FICHA INFORMATIVA DE UNIDADE CURRICULAR Curso Licenciatura em Enfermagem (1º Ciclo) Unidade Curricular Língua Estrangeira Técnica I – Inglês Técnico I ECTS/tempo de trabalho (horas) Tempo de trabalho (em horas) Total HTAE HATAE 56 14 12 ECTS Horas de contacto T TP PL S 20 10 OT TC E O* Total 30 2 T - Teóricas; TP - Teórico-práticas; PL - Prática-laboratorial; S - Seminário; OT - Orientação tutorial; TC - Trabalho de campo; E – Estágio; O* - Outras horas caraterizadas como Ensino Clínico ao abrigo da Diretiva nº 77/453/CEE de 27 Junho adaptada pela Diretiva 2005/36/CE; HTAE - Horas de trabalho autónomo do estudante; HATAE - Horas de acompanhamento do trabalho autónomo do estudante. Objetivos/ [Descrição dos objetivos gerais e/ou específicos] English is required for anyone choosing to study a Degree in either Medicine or Nursing. Nowadays, knowing how to accomplish certain tasks in English, on both a written and oral level, is a skill that is taken for granted in the world of Business as well as in most of the countries who are members of the European Union. This course is designed to improve the communication skills and specialised English knowledg healthcare professionals. The UC Technical English I aim is that the students can face manuals and articles related to their area of knowledge. Speaking practice will be orientated toward the students’ achieving an acceptable degree of fluency in contexts related to their area of knowledge, in order to facilitate a smooth and prompt incorporation into the English-speaking work market. In all of the former instances, Technical English I is a core subject, since it helps students to acquire a specific competence. Along more general lines, being able to use English allows for a more solid educational base since it helps in many ways, for example, when reading Bibliography in other subjects, when contrasting our mother tongue with English, and when we are capable of using it appropriately, it even helps develop self-esteem. Specific course goals There are three types of objectives for this subject: theoretical, practical and methodological: 1. Among theoretical objectives we can mention the consolidation of the main structure functions of the English language, the study of English grammar and the development of the basic linguistic competences (writing, speaking, reading and comprehension). ESS.SA.19-Rev.0 2. 3. The practical objectives concern (i) linguistic comprehension (listening and reading) being able to hold a general conversation, understand the patient’s clinical history, the description of symptoms and ailments, the description o wishes, feelings, events or activities related to work, and identify and understand technical information, and being able to fend for themselves in normal everyday situations and also when travelling abroad; these objectives also concern (ii) linguistic production (speaking and writing), like being able to explain everyday situations, communicate fluently everyday topics, describe experiences, feelings, opinions or reactions, discuss abstract and cultural topics, write personal letters, write clinical care plans which describe in detail events, facts and experiences. The methodological objectives involve the active participation of students in the clas the development of their critical thinking process and of their autonomy in their own learning process. Skills to be acquired: Resultados de aprendizagem /Competências a adquirir 1.ability to extract a generalization from data and provide a synthesis and analysis [Conhecimentos, aptidões e competências a desenvolver pelos estudantes] of the situation presented. 2. ability to transmit information, ideas, problems and solutions. 3. ability to contribute to the development of Nursing and related systems and standards of care. 4. recognizing diversity and multi-culturalism (as they learn how to take into account other cultural perspectives and understand certain cultural differences.) 5. individual planning of study time (by learning how to plan out compositions and by making individual study plans) 6. quality control and development (by learning how to plan out an activity before starting it) 7. creativity (as they develop their own personal ideas into written compositions and oral presentations) 8. ability the use and apply certain IT tools for learning and communicating. The student taking this subject is supposed to achieve a B1.2 level (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). Students should have already reached the B.1.1 level as described in the Common European [unidades curriculares que lhe Reference Framework for Languages. devem preceder ou competências à entrada] Pré-requisitos ESS.SA.19-Rev.0 CONTENTS: Each unit will be structured in two main sections. Section A will introduce several aspects about medicine and nursing through written texts and audiovisual material. Section B will be [Com demonstração da coerência entre os conteúdos focused on oral practice, and will be organized around various communicative situations and functions. e os objetivos da Unidade Curricular] UNIT 1. A. The hospital and the appointments. Texts and listening extracts. B. Describing places. Giving directions. Reading information. Verbs, prepositions and adjectives. UNIT 2. A. Careers in Health Care: the NHS. Texts and listening extracts. B. Asking basic questions: greeting the patient, asking questions to encourage patient to describe current problem. Question clauses. UNIT 3. A. Human Anatomy. Texts and listening extracts. B. The patient clinical history. Asking questions to gather information about current or past problems involving the various body systems. Question clauses and purpose sentences. Time clauses. UNIT 4. A. Common diseases and ailments. Epidemiology. Infectious diseases. Texts and listening extracts. Asking about symptoms. Taking notes. The patient care plan. Prefixes in medical terms; word formation; health idioms; prepositions; acronyms. Conteúdos Programáticos Metodologias de ensino [Com demonstração da coerência entre as metodologias de ensino e os objetivos de aprendizagem] The methodology and materials for this course are primarily focused on the student’s consolidation and widening of their previous knowledge of English so that they can apply it to the specific needs of their degree. The theoretical sessions will consist of use of English, grammar and vocabulary. The practical sessions will focus on the productive skills (speaking and writing) and the so-called passive skills (reading and listening). More detailed information on the how these sessions will be organized will be presented in class during the first week of the academic year. APROVAÇÃO CONSELHO TÉCNICOCIENTÍFICO ESS.SA.19-Rev.0 23/01/2012, Deliberação CTC 04/2012