St. Nicholas
Newsletter │ December I - 2009
Student Council trip to ACOMI
Upcoming events
On November 19th, representatives of the Student Council both from the Senior School
and the Junior School visited the ACOMI. They went there to deliver the playground
equipment that we donated from the money raised from September’s Casual Clothes
Day. Thank you, Everyone!
5th and 6th
Sat 5th
Swimming Gala
9th , 10th and 11th
Drama Play
Tue 15th
Music Festival
Thu 17th at 15:15
Last day for Infant Pupils
Fri 18th
Last day for Junior Pupils at 12:00
Last day for Senior Pupils at 14:00
January 2010
Thu 28th
School starts for pupils
Year 9 trip to Cemitério da Consolação
Year 9 Ice Skating
Creche Nova Esperança
receives new books!
During Book Week, the Infant School Student Council with the help of some representatives
of the Junior Student Council chose some books from Sell Books to donate to the children
of the Creche Nova Esperança. These books were delivered to them on November 25th.
Wed 2nd - Kindergarten X
10th - Junior Rock Bands
ay 5
y 15 th
Year 8 vai ao cinema para conhecer um
pouco do Brasil
Peter Moss
Calu Malta
No dia 12 de novembro, o Year 8 teve o
prazer de ver o cativante filme brasileiro
‘Besouro’, que coloca a gente mais perto
da linda dança capoeira, que é ao mesmo
tempo uma luta. A história do filme gira
em torno do grande capoerista Besouro,
um cara com uma história de vida super
interessante. O filme trata da capoeira, e é
bem legal porque é baseado na realidade.
Também trata da desigualdade dos negros,
pois se passa em 1924, poucos anos depois
de a escravidão no Brasil ter sido abolida.
Besouro, o capoerista mais reconhecido
do Brasil, por sua habilidade na ginga, fez
todo mundo ficar com o queixo caído. Cada
passo de capoeira que ele fazia... Estava
todo mundo lá no cinema com cara de
impressionado! O outro fato muito legal
do filme é que mostrou alguns deuses do
Candomblé, uma religião que veio dos
escravos da África. Teve uns momentos
mágicos em que os deuses do Candomblé,
perfeitos, saíam da água ou de onde
estavam, e ensinavam lições de vida para o
Besouro. Tenho certeza de que todo mundo
levou para casa alguns dos ensinamentos.
O Year 8, inspirado no filme, está estudando
nas aulas de Português os Orixás e seu
simbolismo na cultura brasileira.
O filme nos ensinou que a capoeira, além
de ser uma luta e uma dança, era um
jeito dos escravos se expressarem. Para
os capatazes brancos, os negros falavam
que era uma dança inofensiva, mas então
mostravam que não era só isso não. Era
uma luta linda, e de um jeito, até graciosa
e sensual! No cinema, estava todo mundo
(inclusive os professores de Português)
com os olhos grudados na tela. Os rápidos
movimentos da câmera deram uma
impressão super realista para o filme, e
fez a gente se sentir envolvido. A câmara
dançava na tela, como a ginga que a
capoeira propõe. O bom do filme ‘Besouro’
é que tem um pouquinho de tudo – ação,
drama, ação, suspense... é um filme que
dá gosto de ver!
Foi muito importante para todo mundo ter
visto esse filme, pois nos ensinou muita
coisa útil, como: nem tudo é tão bonito e
perfeito quanto parece; os escravos eram
muito mal tratados; a capoeira era uma
maneira de escapar daquele lugar e da
situação ruins em que eles viviam.
O Year 8 foi, na quinta-feira, 12 de
novembro, correndo para o shopping
Eldorado, todos loucos para ver esse filme
que o Brasil inteiro estava comentando!
E assim que o filme terminou, saiu todo
mundo completamente encantado. Ficamos
com vontade de poder aprender mais
sobre o Besouro, mais sobre a capoeira,
mais sobre como as pessoas eram tratadas
naquela época... tudo! Foi um daqueles
filmes bons que você leva pra casa e fica
pensando e refeletindo a respeito – e
querendo ver de novo!
Departamneto de Português! A gente
adorou o filme!
Years 5 & 6 Boys
St Nicholas 5 Cidade Play Pen 7
Years 5 & 6 Girls
St Nicholas 1 Cidade Play Pen 3
This was an opportunity to play the Junior
players against the same Futsal teams
that 7 & 8 played against and no one
disappointed. They all showed potential on
a rather small court and playing in such
games gives them experience and incentive
to improve themselves.
