EVEN CONSTRUTORA E INCORPORADORA S.A. Publicly Held Company Company Registry (NIRE) No. 35.300.329.520 Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ/MF) No. 43.470.988/0001-65 MINUTES OF THE EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS´ MEETING HELD ON MAY 12, 2011 1. DATE, TIME AND VENUE: May 12 2011 at 10h00 a.m. at the head office of Even Construtora e Incorporadora S.A. (“Company”), at Rua Hungria, nº 1400, 2º andar, Conjunto 21, CEP 01455-000., in the city and state of São Paulo 2. CALL NOTICE: The call notice was published pursuant to Article 124 of Law 6,404 of December 15, 1976, as amended (“Brazilian Corporate Law”), (a) in the “Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo”, in the editions of May 04, 05 and 06, 2011, on pages 29, 14, and 45, respectively; and (b) in the “Brasil Econômico” newspaper, editions of May 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08, 2011, on pages 37, 27, 25, 25 and 25, respectively. 3. PRESENCE: Shareholders representing at least thirty-six percent (36%) of the Company’s total and voting capital, as per the signatures in the Company's Shareholder Attendance Book. Mr. JEDIEL LIMA DA ROCHA, a member of the Company’s Fiscal Council, was also present 4. CHAIR: Chairman: Mr. Carlos Eduardo Terepins; Secretary: Mr. Ariel Mizrahi. 5. RESOLUTIONS: The Special Shareholder’s Meeting was installed and after a discussion on the matters on the agenda, the shareholders present resolved: 5.1 To authorize the drawing up of these minutes in summary form and the publication of the minutes without the names of the shareholders present, in accordance with Article 130, Paragraph 1 and 2 of Brazilian Corporation Law. 5.2 To approve, unanimously by the shareholders present who exercised their voting rights, the amendment of Item “xxii”, Article 20 of the Company’s Bylaws to adjust the wording of the rules governing the powers of the Board of Directors with respect to giving guarantees and contracting loans, financing and guarantees on behalf of the Company. 5.2.1 In view of said amendment, the modification of the wording of Item xxii, Article 20 of the Company’s Bylaws, which will take effect with the following wording: "Article 20" The Board of Directors is responsible for: (...) (xxii) deliberating, by means of the proposal made by the Executive Board, on the contracting of loans, financing, guarantees and other legal transactions, except (a) those under the scope of the Housing Finance System (Sistema Financeiro da Habitação – SFH); and (b) transactions whose value, considered individually and or together with other transactions of the same nature carried out at the same company in the same fiscal year, do not result in a total debt of the Company in an amount greater than: (b.1) fifty million reais (R$50,000,000.00) or (b.2) five percent (5%) of the shareholders' equity of the Company, as indicated by the Company’s financial statements for the last fiscal year ended, whichever is the greatest of the two, or (c) sureties and guarantees contracted by the Company from banks and financial institutions, or sureties and other guarantees given by the Company, in any situation, under the scope of the transactions mentioned in items (a) and (b) above, for the purpose of acquiring lots for the development of real estate projects by the Company or its direct or indirect subsidiaries, provided that the Company’s interest in the guarantee of these companies does not exceed the Company's interest in the capital of said companies;" 7. CLOSURE: There being no further business to discuss, and as nobody else took the floor, the meeting was adjourned and these minutes were drawn up, read, found in compliance, and signed by all those present São Paulo, May 12, 2011. This is a free English translation of the original instrument drawn up in the Company’s records Presiding Board: __________________________________ CARLOS EDUARDO TEREPINS Chairman __________________________________ ARIEL MIZRAHI Secretary Shareholders Attending: ____________________________________________ GENOA FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTOS EM PARTICIPAÇÕES Banco Santander S.A. represented by. Danilo Christofaro Barbieri and Saulo dos Santos Clemente __________________________________ CARLOS EDUARDO TEREPINS _________________________________ DAVID CYTRYNOWICZ LUIS TEREPINS EDUARDO CYTRYNOWICZ JOÃO EDUARDO