Monthly Report October, 2011 The month of October was affected by the release of better than expected economic data for the U.S. and China, the announcement of new measures to contain the European Crisis risis and expectation of further monetary stimulus in the U.S., if needed, i.e. if the growth expectations for the U.S. deteriorate. Given the high pessimism that seen on the markets in September as a reflection of increases of perceived market crash risks; these positive surprises were responsible for the strong rally in riskier assets, with the S&P and Ibovespa indexes increasing by +10.77% and +11.50% respectively, followed by the dollar devaluation. This past month developments of the European Crisis continued to guide markets directions, with focus on the attempts to prevent sovereign contagion in major economies, particularly Italy Italy, while containing contain systemic risk from European banks. The month started with the announcement that Greece will not be able to reach the IMF agreement fiscal targets in 2011 and 2012, reinforcing concerns whether Greece would default on its debts and consequently its sustainability (permanence) on the Eurozone. Moreover,, October’s European economic data suggests that the Eurozone e is at initial stages of a severe recession which is likely to significantly undermine the resolution of its sovereign debt crisis. As a result, the European leaders announced a new financial aid package consist consisting of the following measures: 1. Leveraging the EFSF of 44-5x raising its firepower to € 1 trillion, 2. Recapitalizing the European banks banks, meeting tier 1 capital ratios of 9% by 2012 3. Voluntary oluntary exchange of Greek bonds with a haircut (nominal discount of face value) of 50% for new bonds and 4. Continuation of secondary market short-term sovereign dept purchase program by the ECB. Which provided short-term term relief to highly indebted European countries despite not dealing deal with the structural problems, such as the lack of competitiveness and the so called "debt trap". In the U.S. the economic data released in October was positive and consistent with an annual GDP growth between 2 and 2.5%, much higher than previously expected by the investment community and relieving the market´s perspective of an imminent recession on the United States States. Although this economic improvement was expected by the FED, it does not see this as consistent with an economic recovery leading the institution to maintain the primary prima interest rate between 0 to 0.25% perr year accompanied by a commitment of not raising it itss interest rates until mid 2013; 2013 while remaining ready to adopt unconventional monetary easing policies should the international scenario starts to negatively impact the recovery of the American Economy. emonstrated on the last Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) monetary policy meeting, This readiness was demonstrated when the adoption n another round of Quantitative Easing (QE3), this time including acting on mortgages and other real estate bonds markets – as a way of reducing interest rates for th the e housing sector of the economy – was widely discussed among the members and interpreted by the markets as a viable policy to be adopted in the future if needed, consequently boosting the markets confidence on the strength of the American economy and its institutions, institutions certainly influencing the rallies experienced by the global equity markets. Despite of improvements on the American economy, we believe that the fourth quarter can be incredibly challenging as the American Congress will vote the 2012 Federal Budget in November, in which they will discuss the medium and long term negative impacts of the agreed budgetary cuts of $1.2 trillion over the next decade that, given the apparent polarization of the current American Congress and proximity roximity to the presidential elections, elections can be quite distressing for both Barak Obama´s administration and markets. Meanwhile, assessments that China is undergoing a hard-landing is losing strength with the release of better than expected industrial production and GDP data accompanied by the prospect of the termination of China´s tightening monetary process as annual inflation declined to 6.1% in September (down from its peak of 6.5%, 6.5% reached in July) and projection of continuous decline in the coming months. It is our expectation that China will maintain the appreciation process of its currency in order to reduce inflationary pressures while encouraging domestic consumption mption with the goal of shifting future GDP Growth´s dependence away from world trade. É recomendada a leitura cuidadosa do prospecto e regulamento do fundo de investimento pelo investidor ao aplicar seus recurso recursos. s. A rentabilidade divulgada não é líquida de impostos. Este documento foi elaborado pela Perfin Administradora de Recursos Ltda e é meramente informativo. As informações, opiniões, estimativas e