The Junior players were anxious to do well
and sometimes young players struggle to
keep position and shape and always want
to go forward, but that’s a natural part
of improving and developing as a young
player. In the main they all showed great
belief, confidence and ability.
Making fire dance
Barbara Borges
Trip to Paraty
Yr 9 completed the Life Skills trip to Saco
de Mamanguá which included a range of
challenging activities, notably the hike on
the second day, after which student cooled
down by swimming in the sea.
They were assessed on IB Learner Profile
respect, independence as well as the
speaking of English. A total of 15 students
will go skating on Wednesday afternoon,
December 16th, as a reward for having
reached success in the criteria.
Year 3 pupils had a real treat today! Mr.
Brotherton built a “Ruben’s Tube” and
showed pupils how sound travels in waves.
Fire and music is a great combination... so
imagine music making fire dance! Thank
you Mr.Brotherton!
St Nicks Footballing in Argentina
St.Nick’s staff football
their first ever Football
Tour to Argentina on
the back of a mid week
5-3 victory against St
Pauls. A combination of
Teachers, Management,
Assistants and ICT staff accompanied by
cheerleaders boarded the plane to Buenos
Aires with three key objectives: proudly
represent the school; play good football
and to establish international links.
The 1st game was against St.Andrew’s
International School. The perfect pitch
and playing conditions enhanced the
teams’ overall performance leading us to
a convincing 3-0 victory, with goals scored
by Mr Cooper and Mr Moss. One win, a
clean sheet and team moral was high.
The 2nd game was played against the
St.George’s ‘odd socks’ in slightly different
conditions. With a combination of injuries
and a wet and sodden pitch, St.Nick’s
struggled to adapt. 3-0 down with thirty
minutes to go was a question of St Nicks
having to fight back. With Mr Highdale’s
energy in midfield, Mr Butler managed to
find the back of the net twice thus giving
St.Nick’s hope with five minutes left on the
clock. Time ticking away and energy levels
dropping, St.Nick’s looked to lose their
first ever game until Mr Forster venturing
forward from defence found himself in
Peter Moss
perfect position to slot home the equaliser.
The tour was a huge success and special
thanks goes to Mr Thody, Mr Cooper,
Marketing and finally to the PTA for their kind
donation of the much admired team kit.
St. Nicholas Review
Dear Parents,
I have great pleasure in inclosing the
overview of the LAHC Review Report.
The eleven members of the Review Team
worked extremely hard to leave no stone
unturned and get to the essence of the
school. They clearly enjoyed their time
here and as you read the overview you
will know that they were very impressed
with our school. Additionally the team
left us with a number of commendations
and recommendations that we will use to
guide our strategic developments over the
coming years.
Nicholas Thody
St Nicholas School has
enjoyed an extraordinary
period of successful growth
and development over the
last six years, and has firmly established
itself as a leading international school
in Sao Paulo with a reputation for being
a caring and inclusive school with a
committed, professional staff, a broad
academic programme and an excellent level
of English. This success is the result of the
dedicated and selfless efforts of both the
school owners and the Leadership Team,
who have created trust and confidence in
the school community and fostered the
caring ethos that permeates all aspects of
the school.
mechanisms that allow it to continue to grow
in a co-ordinated and coherent manner,
based on a clear vision of the future which
establishes unequivocally the educational
and philosophical priorities for the next
stage of development.
The standard of teaching at the school
is uniformly high and the relationships
between pupils, and between pupils and
staff, are excellent. There is a clear sense of
purpose and enjoyment in everything that
happens at school and students graduate
as well-rounded, balanced, responsible and
caring citizens of the world who understand
and respect differences and celebrate
There is no doubt that the quality and
dedication of the teaching staff, the support
staff and the school leadership, together
with the genuine concern, commitment and
competence of the owners, are sufficient to
take the school to the next level. However,
the Review Team’s strong impression is that
coherent and sustained development will
only be achieved provided that the efforts
and enthusiasm of these groups of people
can be effectively co-ordinated through
planning and systems that provide the
necessary synergy and accountability whilst
preserving the unique atmosphere of the
school that makes it so special.
The very success of the school is currently
the greatest challenge for the future. The
school will need to review management
roles and structures, formalise its operating
systems and create strategic planning
The Review Team hopes that the
commendations and recommendations
within this report will serve the school well
in its efforts to plan a secure, robust and
sustainable future.
Language Corner Dedé Toffoli
Here’s your chance to test your English skills and learn new things. Just answer the quiz below and hand it to Mrs. Toffoli (ESL).
