________________________________________ Morada: ___________________________________________________ Telefone:_______________________ E-mail : ____________________________________________________ In addition to the registration form, applicants must send 1 photo and enclose payment of registration, tuition fees and insurance. Costs/Payment Registration - 300€ Tuition fee - 245€ Insurance - 5€ Admission to the course is dependant upon payment of registration, tuition fees and insurance. In case of withdrawal from the course, the registration fee will not be refunded. Payment may be made by cheque (made out to Universidade do Algarve) or by bank transfer to the following account: IBAN n.º: PT 50003502050001152873091 BIC da CGD: CGD IPTPL Agência Caixa Geral de Depósitos, Universidade do Algarve, Campus da Penha, Estrada da Penha, 8005139 Faro, Portugal. Profissão: __________________________________________________ Conhecimentos de Português: Básico/Elementar/Intermédio/Avançado Área de estudos: ___________________________________________ Pretende ficar alojado na residência universitária? Sim/ Não Em caso de resposta afirmativa, prefere: Quarto Individual/ Quarto duplo partilhado com um colega É bolseiro de alguma instituição? Sim/ Não Se sim, indique qual: _______________________________________ Pretende adquirir passe mensal de autocarro (26,40€)? Sim/ Não PAGAMENTO If payment is by bank transfer, please ensure it is free of bank taxes and enclose proof with the registration form. It is recommended that students requiring a visa to enter Portugal pay the tuition fee only after obtaining the required visa. Quando efectuar o pagamento por transferência bancária, lembre-se que o valor deve estar isento de taxas bancárias. Anexe o comprovativo de pagamento à ficha de inscrição. Banco: Data de transferência:_______/_______/2011 Para inscrições online: