To the Editorial Commission of Internext – Revista Eletrônica de Negócios
Internacionais da ESPM – Electronic Journal of International Business of ESPM –
Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – Superior School of Advertising and
Title of the article:
Name and Passport of the author:
I expressly declare that I authorise Internext – Revista Eletrônica de Negócios
Internacionais da ESPM – Internext - Electronic Journal of International Business of
ESPM – Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing – Superior School of Advertising
and Marketing - to publish the article mentioned above in its online version and I assure
you that it is an unedited material, which is the result of researches I carried out
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I had before as an author, free of charge.
I commit myself to refer to this journal, in case this article will be published later.
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way and that I will indemnify Internext – Revista Eletrônica de Negócios Internacionais
da ESPM – Internext – Electronic Journal of International Business of ESPM - against
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Signature of the author: ____________________________________________
Place: ___________________________________________ Date: ___ / ___ / ___