If all your answers are correct you will win an R.O.A.!
The following countries were represented at St. Nicholas International Day last November 28. How much did you learn about
them? Put the corresponding numbers in the parenthesis below and hand this quiz to Ms. Toffoli. You may win an R.O.A.!
1. Brazil
7. Argentina
13. Israel
2. Lebanon
8. France 14. Portugal
3. England
9. South Africa
15. Italy
4. South Korea
10. Taiwan
16. Venezuela
5. Greece
11. Japan
17. China
6. India
12. Uruguay
Spanish is the official language of these countries: ( )
( )
( )
Which capital cities? ( ) Beijing
( ) Pretoria
( ) Taipei
Where are these foods from?
( ) Kibbe and Sfiha
( ) Kimchi and Bulgogi ( ) Gefilte fish and Falafel
Where can I see these places? ( ) Stonehenge
( ) The Parthenon
( ) Mount Fuji
Where do these kinds of music come from? ( ) Tarantella and Opera
( ) Bossa Nova and Baião ( ) Fado and Vira
Name: __________________________________
Year: _______
Winners for last issue’s challenge: Dhruv (3X), Luiza (3Y), Skye (4X), Catarina (5X) and Pedro Camargo (5Y)
Scuba Diving Trip
Neil Holden
Casual Clothes Day
Christmas for all!
Last month, six students travelled to Ilha
Bela to complete their PADI Open Water
diver course. Taught by Mr. Holden, their
dives followed two days in a swimming pool
and a few evenings after school watching
DVDs and learning about the science behind
Unlike most Life Skills trip where the
children are used to sleeping in tents,
we stayed in a pousada with a pool and
restaurant, and ate at only the finest pizza
restaurants overlooking the sea. We also
went snorkelling and swimming in the Toca
Over the three days, they completed four
dives to around 12m where they practised
essential skills, learned some basic
navigation (including what happens when it
goes wrong!) and learned to fine tune their
underwater control. The rest of the time
was spent swimming with the vast array of
fishes that can be found around the island.
They are now qualified PADI Open Water
divers, able to dive anywhere in the world.
We raised R$ 1.446,65
This money will go to
ACOMI, Creche Nova Esperança and
children of ancillary staff
Continue bringing toys or school
supplies to 11th December
We will run another diving course next term,
and we are investigating a trip to the Red
Sea at the start of the June/July holiday. If
you are interested in either of these, please
give your names to Mr. Holden.
Learning about Environmental Sustainability
The Year 6 class visited Cubatão and Juréia between 11th and 13th of November. We
have been learning about how to human lives are affected by the environment and how
the environment is affected by humans.
Library Materials
In Cubatão, we learned how a polluted city can be managed so that pollution is significantly
reduced. While in Juréia, we learned how an environment can be managed so that the
natural resources are not disturbed.
The last day to borrow Library
materials is the
As the term is coming to the end,
return all the Library materials until
the last day of School.
Commemorations, celebrations and fun events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
1st – World AIDS Day is dedicated to raise people’s awareness of the AIDS
pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection, which has killed more
than 25 million people, and infecting an estimated 38.6 million people
living with HIV, more than half a million (570,000) were children.
7th – Pearl Harbor Day is a commemoration of the day when United States
Pacific Fleet base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii was attacked by the Imperial
Japanese Navy, on the morning of December 7, 1941. This encouraged
United States to enter World War II.
10th – Human Rights Day was declared so that all of us can become aware
of our rights and create awareness among others, of people who are
deprived of their rights. This year is the 60th anniversary of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
11th - Hanukkah also known as the Festival of Lights, is an eight-day
Jewish holiday beginning on the 25th day of Kislev according to the
Hebrew calendar, which may fall anytime from late November to late
December. The festival is observed by the kindling of lights on each night
of the holiday: o ne on the first night, two on the second, until the eighth
day when all lights are lit.
24th – Christmas Eve, the night before Christmas Day, is observed by
Christians around the world with special meals with family or friends, giftgiving, and for Catholics, a midnight mass.
25th – Christmas Day is a commemoration of the birth of Jesus Christ,
and modern traditions include the display of Nativity scenes, Holly and
Christmas trees, the exchange of gifts and cards, and the arrival of Father
Christmas or Santa Claus on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning. Popular
Christmas themes include the promotion of goodwill and peace.
26th – Boxing Day is a public holiday celebrated in the United Kingdom,
Canada and most other Commonwealth countries, or alternatively on the
next weekday after Christmas. Different countries have different ways
of celebrating this holiday, but many of them observe the day with postChristmas sales and various sporting events.
