PQM 300 Meter and Recorder Power Quality INGEPACTM PQM300 is a class B grid voltage quality meter and recorder, in compliance with UNE-EN 50160 and IEC 61000-4-30 standards. These devices are a suitable tool for the control of the service voltage where an exchange of power between two grids is possible, as well as for the monitoring of standard evaluation parameters established in order to determine the power supply quality levels (TIEPI, NIEPI, SAIDI, SAIFI, etc). Additionally, this device provides measurement, fault passage detection, transients with oscillography and a vast amount of information registered and displayed in events sequences and statistics tables. It allows remote access to data through software tools specifically designed for the programmed collecting of recordings with functions that facilitate its interpretation. BUSBAR 3 o o o Measurements: Freq, V I -N, VI - I , Vav, Vunb, VTHD, Vharm 2 to 25 52 24 Dips, interruptions and overvoltages reports Quality parameters recording Voltage historical records Oscillography Measurements: I, ITHD, Iunb Current historical records 51 24 Measurements: P, Q, S, cos , Ea+, Ea-, Er+, Er- Power historical records 3 Software All of the equipment in the INGEPACTM family can be accessed using powerful software tools developed by Ingeteam and which run on Windows®. Application software is specifically designed for simple and user-friendly access to the equipment. LINE OPTIONAL Measurement grid frequency Phase-to-earth and phase-to-phase voltages, plus average values Voltage unbalance % of the voltage harmonics distortion (THD) Up to 40th harmonic (depending on model) Individual voltage harmonics up to 25th (depending on model) Phases and average currents Current unbalance % of the current harmonics distortion (THD) Up to 40th harmonic (depending on model) Active power, reactive power and apparent power per phase and total Average power factor and per phase Positive and negative active and reactive energy accumulated Faults recording Dips, overvoltages and interruptions records Dips, overvoltages and interruptions summary Depth and duration statistic tables Quality recording Historical and statistical data Load trendings Voltage, current and power measurements historical recording Other functions Oscillography Transients recording Fault detection Overexcitation Electrical bay signalling and command General Description ∙∙ Medição de emissões de radioelétricas realizada no terminal de fornecimento de energia DC" IEC60255-25/ EN55022 ∙∙ Medição de emissão radioelétrica irradiada IEC60255-25/ EN55022 ∙∙ Resistência de isolamento IEC60255-5 ∙∙ Rigidez dielétrica IEC60255-5 ∙∙ Impulso de sobretensão (onda de choque) IEC60255-5 ∙∙ Teste de imunidade à descarga eletrostática IEC61000-4-2 ∙∙ Imunidade a campos de radiofrequência irradiada ENV 50204/IEC 61000-4-3 ∙∙ Teste de imunidade de transitórios elétricos rápidos IEC61000-4-4 ∙∙ Teste de imunidade de pulsos de onda IEC61000-4-5 ∙∙ Imunidade a sinais induzidos por radiofrequência IEC61000-4-6 ∙∙ Imunidade a campos magnéticos de 50Hz IEC61000-4-8 ∙∙ Imunidade a campos magnéticos pulsantes IEC61000-4-9 ∙∙ Different hardware configuration options allowing to choose the most suitable one for each application. ∙∙ Large storage capacity allowing to keep the recordings in the non volatile memory of the equipment for a remarkable period of time before downloading them. Programmable recording frequency. ∙∙ Software tools for a periodical remote download of the recordings ∙∙ Switchgear control and fault detection , making this device suitable as controller of pole-mounted switches. ∙∙ Comprehensive class 0.5 measurement ∙∙ 32 samples/cycle oscillography that can be activated due to any event. PQM300 also incorporates a 128 samples/cycle for transients waveform recording. ∙∙ Synchronisation via demodulated IRIG-B or through communication protocols ∙∙ Local interface with LCD display for the visualisation and programming (2 rows x 16 characters) and 8 programmable LED indicators Options ∙∙ Available formats Vertical 266x132.5x259 mm; Horizontal 132.5x266x259 mm; Embedded into TCP: 177x480x256 mm (19” rack) ∙∙ Connections Connector for pin or ring type terminals ∙∙ Field interfaces Configuration Digital inputs 0 8 7 IEC61000-4-10 14 ∙∙ Imunidade ao Ripple na fonte de alimentação DC 1 17 IEC61000-4-17 2 35 7 ∙∙ Teste de imunidade de onda de amortecida 1 MHz IIEC61000-4-18/ IEC60255-22-1 ∙∙ Imunidade às interrupções, quedas e flutuações na fonte de alimentação DC IEC61000-4-29/ IEC60255-11 ∙∙ Imunidade a frequências industriais IEC60255-22-7 ∙∙ Imunidade a campos magnéticos oscilatórios Climáticas ∙∙ Ensaio de névoa salina-oleada UNE112-017-92 ∙∙ Teste à temperatura super baixa IEC 60068-2-1 ∙∙ Teste ao calor-seco IEC 60068-2-2 ∙∙ Teste contínuo de calor-húmido IEC 60068-2-78 ∙∙ Choque térmico IEC 60068-2-14 Mecânicos ∙∙ Teste a vibrações IEC60255-21-1 ∙∙ Teste de choque e colisão IEC 60255-21-2 ∙∙ Testes sísmicos IEC 60255-21-3 Digital outputs ∙∙ Power supply: 24/48 Vcc; 125/220 Vcc ∙∙ Power supply voltage measurement ∙∙ Communication ports All of the devices have a front RS232 port for local access and additionally: 1 serial; 2 serial; 1 serial + 1 Ethernet ∙∙ Communication ports connection types: Serial: RS232, RS485, Glass Fibre Optic, Plastic Fibre Optic Ethernet: RJ45, Fibre Optic ∙∙ Models by protection functions: PQM300-A: Voltage measurement (current, power, power factor, frequency and energy are optional), dips recording, overvoltages and interruptions, historical and statistical recordings, harmonics up to the 25th (THD up to 40th harmonic) PQM300-T: Voltage measurement (current, power, power factor, frequency and energy are optional), dips recording, overvoltages and interruptions, historical and statistical recordings, fault passage, overexcitation, harmonics up to the 15th (THD up to 15th harmonic) Applications ∙∙ Power supply quality monitoring in Medium Voltage busbars and power exchange grid nodes ∙∙ Control of switching elements The technical data in this catalogue is subject to change without prior notice. FY17IPTT01_A/112014 Main Features Testes eletromagnéticos e de isolamento