University of Macau Linguistics Seminar Title: “Conversation table as an environment for (re)signification of subjectivity and identities in Portuguese as a Foreign Language” Speakers: Ricardo Moutinho & Denise Pacheco (University of Macau, Dep. of Portuguese) Date: Time: Venue: Wednesday, February 24th, 2010 17.00 HG01 Abstract Language socialization models typically state that foreign language learners must receive a lot of input before taking upon themselves a more ‘active’ role during the classes. It means that students will learn to participate like ‘ideal’ speakers with time, showing their opinions, taking part on discussions and asking questions in the target language. However, after one or two years of teaching/learning process, many instructors may have a frustrating experience when they realize that the situation has not changed that much. Students speak only when asked (or obliged) to and usually provide minimal responses. From that moment, teachers may think that the input provided by them was not satisfactory or that the students did not make much progress during the course. Nevertheless, the participation patterns of any student have much more contributing factors than just linguistic ones. In this seminar, we will discuss some data from the project Conversation Table in Portuguese, developed at the University of Macau. The activity provided the Chinese students of Portuguese as a Foreign Language the opportunity to communicate in the target language in a less hierarchical environment compared to what usually happens inside the classroom, where the teacher, most of times, has the central role. The project motivated the students to show some of their identities in the foreign language that were ‘hidden’ during the classes. 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