26th – 1st January – Kwanzaa is a week-long Pan-African festival primarily
honoring African-American heritage, observed almost exclusively in the
United States of America. Activities for the occasion include candlelighting, pouring of libations, and a feast and gift-giving on the last day.
31st – New Year’s Eve is celebrated with family gatherings and parties to
mark the end of the year and to welcome the new one. Many cultures use
fireworks and other forms of noise making as part of the celebration.
Universidade e Carreira
Caiu no Vestibular...
Química (FUVEST) Pirolusita reage com ácido clorídrico segundo a
equação a seguir, não balanceada:
MnO2 + H3O+ + Cl- = Mn2+ + Cl2 + H2O
Dado: R = 62.3 mmHg.L/Kmol.
a) Balanceie a equação.
by Mr L. Anderson
Um desafio de Geografia
(FUVEST 2010) Desde o final da década de 1970, no Brasil, os
movimentos sociais urbanos têm reivindicado o chamado Direito à
Cidade, em que a moradia é elemento fundamental. Acerca desse
tema, considere os gráficos, seus conhecimentos e as seguintes
b) Coletou-se o gás liberado desta reação em um recipiente de
1,00 L. Verificou-se que a pressão parcial total era de 700 mmHg,
a 27ºC, e que além do Cl2, existia vapor de água, com pressão
parcial de 27 mmHg. Quantos mols de Cl2 foram coletados?
Proposta de Redação
Escola Paulista de Medicina - UNIFESP
Redija uma dissertação sobre o tema:
“A solidariedade contra o individualismo e a indiferença”
Vestibular 2010
Foram realizadas as provas de primeira fase das principais
instituições de ensino superior do Estado de São Paulo, UNESP,
UNICAMP e USP. As provas, de um modo geral, apresentaram
questões interdisciplinares, e nível de dificuldade variando entre
médio e difícil. As matérias com maior grau de dificuldade foram:
Física, Matemática e História, as quais exigiram um pouco mais de
conhecimento e raciocínio por parte dos vestibulandos.
Respostas do Número Anterior
Caiu no Vestibular...
a. 96 funcionários.
b. 64 funcionários
Um desafio de Português
O prefixo ex, quando empregado com hífen, indica que uma pessoa
deixou de ser algo (cargo, função). No caso da tira, a definição
dada pelo dicionário seguiu esse conceito (mesmo sem o hífen).
Expiração aparece como aquele que deixou de ser pirado, doido. O
significado da palavra, porém, é: expulsão do ar dos pulmões.
I. A Região Sudeste responde por mais da metade do PIB
nacional, sendo, porém, a região com maior deficit habitacional.
Consequentemente, forte concentração de capital não significa
acesso à moradia.
II. A Região Nordeste tem o segundo maior deficit habitacional e
a terceira maior participação no PIB nacional. Isso significa que a
histórica desigualdade social nessa região foi superada.
III. A Região Norte tem o segundo menor deficit habitacional e
a menor participação no PIB nacional. Isso significa que o deficit
habitacional é um problema desvinculado da produção/distribuição
de riqueza.
Está correto o que se afirma em:
a) I, apenas.
II e III, apenas.
b) I e II, apenas.
e) I, II e III.
c) I e III, apenas.
Carreira: Relações Internacionais
A globalização está transformando
profissão com grande potencial de
expansão, mas os interessados devem
dominar diversos idiomas, ter facilidade
para negociações e visão global.
Para especialistas da área, junto com
a formação dos blocos econômicos e,
consequentemente, o estreitamento das
relações político-econômicas dos países,
surge a necessidade de empresas,
órgãos governamentais e entidades em
geral terem profissionais gabaritados
para trabalhar como um elo entre as
instituições e o mundo.
O profissional de relações internacionais
encontra um campo de trabalho bem
consolidado em países desenvolvidos,
mas, no Brasil, a carreira ainda dá os seus
primeiros passos, com investimentos de
corporações estrangeiras e a expansão
das nacionais, como é o caso da
Ambev, empresa resultante da fusão
entre e Brahma e a Antártica que está
expandindo seu mercado externo.
