Loomis & Lipmann 50 NADH 12,4 kcal/mol -0.2 Eo´ (volts) FMN 0.0 40 CoQ b 30 9,2 kcal/mol +0.2 c1 c a3 20 +0.4 24,8 kcal/mol +0.6 +0.8 10 O2 1) Ym = 4 kcal/mol 2) Ym = 12 kcal/mol 0 Go´ (kcal/mol relative to O2) -0.4 Mitochondrial uncoupling is physiologically mediated by uncoupling proteins Mecanismo de Produção de Calor pelo Tecido Adiposo Marrom Termografia do infravermelho emitido pela superfície dorsal de um rato com uma semana de vida. O ponto amarelo "quente" se sobrepõe ao depósito de BAT. Brown adipose tissue is rich in mitochondria and uncoupling protein 1 Termogênese independente de contração muscular BAT (Tecido Adiposo Marrom) Mamíferos hibernantes Pequenos mamíferos Mamíferos jovens (incluindo humanos) Adapatção ao frio x132 Tecido Adiposo Branco-WAT pouco vascularizado poucas mitocôndrias x132 Tecido Adiposo Marrom-BAT altamente vascularizado muitas mitocôndrias Responsiveness of BAT related to gender and age BAT activity contributes to energy expenditure in adult humans Methamphetamine-induced malignant hyperthermia are mediated by mitochondrial uncoupling Pharmacology: uncoupling the agony from ecstasy. Mills EM, Banks ML, Sprague JE, Finkel T. Nature. 2003 Nov 27;426(6965):403-4. Mitochondrial uncoupling reduces insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells Energy from electrons flow generates heat in plants !!! Roger Seymour University of Adelaide Australia Heat generation in thermogenic plants depends on the increase of oxygen consumption Heat generation in thermogenic plants depends on the increase of oxygen consumption A long time ago in a galaxy Not so far away ... Mitochondria may allow multicellular organization through increased the energy efficiency Carboniferous gigantism is related to increased atmosferic levels of oxygen Meganeura sp. A encruzilhada dos anaeróbicos... Exposição à O2 100% causa lesão pulmonar Oxigênio possui elétrons desemparelhados Free radicals • Atoms or molecules that have at least one unpaired electron. • Reach equillibrium donating or removing na electrons from the nearest molecule. • Highly reactive species ! Reactive oxygen species (ROS) Derived from molecular oxygen Free radicals superoxide, O2 · Hydroxyl radical, OH · Peroxyl radical, ROO · Alkoxyl radical, RO · Hydroperoxyl radical, HO2 · Non-radical reactive oxygen species Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 (Fenton´s reaction) Hypochlorous Acid, HClO Ozone, O3 Free radical theory of aging AGING - A THEORY BASED ON FREE-RADICAL AND RADIATION-CHEMISTRY HARMAN, D. JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY, 11, 3, 298-300 Free radical theory of aging AGING - A THEORY BASED ON FREE-RADICAL AND RADIATION-CHEMISTRY HARMAN, D. JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY, 11, 3, 298-300 Evidence 1) Longer lived species exhibit decreased levels of oxidative damage, decreased susceptibility to oxidative stress, and decreased generation of reactive oxygen species. 2) Results have demonstrated that the overexpression of catalase, increased both the average lifespan and maximum lifespan of mice by 20%. 3) Mutant strains of Caenorhabditis elegans that are more susceptible to free radicals have shortened lifespans, and vice versa. 4) Drosophila that have mutations in enzymes relating to reactive oxygen species metabolism have also been shown to have dramatically reduced life-spans, increased susceptibility to oxidative stress and ionizing radiation, partial female and complete male sterility. 5) Antioxidant supplementation has not been conclusively shown to produce an extension of lifespan in a mammal. Mitochondria represent one of the major sources of ROS/RNS A geração das ROS depende do estado metabólico daYm mitocôndria Mitochondrial ROS generation depends of ROS The ‘good side’ of free radicals a massive production of ROS as immunity instrument Leukocytes Macrophages Lymphocytes Myeloperoxidase = hypochlorpous acid NADPH oxidase = superoxide Bernard Babior BIOLOGICAL DEFENSE MECHANISMS - PRODUCTION BY LEUKOCYTES OF SUPEROXIDE A POTENTIAL BACTERICIDAL AGENT. BABIOR, BM; KIPNES, RS; CURNUTTE, JT. JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, 52, 3, 741-744 Oxidative damage to lipids Damage • unsaturated bonds loss • RONS metabolites generation (aldehydes) Sequel • changes in fluidity and permeability of membranes (cell lysis) • membranes integral enzymes are influenced Oxidative damage to proteins Damage • agregation, fragmentation and cleveage • reaction with heme iron • functional group modification Sequel • changes in enzyme activity • Proteolysis • Aggregation Oxidative damage to DNA Damage • saccharide ring cleveage • base modification • chain breakeage Sequel • mutation • translation mistakes • Protein synthesis inhibition Equilibrium failure between generation and removal of ROS / RNS leads to Oxidative stress Antioxidant defenses Preventives Inhibit ROS/RNS generation Scavengers Scavenge unpaired ROS/RNS electrons Repair Correct molecules damaged by ROS/RNS Antioxidants and scavengers • enzymes Superoxide dismutase, Catalase, Glutathione peroxidase • nonenzymatic a) fixed in membranes ( -tocopherol, -carotene) b) out of membranes (ascorbate, transferrin, bilirubin) Antioxidant enzymes in mitochondria H2O + ½ O2 CATALASE - SOD H2O2 [ O2 ] NADPH.H+ Fe2+ Fenton reaction 2GSH GPx NADP+ GR GSSG 2 H2O OH. + Fe3+ + OH- Low-molecular weigth antioxidants I Ascorbate (vitamin C) a) b) c) Important antioxidant in extra and in intracellular compartments Present in aqueous environments Reduces O2 · ,- OH ·, ROO·, RO · Low-molecular weight antioxidants II -tocopherol (vitamin E) a) b) Membrane associated antioxidant Stored mainly in the adipose tissue, the liver and in muscles, the principal role of vitamin E is as a powerful antioxidant, protecting body cells from the detrimental effects of free radicals and protecting unsaturated lipids against oxidation. Low-molecular weight antioxidants III Glutathione a) Tripeptide present in all mammalian cells (SH group) b) Important redox buffer (2 GSH GSSG + 2e- + 2H+) c) ROS elimination, stabilisation in reduction form (SH-groups, tocopheryl and ascorbate regeneration) d) Substrate of glutathione peroxidases Parkinson’s Disease & ROS