Dados de Safide do paciente Para podennos proporcionar um Servigo Dental apropriado para voce, por favor responda as perguntag abaixo, que contdm informagoes eobseruagoes importantes para n6s. . Nome do Pacientc (rittirno) Data de Nascinrcnto' Scxp Endcreco Rua: n.i ' N.dq Social Security aPt.: No5ne da compania de seguro Cidade teleforp data de nasc. telefonc do trabalho' Nonle da esposa(o) quem? Em caso dc emerg8ncia: nome e ielefonc Q,r"l o seu estado de safdc? rurquc umx excclentc( Nome do scu mddico ocuPaQa9 ceP nome do empregado Nomc e enderego do trabalho VocE foi indicado por (do mcio) Grirrciro) ). bor( ) razo6ve( ) rurn( ) Eirdercgp ) -Voc0 esta tomando algum rem6dio? llES( ) NO( Qual remidio e para -Voct i alcrgioihd: pcnicilina( ) anestesla locql( ) ou outros( Quais?. -Voc0 estdzujeita a um lorrgo periodo de sagrimento? reS(.) NO( ) -Voc8 estrigrivida? lTS( ) NO ( ) -Voc0 toma anticoncepcional? lES( )NO( ) -Voc0 jd foi tratadf'por atgum .dcstes motivos: Doengas do coragEo...............YES( ) NO( ) ... YES( ) NO( ) Febrc baixa..............YEs( alta ou PressE'o ) NO( ) Epileisia.................:............., YES( ) NO( . Leqdo cogenita do coracao,.... lES( ) NO( ) Sopro no cora9do................... YES( ) NO( ) Asma, Alergia,Sinusite........... YES( ) NO( ) i..,.-....... Es( ) NO( ) qu&-- ) . reuma'tica.. ) Artritis....... JJdata assinalura do paciente ass. dq dpntista Instrug6es Pds Cirureia Oral Depois de uma extragdo cinirgica se houverl , 1. SANGRAMENTO Morder em gazes firmemente por t hora. Se nenhum medicamento foi receitado, e recomenda'vel que 2 (dois) comprimidos de Tylenol Extra forte ou Iboprofen sejam tomados a cada 4 horas at€ anoite. E normal haver sangramento at6uma certa quantidade, mas se continuar o sangamento depois de um certo tempo, continue no procedimento de morder em gazes ou procure o dentista, - - Certo desconforto e noflnal apds uma extra96o.'Se tomar Tylenol ou Iboprofen a dor pode ser aliviada. Se ....r mddicamentos 2. DOR n6o s6o suficientes para a dbr, ent6o serd preciso voltar ao seu dentista e medicamentos serSo receitados. Apds uma extracdo complicadahd chances que possa ocoffer inchago. Aplicagdes de gelo a cada 15 minutos ajuda em reduzir inchago. - 4. ENXAGUE BUCAL - Nenhum gargarejo/enxague deve ser feito no dia da extragSo (pode prolongar sangramento). No dia seguinte e recomeda'vel que um erxague seja feito usando uma soluqdo de dgua morna e sal (2 colheres de chd de sal em um copo m6dio com dgua * morna). E recomenddvel que gargareje de 5 a lb vezes por dia, durante 7 dias para melhor sicatrizagdo e limpeza. - Durante o processo de cicatrizapdo e normal que tenha pedagos pequenos de osso. Se pedaqos maiores de osso estiverem encomodando favor procurar seu dentistaparaque seja retirado. DOR ou INCFIACO @rocurar - Se dor ou inchaqo ocorrer depois da seii dentista. GEORGE J. SAWAN, D.M.D JOSEPH S. SAWAN, D.M.D 2IRVING STREET FRAMINGHAM, MA 01702 (s08) 620 -7162 ,{DUSe Aburse or Or Neglect We Patient Rights will notify government authorities if we believe a patient is the victim of abuse, neglect or domestic violence. will make this disclosure only when we are compelled This new law is careful to describe that you have the following rights related to your health information. by our ethical judgment, when we believe we are specifically required or authorized by law or with the patient's agreement. Restrictions We You have the right to request restrictions on certain uses and disclosures of your health information. Our office will make every effort to honor reasonable restriction preferences from our patients. Public Flealth and National ,security We may be required to disclose to Federal officials or military authorities health information necessary to complete an investigation related to public health or national security. Health information could be important when the government believes that the public safety could benefit when the information could lead to the control or prevention of an epidemic or the understanding of new side effects of a drug treatment or medical device. Confi dential Communication for confidential communications. Inspect and Copy Your Health ln{brmation You have the right to read, review, and copy your health information, including your complete chart, x-rays and billing records. If you would like a copy of your health information, As permitted or required by State or Federal law, we may disclose your health information to a law enforcement official for cerlain law enforcement purposes, including, under certain limited circumstances, if you are a victim of a crime or in order to report a crime. know We may need to charge you a reasonable fee to duplicate and assemble your copy. please let us Amend Your Health Information You have the Family, Friends and Caregivers as our office maintains this information. In order to standardize our process, please provide us with your request in writing and describe your reason for the change. medications, or payment. We will be sure to ask your permission first. In the case of an emergency, where you are unable to tell us what you want we will use our very best judgment when sharing your health information only when it will be important to those participating in providing your care. Your request may be denied ['aticnt Nane(s): Documentation of Flealth Information You have the right to ask us for a description ofhow and where your health information was used by our office for any reason other than for treatment, payment or health operations. Our documentation procedures will enable us to provide information on health information usage from April 14, 2003 and forward. please let us know in writing the time period for which you are interested. Thank you for limiting your request to no more than six years at a time. We may need to charge you a reasonable fee for your request. Request a Paper Cc,py of this Notice : You have the right to obtain a copy of this Notice of privacy Practices directly from our office at any time. Stop by or give us a call and we will mail or email a copy to you. ] llhauk you very:nro!1l"f*:laking'tlme to review how. we ur.e car-etirlly usin.u 1,'ou-r lreallh infor.rruition."if you have any questions we wimt to hear liom r you. If no{, we wotild appreciare very *u.h ynr ackncuiiedging your rcceipt ol our policy by signing ancl rerurning trris carcl. We look tbru,ard ro l seeing 5,on agdin Patient sOonl Sjgn'itpts: :ri.::1,,'.,.,, Dare t t _-.:--._-==-= the health information record to be accurate and complete. Other than is stated above or where Federal, State or Local law requires us, we will not disclose your health information other than with your written authorization. You may revoke that authorization in writing at any time. " if in question was not created by our office, is not part of our records or if the records containing your health information are determined Authorization to Lise or llisclose F{ealth Information ..;i right to ask us to update or modify your records ifyou believe your health information records are incorrect or incomplete. We will be happy to accommodate you as long We may share your health information with those you tell us will be helping you with your home hygiene, treatment, Acknowledgmenr your health information privately with no other family members present or through mailed communications that are sealed. We will make every effort to honor your reasonable requests For Law Enforcement Patient s You have the right to request that we communicate with you in a certain way. You may request that we only communicate ,' 'i :,; We are required by law to maintain the privacy of your health information and to provide to you and your representative this Notice of our Privacy Practices. We are required to practice the policies and procedures described in this notice but we do reserve the right to change the terms of our Notice. If we change our privacy practices we will be sure all of our patients receive a copy of the revised Notice. You have the right to express complaints to us or to the Secretary of Health and Human Services if you believe your privacy rights have been compromised. We encourage you to express any concerns you may have regarding the privacy of your information. please let us know of your concems or ts in writing.