GABINETE DE APOIO À QUALIDADE DO ENSINO Unidade Curricular Unidade orgânica _____________________________________________________ Data __/__/__ Curso _____________________________________________________________ Departamento _______________________________________________________ Unidade curricular __Design Thinking________________________ Obrigatória ___ Opcional ___ ECTS ___ Semestre_____________ Docente responsável __Guilherme Victorino____________________ Da unidade curricular ____ Externo ____ Outro(s) docente(s) _____________________________________ Da unidade curricular ____ Externo ____ Horário do curso (n.º e distribuição de horas de contacto por dia/semana) __2 sessões de 3 horas______________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Ano no programa de doutoramento_____ N.º mínimo de estudantes _12____ N.º máximo de estudantes _____ Língua(s) de ensino __Português/Inglês___________________________ Recursos necessários (ex.: instalações) _mesas redondas para trabalho em grupo (4/6 alunos) + 1 flipchart por grupo + projector+ 1 PC por mesa com ligação internet________________________________________________ Custo da unidade curricular _100 euros/aluno__ 1. Pré-requisitos 2. Resultados de aprendizagem In today’s economy, innovation is as essential as it is difficult. Corporate cultures capable of “inventing the future” are rare, but the emerging discipline of design thinking provides people with the tools and techniques to think differently, see new opportunities, and create innovative solutions with impact. Mastering design thinking requires practice. And regardless of role or level in an organization, one’s journey will start with Design Thinker, an expert-guided innovation simulation that reveals the fundamentals of the leading innovation consulting firm IDEO’s approach. Based on an interactive platform, Design Thinker will help students to build innovation confidence and competence. Design Thinker simula1on provides meaningful experience with design thinking -‐ you will compete to solve a realis1c and complex challenge while engaging with the terms, techniques, and thought pa?erns of successful innovators. Planificação da Unidade Curricular_(V1.0)_(11-Set-12) 1 GABINETE DE APOIO À QUALIDADE DO ENSINO 3. Conteúdos/Tópicos The students work in teams and tackle an innova1on project from end to end, going through all the steps of the Design Thinking process. The three phases are: INSPIRE -‐ problems and opportuni1es that mo1vate the search for new ideas Define the Challenge/Observe Users/Review Extreme Users / Form Insights/Create Insights / Rank / IDEATE -‐ genera1ng great ideas Frame Opportuni1es / Brainstorm Ideas / Conduct Brainstorm / Synthesize and Submit /Rank IMPLEMENT -‐ taking ideas from a post-‐it note to reality. Try Experiments / Create Storyboards / Create Presenta1ons /Presenta1ons /Rank DEBRIEF 4. Estratégias pedagógicas (ex.: aulas teóricas, trabalho de laboratório, seminários, trabalho de grupo, tutorias…) Students will use an award winning educa1onal game – Design Thinker -‐ created in collabora1on with IDEO. In Design Thinker, people work in teams to tackle a realis1c innova1on project. By stepping through the Design Thinking Innova1on Process and stripping away the superfluous, the simula1on delivers the essen1als of a four-‐month innova1on journey in a two day workshop. 5. Metodologias/instrumentos de avaliação (ex.: testes escritos, testes de escolha múltipla, artigos, trabalho de projeto, exames orais…) AXer using the simula1on students are asked to apply the same methodology to a field project in their own areas, combining their background in different fields of knowledge. 6. Bibliografia principal Kelly, Tom. Ten Faces of Innovation. London: Profile, 2006.! Brown, Tim. Design Thinking. Harvard Business Review: June 2008 ! Planificação da Unidade Curricular_(V1.0)_(11-Set-12) 2 GABINETE DE APOIO À QUALIDADE DO ENSINO 7. Estrutura global (alinhamento1 dos resultados de aprendizagem, conteúdos/tópicos e estratégias de ensino e de avaliação) 8. Anexos (opcional) Planificação da Unidade Curricular_(V1.0)_(11-Set-12) 3