previsões contidas neste documento foram obtidas ou baseadas em fontes que acreditamos ser confiáveis. Os investidores devem estar preparados para aceitar e assumir os riscos dos mercados em que o Fundo atua e, eqüentemente, possíveis variações no patrimônio investido. A Perfin não se responsabiliza por ganhos ou pperdas erdas consequentes do uso deste informativo. Este Fundo de investimento utiliza estratégias com derivativos como parte integrante daa sua política de investimento. Tais estratégias, da forma como são adotadas, podem resultar em significativas perdas patrimo patrimoniais niais para seus cotistas, podendo inclusive acarretar perdas superiores ao capital aplicado e a conseqüente obrigação do cotista de aportar recursos adicionais. A rentabilidade obtida no passado não representa garantia de resultados futuros; e os investimen investimentos tos em fundos não são garantidos pelo administrador ou por qualquer mecanismo de seguro ou, ainda, pelo fundo garantidor de crédito. o. Visando o atendimento ao exigido pela Lei nº 9.613/98, quando do ingresso do fundo, cada cotista deverá nos fornecer cópia cópias de seus documentos de identificação entre outros documentos cadastrais. Monthly Report October, 2011 In Brazil, the reflections of the European Crisis began to appear more incisively incisively. With leading indicators of economic activity, including industrial production, vehicle sales, IBC IBC-Br Br (Brazil´s Central Bank index for domestic economic activity) an unemployment rate indicating that an economic slowdown is already in progress – thus further reducing Brazil´s growth th expectations to 3.3% in 2011 – that combined with the uncertainties of the international environment and its negative effects on foreign trade and credit channels, led Brazil´s Central Bank (BCB) to cut its target interest rate by 50bps to 11.50% p.y. sending a clear indication that the Central Bank will continue with the process of monetary for as long as the international national scenario remains in distress. Although current 12 month inflation reached 7.3% (above the upper bound of the Central Bank inflation targeting mandate – of 6.5%), it is the belief of the BCB BCB,, as expressed both on the last Quarterly Inflation Report and the last Monetary Policy Committee statement, that the decline in global economic activity combined with his efforts is sufficient suffic enough to significantly reduce inflationary pressures, converging it close to its target (4.5% p.y.) already in 2012. Furthermore, wee continue to have great conviction on our investment cases and we believe that the equity market rally experienced in October was the result of isolated factors explained above,, that surprised the markets, but are not strong enough to change the structural problems present on the global economy. Therefore we opted to continue with wi our hedge strategies (through the use of Ibovespa put options) given the attractiveness of this is strategy´s strategy risk vs. return relationship. We also understand that the current economic conjecture is very challenging for countries countries,, portfolio managers and investors in general, however we believe that these uncertainties and volatility can be translated into opportunities with excellent return rates on a longer investment horizon, given that our assessments indicates that most of these risk and uncertainty components are already reflected on the stock prices of companies present on our portfolio. É recomendada a leitura cuidadosa do prospecto e regulamento do fundo de investimento pelo investidor ao aplicar seus recurso recursos. s. A rentabilidade divulgada não é líquida de impostos. Este documento foi elaborado pela Perfin Administradora de Recursos Ltda e é meramente informativo. As informações, opiniões, estimativas e previsões contidas neste documento foram obtidas ou baseadas em fontes que acreditamos ser confiáveis. Os investidores devem estar preparados para aceitar e assumir os riscos dos mercados em que o Fundo atua e, eqüentemente, possíveis variações no patrimônio investido. A Perfin não se responsabiliza por ganhos ou pperdas erdas consequentes do uso deste informativo. Este Fundo de investimento utiliza estratégias com derivativos como parte integrante daa sua política de investimento. Tais estratégias, da forma como são adotadas, podem resultar em significativas perdas patrimo patrimoniais niais para seus cotistas, podendo inclusive acarretar perdas superiores ao capital aplicado e a conseqüente obrigação do cotista de aportar recursos adicionais. A rentabilidade obtida no passado não representa garantia de resultados futuros; e os investimen investimentos tos em fundos não são garantidos pelo administrador ou por qualquer mecanismo de seguro ou, ainda, pelo fundo garantidor de crédito. o. Visando o atendimento ao exigido pela Lei nº 9.613/98, quando do ingresso do fundo, cada cotista deverá nos fornecer cópia cópias de seus documentos de identificação entre outros documentos cadastrais.