Para alcançar um lugar
o estudante deve iniciar
bem antes do seu
universidade. Dominar
idioma é um deles.
de destaque,
ingresso na
mais de um
“O inglês é pré-requisito. Sem a língua
inglesa não dá para acompanhar o
curso. Palestras, livros e pesquisa são
feitas quase sempre em inglês”, diz o exestudante da PUC-SP Ricardo Camargo
Mendes, 24, que é analista de Relações
Internacionais da Fiesp (Federação das
Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo).
ensino estimulam o intercâmbio entre
alunos de instituições do Brasil e do
exterior. Durante o curso, são realizadas
simulações de negociações, quando os
alunos discutem e defendem decisões
tomadas por organizações internacionais
como a OMS (Organização Mundial da
Saúde), ONU (Nações Unidas) e OMC
(Organização Mundial do Comércio).
Fonte: Folha On Line
Os melhores cursos são oferecidos
pelas seguintes instituições:
- UNESP (Universidade Estadual
Paulista), campus de Franca
Os estudantes irão encontrar um curso
multidisciplinar, com aulas de política,
economia e direito internacionais, além
de história e geografia.
- USP (Universidade de São Paulo)
Além da sala de aula, as instituições de
- UnB (Universidade de Brasília)
- PUC-SP (Pontifícia
Católica de São Paulo)
Alessandra Vassellucci
How is the weather today?
We keep asking this question every now
and then but can we really trust any
answer?? Probably not! And that’s due to
the Global Warming!
But, what is global warming?
Global warming is the rise in temperature
of the earth’s atmosphere.
It’s said that by the time a baby born today
is 80 years old, the world will be 6 and a
half degrees warmer than it is now.
Is global warming bad?
The earth is naturally warmed by rays (or
radiation) from the sun which pass through
the earth’s atmosphere and are reflected
back out to space again.
Greenhouse gases are made out of: water
vapour, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous
oxide, ozone, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
They are all natural gases, but extra
greenhouses gases can be made by
humans from pollution.
How are extra greenhouse
gases produced?
Extra greenhouse gases are produced
through activities which release carbon
dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and
ozone CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). These
activities include: burning coal and petrol,
known as ‘fossil fuels’ , cutting down of
rainforests and other forests, animal waste
which lets off methane.
- some plants and animals might become
extinct because of the heat. - hurricanes,
tornadoes and other storms which are
caused by changes in heat and water
evaporation may get more common.
What can I do to help our
There are ways you can help cut
greenhouse gases and help stop global
They are simple things, but can make a
difference if everyone does them!
• Re-cycle glass bottles, jars, newspapers
and magazines and tin cans. Save them
and take them to local re-cycling centres.
Re-use plastic shopping bags and
envelopes, don’t get new ones
• Persuade your mum or dad (or whoever
does the gardening) to have a compost
• Use papers on both sides. Make use of
the scrap paper!!!! • Try and buy products that don’t use
much packaging. Check where the product
was manufactured before buying it.
• Give unwanted gifts and clothes to a
charity shop. Helping others warm our
heart. You will feel great about that as
• Only fill the kettle up with the amount
of water you need to boil that time. Don’t
waste water!!!!!
• Don’t leave the TV , video, DEV player,
microwave, electric oven etc on standby.
The atmosphere’s made up of layers of
gases, some of which are called ‘greenhouse
gases’. They’re mostly natural and make up
a kind of thermal blanket over the earth.
This lets some of the rays back out of
the atmosphere, keeping the earth at the
right temperature for animals, plants and
humans to survive (60°F/16°C).
So some global warming is good. But if
extra greenhouse gases are made, the
thermal blanket gets thicker and too much
heat is kept in the earth’s atmosphere.
That’s when global warming’s bad.
What are the greenhouse
What’s the ‘ozone layer’ got
to do with global warming?
• If you get lift to school in a car, take your
mates along for the ride.
The ozone layer is another important part
of the atmosphere.
• Ask whoever does your washing to use
the machine at 40 degrees, this helps
conserve power.
It’s made up of ozone (a type of oxygen)
that protects the earth from too many
harmful rays called UVB.
• Switch lights off when you’re not in the
So what could happen?
If Earth gets hotter, some of the important
changes could happen:
- water expands when it’s heated and
oceans absorb more heat than land, so
sea levels would rise
- sea levels would also rise due to the
melting of the glaciers and sea ice.
- cities on coasts would flood.
- places that usually get lots of rain and
snowfall might get hotter and drier.
- lakes and rivers could dry up.
- there would be more droughts making
hard to grow crops.
- less water would be available for
drinking, showers and swimming pools.
• Cycle to places!
• Have showers instead of baths. If you
want to have fun in the water go to a
swimming pool!!!!
Now ask yourself: WHAT AM
it’s time to change, I am sure
you can help our Planet!!

Newsletter - St. Nicholas School