Escola de Economia e Gestão
Marketing Management and Management Ethics
Learning Outcomes:
Recognise and explain marketing and marketing environment variables;
Recognise marketing strategy and apply marketing planning notions;
Describe and explain market behavior;
Explain and apply the market segmentation process;
Relate and apply marketing mix decisions
Understand the ethics dimension in marketing and strategy.
Identify ethical dilemmas, interpret them and take ethical decisions in marketing
and strategy.
Understand the concept of social responsibility and be able to make socially responsible
decisions in marketing and strategic management.
Develop an effective program in ethics, implementing ethical decisions in marketing
and strategy and increase ethics practice at the organizational level
Marketing concept, process and planning. Marketing Environment. Consumer
market and consumer buying behavior. Market segmentation and relationship marketing.
Marketing mix decisions. Overview on Ethics and Social Responsibilty. Moral
Philosophies and its Application to Ethics. Ethics in Marketing: Market Opportunity
Analysis and ethics at Marketing Mix Level.
Kotler, Philip, Amstrong, Gary, Saunders, John., & Wong, Veronica (2008), Principles of
Marketing, 5th European Edition, London, Prentice Hall.
Weitz, A. & Wensley, Robin, (2002), Handbook of Marketing, Barton London: Sage.
Murphy, M. E.; Laczniak, G.R.; Bowie, N. E.; Klein T. A., (2005), Ethical Marketin, New Jersey:
Pearson Prentice Hall
Escola de Economia e Gestão
Corporate Strategy
Learning Outcomes:
To develop and updated and integrated view of the system and context of the organization's
strategic direction.
To understand the content of corporate strategy.
To develop research competencies on corporate strategy.
What is strategy? Strategy and competitiveness. Strategy and context.
Resources, activities and competencies. Strategic options. Organizational relationships
and networks.
Barney, Jay B. (2006). Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage, 3/e, Addison–Wesley,
Reading, MA.
Grant, Robert M. (2010). Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 7/e, Wiley, Cambridge, MA.
Johnson, Gerry; Scholes, Kevan; Whittington, Richard (2010). Exploring Corporate Strategy, 9/e,
Financial Times/Prentice–Hall, Harlow
Escola de Economia e Gestão
Research Methods and Transferable Skills
Learning Outcomes:
Module 1
Identify the main characteristics of scientific research in business.
Formulate research questions and conduct a relevant literature review.
Develop a research strategy in terms of primary data collection.
Organize, analyze and interpret the results.
Write and present a research proposal.
Module 2
Recognise and demonstrate having set of transferable skills including interpersonal relationships,
teamwork, leadership, communication, innovation and creativity, ethical awareness and critical
thinking, planning and organising, information systems and technologies, problem solving, and
an orientation to results, clients and the market.
Module 1
Business research strategies. Research designs. Planning a research project and formulating
research questions. Writing a research proposal .Reviewing the literature. Referencing your work.
The nature of quantitative research. Concepts and their measurement. Sampling. Questionnaire
design. The nature of qualitative research. Ethnography and participant observation.
Phenomenological research and in-depth interviewing. Focus group. Case study research.
Module 2
The Economics and Management School organises a Transferable Skills Programme, offering a
diverse set of activities directed at developing transferable skills, including lectures, workshops,
short courses and other events. Students participate in a combination of activities within the
Programme. The typical participation for obtaining the necessary credit units will be, for example,
in 3 workshops and 4 lectures.
Módulo 1: Metodologia de Investigação
Barañano, A.M. (2004). Métodos e técnicas de investigação em Gestão: Manual de apoio à
Escola de Economia e Gestão
realização de trabalhos de investigação. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Bryman, A., & Bell, E. (2007). Business research methods. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Creswell, J. W. (2007). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five
approaches. London: Sage.
Escola de Economia e Gestão
Strategy and International Marketing
Learning Outcomes:
Discuss the main concepts related to the international context;
Identify and discuss the major theories of the internationalization process;
Discuss the development of an international strategy;
Discuss the implementation of an International Marketing Strategy;
Strategic analysis of the international context: The legal, political and cultural environment;
The social and economic environment. Theoretical framework of internationalization from a firm
perspective: The Uppsala model;
RBV / Dynamic Capabilities;
Network theory;
International entrepreneurship. Development of an International Strategy: Selection and
localization of international markets;
Timing of Access (When the right time to entry?);
How to entry (Strategic Entry Modes) in international markets. Marketing Strategy
implementation: Management of International Communication;
Distribution and International Logistics; International Price;
International Product and Service Management.
Doole, I. and Lowe, R. (2004), International Marketing Strategy,4th edition, Thomson.
Johanson-Jan and Vahlne, J. (2009), The Uppsala internationalization process model revisited:
From liability of foreignness to liability of outsidership, Journal of International Business Studies,
pp. 1-21.
Pan, Y. and Tse, D. (2000), The hierarchical model of market entry modes, Journal of
International Business Studies, Vol. 31, Nº4, pp. 535-554.
Escola de Economia e Gestão
Marketing Research
Learning Outcomes:
Understand the general and specific aspects of marketing research;
Knowledge of how the marketing research industry works and understand the importance
of ethics in marketing research;
Be able to apply the qualitative and quantitative techniques;
To learn how to collect primary and secondary data;
To understand sampling and measurement;
To learn the different statistical techniques for data analysis
The Role of Marketing Research in Decision Making and the Marketing Research
Process. Who does Marketing Research? The Secondary Data. Qualitative Research.
Primary Data Collection: Survey Research; Observation; and Experimentation.
Understanding Measurement and Attitude Measurement. Questionnaire Design. Sampling
and Sample Size Determination. Data Processing and Fundamental Data Analysis.
Data Analysis: Statistical Tests. Data Analysis: Bivariate Correlation and Regression.
Multivariate Data Analysis - A Review of different techniques.
McDaniel, C. and Gates, R. (2005). Marketing Research. 6th Edition, Wiley & Sons.
Malhotra, M. and Birks, D. (2007). Marketing research. 3rd European Edition. Harlow: Pretince
Shiu, E., Hair, J., Bush, R. e Ortinau, D. (2009) Marketing Research. Berkshire: MacGraw-Hill.
Escola de Economia e Gestão
Learning Outcomes:
Recognize the main study areas of entrepreneurship
Demonstrate creativity and persuasiveness to propose a business project
Identify and assess a knowledge-based business opportunity
Demonstrate the commercial viability of a complex business idea.
Build a business proposal
Develop effective teamwork
Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship.
Business opportunities assessment. Launching a new business
Timmons, J. A. e Spinelli, S. (2009). New Venture Creation. Entrepreneurship for the 21st
Century, International Edition, Nova Iorque: McGraw-Hill.
Hisrich, R. D.; Peters, M.; Shepherd, D. A. (2010). Entrepreneurship, Eighth Edition, Nova
Iorque: McGraw-Hill.
Ferreira, M. P.; Santos, J. C. e Serra, F. R. (2010). Ser Empreendedor: Pensar, Criar e Moldar a
Nova Empresa, 2ª edição, Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

Marketing Management and Management Ethics