WALLED ENCLOSURE OF CHÃO DE GALEGO. Second archaeological campaign (2nd to 1st millennium BC)
Calendar 25 July to 14 August 2016 (21 days)
Objectives Following the first campaign (2015), the main goal of this season is to further
investigate the structural and functional characteristics of this walled enclosure we date
from the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age (10th to 8th centuries BC), regardless of the
absence of diagnostic artifacts. These objectives imply the extension of Sector 1 (north
rampart) and the excavation of a sample trench at the south rampart. Additionally,
participants will get contact with the methodology and techniques we are using to better
understand this very unfamiliar kind of archaeological site.
Location Serra das Talhadas, near the village of Chão de Galego, Proença-a-Nova
Municipality, Intermunicipal Community of Beira Baixa.
Programme Archaeological excavation (16 days) ■ Other field practices: 3D recording,
archaeological surveying ■ Conference (one day) ■ Discovery trips (three).
Archaeological excavation team Site Director: Paulo Félix ■ Sector Supervisors: Cátia
Mendes and Emanuel Carvalho ■ Participants: 12.
The walled structures surrounding this archaeological site are popularly known as the
Estrada dos Mouros (“Moors’ Road”). They are located at the highest point of the Serra
das Talhadas, from where a broad horizon is visible as far as Serra da Estrela and the
lands of Spain, only limited in the north by the Central Cordillera (Alvelos Massif).
The site overlooks the village of Chão de Galego. Northwest of this enclosure is a cavity
known as Buraca da Moura (an unknown date mine) and a shelter with prehistoric
1. Location of Proença-a-Nova Municipality
in mainland Portugal.
2. The localization of both ramparts (marked with red
lines) on the topographic map of the area.
The most visible archaeological structures consist of two ramparts (marked with a red
line in Figure 2) around 400 m in extension, which enclose a broad polygonal space on a
quartzite syncline with more than 600 m high.
The ramparts, made of uncut quartzite blocks and earth, run diagonally across the
depressions situated between two parallel rocky crests with sharp escarpments on the
outer sides and levels that vary between 520 m and 590 m. These escarpments were
appropriated as natural structures to enclose the area. Both ramparts were later crossed
by forest roads.
In 2015, we intervened at three different sectors, two of them located on the north
rampart and the third on the top of the hill, at the beginning of the eastern slope. This one
(Sector 2) gave us only evidences of the use of the area as a quarry. Sectors 1 and 3
were excavated crossing the north rampart: the former consisted of a sample trench with
6 by 2 m positioned on a more or less flat area of the rampart, whereas the latter, a few
dozen meters form Sector 1, comprised the regularization and cleaning of a section c. 2
m high and 12 m wide made when a forest road crossed the walled structure.
3. View of the location of the archaeological site at Serra das Talhadas.
Archaeological work carried out at Sectors 1 and 3 confirmed the intentional nature of the
rampart and its extension: more than 10 m of transversal development and more than 2
m high. Most probably, the original construction was a huge embankment whose front
side was a ramp several meters high, possibly with a small stone wall at the top edge,
perhaps complemented with a wooden palisade.
The chronology of the site is not definitively established, mostly due to the lack of
diagnostic artifacts or absolute dating, but given its topographic position and the building
techniques patented at the ramparts, it may correspond to the beginning of the 1st
millennium BC.
This site could have been a refuge settlement and/or a “deceit site” associated to a
period of regional instability, conflict and transformation following the establishment of
Phoenician and oriental related colonies in the Iberian shores and main rivers estuaries.
However, we cannot discard right away other possible interpretations for the function and
chronology of Chão de Galego, hoping that the 2016 campaign could contribute to a
better knowledge of this unusual, yet challenging archaeological site.
4. View of the north rampart before the implantation of Sector 1.
5. A view of the excavation at Sector 1.
6. The section of the north rampart at Sector 3.
Some texts about the Talhadas mountains and the Final Bronze Age settlement
Carvalho, D. L. (2011) Inventarição da geodiversidade da região das Portas do
Almourão (Vila Velha de Ródão e Proença-a-Nova, Geopark da Meseta Meridional)
contribuição para a sua inclusão na rede nacional de áreas protegidas. Açafa on
line, 4. Associação de Estudos do Alto Tejo. 84 + 54 p.
Lopes, S. S. coord. (2014) A Idade do Bronze em Portugal: os dados e os
problemas. Centro de Pré-História, Instituto Politécnico de Tomar. Antrope, 1, 317 p.
Henriques, F; Chambino, M.; Caninas, J.; Pereira, André & Carvalho, Emanel (2011).
Pinturas rupestres pré-históricas na Serra das Talhadas (Proença-a-Nova).
Primeira notícia. Açafa on line, 4 (2011). Associação de Estudos do Alto Tejo, p. 25:
Neto de Carvalho, C. & Rodrigues, J (2012) Património geológico de Proença-a-Nova:
caracterização e gestão no âmbito do Geopark Naturtejo. Açafa on line, 5.
Vilaça, R. (2013). O povoamento da Beira Interior durante o Bronze Final:
evidências, interacção e simbolismos. Estudos Arqueológicos de Oeiras, 20. Câmara
Vilaça, R. (2013). A Presença mediterrânea no mundo interior beirão, Centro de
Portugal (sécs. XI/X-VII/VI A.C.). In Arruda, A. M. (ed.). Fenícios e Púnicos, por Terra e
Mar: Actas do VI Congresso Internacional de Estudos Fenícios e Púnicos. Lisboa.

Camp 3