Casa de Cultura Britânica
Semestre IV
Data: 27 de Julho de 2014.
Duração: das 9:00 às 13:00 horas.
01. Antes de iniciar a resolução das questões, verifique se o Caderno de Provas está completo.
Qualquer reclamação deverá ser feita nos primeiros 15 (quinze) minutos após o início da prova.
02. Anote, na capa do Caderno de Provas, o seu número de inscrição e o número da sala.
03. Confira os dados do cabeçalho da Folha-Resposta. Havendo necessidade de correção de algum
dado (CPF, NOME ou RG), chame o fiscal para anotar a correção. Para marcar a resposta de uma
questão, preencha, totalmente, com caneta azul ou preta, apenas a quadrícula correspondente à sua
opção. Não use corretivo nem rasure a Folha-Resposta.
04. Durante a realização das provas, será feita a identificação dos candidatos através da verificação do
original do documento de identidade e da coleta da assinatura na Ata de Aplicação e na FolhaResposta, no campo destinado à assinatura.
05. A duração da prova é de 4 (quatro) horas e o tempo mínimo de permanência em sala é de 1 (uma) hora.
06. É aconselhável reservar 30 (trinta) minutos para o preenchimento da Folha-Resposta.
07. O candidato, ao terminar a prova, só poderá sair da sala após entregar o Caderno de Prova e a
08. Os dois últimos candidatos só poderão deixar a sala simultaneamente e deverão assinar a Ata de
09. A desobediência a qualquer dessas determinações e o desrespeito ao pessoal da supervisão,
coordenação e fiscalização são faltas que eliminam o candidato do concurso.
10. Será eliminado do Concurso o candidato cujo celular estiver ligado durante a realização das provas,
ou for flagrado copiando gabarito.
11. Acompanhe o Calendário de Atividades do Concurso, através do endereço eletrônico
Coloque, de imediato, o seu número de inscrição e o número de sua sala nos retângulos abaixo.
Casa de Cultura Britânica
20 questões
For questions 01 to 05, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY:
01. There _____ _____ students in class today. There _____ only six including me. I think it’s because the
weather forecast says there _____ a snowstorm soon.
A) are – much – is – going to be
B) isn’t – many – is – is going to be
C) was – a lot of – were – are going to be
D) weren’t – many – were – is going to be
E) wasn’t – a few – was – are going to be
02. I have just moved house. My old house was _____ than the new one – the new one has three bedrooms
and the old one had only two. The _____ is also different in my new bedroom. My bed is _____ the left,
my desk is _____ the bed, and my sofa is _____ the desk and the bathroom door.
A) more bigger – furnitures – in – by – outside
B) smaller – furniture – on – next to – between
C) more smaller – furniture – on – near – into
D) smaller – furniture – at – far from – over
E) bigger – furnitures – in – under – near
03. A: We need to go shopping. We have to buy _____ ice cream for dessert. We don’t have _____ milk either.
B: And how _____ coffee do we need?
A: _____. I hate coffee!
A) many – a lot – many cups of – No
B) a little – a lot of – many – None
C) a lot of – many – many – Some
D) a little – much – much – None
E) a lot – none – much – Any
04. Mom _____ a birthday cake for Jeff and Jake. They _____ 15 years old today and they _____ a party.
A) has baked – have turned – are going to have
B) going to bake – going to turn – going to have
C) is going to bake – have turned – have had
D) has made – has turned – is going to have
E) made – turned – going to have
05. A: Are you _____ out with us tonight?
A) going to go – can
B) going to go – am
C) going to – am
D) going – do
E) going – go
B: Of course, I _____. I can’t wait to see Brad again!
For questions 06 to 10, choose the INCORRECT option:
06. A) Coffee is more popular here than in China.
B) British tea tastes better than American tea.
C) Donuts are cheaper in the USA than in Brazil.
D) Indian food is more spicier than Peruvian food.
E) French wine is more expensive than Italian wine.
Teste de Nível 2014.2
Semestre IV
Pág. 2 de 4
07. A) That is the more boring film of the year.
B) The Ferrari is the fastest car today.
C) My room is the smallest one here.
D) He is the worst student in class.
E) She is the meanest girl I know.
08. A) John drives very carefully at night.
B) The baby sleeps quietly near me.
C) Liz speaks fastly on the phone.
D) Mom walks very slowly now.
E) She plays the flute very well.
09. A) The news is really good.
B) He gave me good advice.
C) My furniture is very modern.
D) We bought some brown bread.
E) He’s tall and has a long dark curly hair.
10. A) We’re in 2014. I’m going to the UK in 2016, so I’m going abroad two years from now.
B) We’re in 2014. I’m going to the UK in 2016, so I’m going abroad in a couple of years.
C) We’re in 2014. I’m going to the UK in 2016, so I’m going abroad in two years time.
D) We’re in 2014. I’m going to the UK in 2016, so I’m going abroad in two years.
E) We’re in 2014. I’m going to the UK in 2016, so I’m going abroad next year.
For questions 11 to 15, choose the option that expresses the same idea as the sentence in italics:
11. Did the doctor tell you the amount of toast you can have in your diet?
A) the number of toasts
B) how many toasts
C) how much toast
D) the quantity of toasts
E) the number of toast
12. Kate has been a student in a very exclusive private school in Wales.
A) is a student now
B) wanted to be a student
C) is going to be a student
D) hates being a student
E) once went to school
13. He would like to go up in a hot-air balloon.
A) He likes going up
B) He wants to go up
C) He likes when we are going up
D) He loves going up
E) He would go up
14. Jack is the worst student in class.
A) No student in class is worse than Jack.
B) Jack is one of the best students in class.
C) Jack is better than the other students in class.
D) All of the other students are worse than Jack.
E) The best students in class are worse than Jack.
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Semestre IV
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15. My cousin Lucy has gone to France.
A) recently came back from
B) has come back from
C) is going to France
D) has never been to
E) is in
Answer questions 16 to 20 according to the instructions.
16. Choose the option where all the underlined letters have THE SAME pronunciation as the vowel in ‘live’:
A) it / his / she
B) film / kill / him
C) leave / meet / tree
D) city / big / me
E) kiss / he / fish
17. Choose the option where the sound of -s/-es at the end of all the verbs is THE SAME as the -s in ‘goes’:
A) calls / pays / runs
B) does / sends / puts
C) helps / eats / meets
D) gives / thinks / hits
E) fixes / dances / washes
18. Choose the option where the sound of –ed at the end of all the verbs is THE SAME as the -ed in ‘called’:
A) looked / danced / asked
B) wanted / needed / decided
C) phoned / played / arrived
D) walked / checked / landed
E) booked / changed / showed
19. Choose the option where all the words are in THE SAME vocabulary group:
A) cold / dry / hot / smart
B) park / bank / zoo / cloudy
C) summer / winter / spring / funny
D) shy / lazy / mean / clever
E) butter / fish / rice / mosque
20. Choose the option where the spelling of both the simple past and the past participle forms is INCORRECT:
A) read – read – read
B) sing – sang – sung
C) throw – thruw – thrown
D) teach – taught – taught
E) choose – chose – chosen
Teste de Nível 2014.2
Semestre IV
Pág. 4 de 4

prova britanica iv - CCV - Universidade Federal do Ceará