AZEVEDO SILVA SILVIO LUIZ GAVA DANY MUSZKAT GELARE LLC XP INVESTOR FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO EM AÇÕES EVEREST FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO EM AÇÕES XP INVESTOR SMALL CAPS FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO EM AÇÕES XP LONG SHORT FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO MULTIMERCADO GOLDEN FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO EM AÇÕES FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO EM AÇÕES VISTA represented by. Flavia Sinopoli Lafraia __________________________________________ FAMA STRIKER MN MASTER FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO MULTIMERCADO LONGO PRAZO FAMA CHALLENGER MASTER FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO DE AÇÕES BNY Mellon Serviços Financeiros Distribuidora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. represented by. Flavia Sinopoli Lafraia _________________________________ CARNEGGIE LLC CHASE MANHATTAN BANK AS TRUSTEE OF THE RETIRE PLAN OF THE C M BANK AND CERTAIN AFFILIATED COMPANIES LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION MASTER RETIREMENT TRUST VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY represented by Flavia Sinopoli Lafraia __________________________________________ STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM EMM UMBRELLA FUNDS PYRAMIS GROUP TRUST FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFIT PLANS: PYRAMIS EMERGING MARKETS COMMINGLED POOL FIDELITY INVESTMENT TRUST: FIDELITY TOTAL INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND MACKENZIE UNIVERSAL WORLD REAL ESTATE CLASS GLOBAL X BRAZIL FINANCIALS EFT FORMULA INVESTING INTERNATIONAL VALUE 400 FUND COLLEGE RETIREMENT EQUITIES FUND WHEELS COMMON INVESTMENT FUND TRUSTEES LIMITED USAA EMERGING MARKETS FUND UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH MEDICAL CENTER SYSTEM THE PENSION RESERVES INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT BOARD TEACHER RETIREMENT SYSTEM OF TEXAS STATE STREET EMERGING MARKETS PYRAMIS EMERGING MARKETS EQUITY TRUST PRINCIPAL EMERGING MARKETS EQUITY FUND NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR SOCIAL SECURITY FUND MINISTRY OF STRATEGY AND FINANCE LEGG MASON GLOBAL FUNDS PLC INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT, A TFSRPAT/RET INTEGRA EMERGING MARKETS EQUITY FUND HARMONY OVERSEAS EQUITY POOL FORD MOTOR COMPANY DEFINED BENEFIT MASTER TRUST VARIABLE INSURANCE PRODUCTS FUND IV: EMERGING MARKETS PORTFOLIO FIDELITY EMERGING MARKETS FUND EWING MARION KAUFFMAN FOUNDATION ALPINE CYCLICAL ADVANTAGE PROPERTY FUND ALPINE EMERGING MARKETS REAL ESTATE FUND ALPINE INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE EQUITY FUND DRIEHAUS INTERNATIONAL SMALL CAP GROWTH FUND, A SERIES OF DRIEHAUS MUTUAL FUNDS DRIEHAUS COMPANIES PROFIT SHARING PLAN AND TRUST CATHOLIC HEALTH INITIATIVES AMERICAN AIRLINES INC., MASTER FIXED BENEFIT PENSION TRUST BRUNEI INVESTMENT AGENCY BATTERYMARCH GLOBAL EMERGING MARKETS FUND BNP PARIBAS L1 – EQUITY LATIN AMERICA ARIZONA STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM (A1QV) COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT SYSTEM NATIONAL RAILROAD RETIREMENT INVESTMENT TRUST SPDR S&P EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAP ETF SSGA MSCI EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAP INDEX NON LENDING COMMON TRUST FUND STATE STREET BANK AND TRUST COMPANY INVESTMENT FUNDS FOR TAX EXEMPT RETIREMENT STICHTING BEDRIJFSTAKPENSIOENFONDS VOOR DE MEDIA PNO Citibank N.A. represented by. Daniel Alves Ferreira __________________________________________ BRITISH COAL STAFF SUPERANNUATION SCHEME MINEWORKERS PENSION SCHEME NORGES BANK STICHTING F&C MULTI MANAGER EMERGING EQUITY ACTIVE STICHTING PENSIOENFONDS MEDISCH SPECIALISTEN STICHTING PENSIOENFONDS VOOR HUISARTSEN VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK INDEX FUND, UMA SÉRIE DA VANGUARD STAR FUNDS FIDELITY INVESTMENT TRUST: FIDELITY EMERGING MARKETS FUND FIDELITY ADVISOR SERIES VIII: FIDELITY ADVISOR EMERGING MARKETS FUND HSBC Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários S.A. represented by. Daniel Alves Ferreira __________________________________________ FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO EM AÇÕES VOTORANTIM VISION FUNDO DE INVESTIMENTO VOTORANTIM SUSTENTABILIDADE EM AÇÕES represented by. Daniel Alves Ferreira