3.3. Curricular Units
3.3.1. Curricular unit:
Packaging and Storage
3.3.2. Responsible academic staff member (fill in the full name):
Carlos Manuel Marques Ribeiro
3.3.3. Other academic staff members involved in the curricular unit:
Isabel Maria Pereira Caldas Baer
3.3.4. Intended learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
Knowledge of materials, equipment and packaging systems and packaging of food products.
Quality control and fulfillment of national and international rules of packaging, labeling and
environment protection.
3.3.5. Syllabus:
The packaging of food products. Types of packaging, packaging formats and function. Metal
packaging, glass containers, cardboard, wood and complex. Glass packaging: properties,
defects and uses. Specifications. Capsules and corks. Cans: constitution, types, manufacture
and handling. Fillers, cravadeiras, capping. Control of cravações, defects and causes. Drums.
Aseptic filling systems: packaging materials and equipment. Corrugated cardboard. Wooden
containers. Monitoring and testing of packaging. Labeling, legislation (PL / I) and regulations
(CODIPOR, PONTO VERDE). Storage and transportation of refrigerated and frozen products:
air conditioned chambers and cooling processes of products of plant and animal origin.
3.3.6. Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit’s intended learning
Knowledge of various types of packaging materials and methods / equipment used in the food
industry as well as European legislation regarding labeling and environment provides students
with the necessary tools necessary to decide the best material and method of packaging and
storage for different food products of animal and vegetable origin obtained in industry, as
well as all legal requirements for placing products on the market.
3.3.7. Teaching methodologies (including evaluation):
Lectures and practical classes, control applications and research of material, process and
packaging equipment; research oriented articles. The assessment consists of making an
individual assignment with oral presentation and report (50%) for admition to the final exam
3.3.8. Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit’s
intended learning outcomes.
The research work during classes based on existing literature and application of existing
legislation allows the student to become familiar in practice with the rules to follow in
packaging and placing products on the market and be aware of the variety of food available
and their suitability for different packaging materials available.
3.3.9. Main Bibliography:
INSTITUTO APPERT. Tabelas de esterilização das conservas alimentares em embalagens
metálicas. ORMIS. Alcochete.
Castro AG, Pouzada AS (2003) Embalagens para a Industria Alimentar. Instituto Piaget. Lisboa.
Decreto-Lei n.º 560/99. Transpõe para a ordem jurídica interna a Directiva n.º 97/4/CE, do
Conselho, de 27 de Janeiro, e a Directiva n.º 1999/10/CE, da Comissão, de 8 de Março,
relativa à aproximação das legislações dos Estados membros respeitantes à rotulagem,
apresentação e publicidade dos géneros alimentícios destinados ao consumidor final
Ministério da Agricultura, do Desenvolvimento Rural e das Pescas D.R. n.º 293, Série I-A de
Directiva 2000/13/CE do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho, que estabelece uma lista dos
ingredientes que devem ser mencionados, em todas as situações, na rotulagem dos géneros
alimentícios. Jornal Oficial da União Europeia» L 368 de 23 de Dezembro de 2006.
INF (1980) Recomendações para o tratamento, conservação e transporte pelo frio de
alimentos perecíveis. MCT. Instituto Nacional do Frio. Lisboa.
INSTITUTO APPERT. Tabelas de esterilização das conservas alimentares em embalagens
metálicas. ORMIS. Alcochete.
Kadoya T (1990) Food Packaging. Academic Press. London.
Madrid A, Pastrana G, Santiago F e Madrid JM (1997) Refigeración, congelación y envasado de
los alimentos. Ed Mundi Prensa. Zaragoza,.
ORMIS. Manual de cravação. ORMIS. Alcochete.
Poças MFF, Oliveira FAR J (1997) A embalagem de produtos alimentares. FIPAgro-alimentares.
PONTO VERDE (2006) www.pontoverde.pt acedido em 1 de Maio de 2006.
TETRA PAK PORTUGAL (s/d) Formação e verificação de embalagens Tetra Brik Aseptic. Tetra
Pak Portugal.

3.3.1. Curricular unit - Instituto Politécnico de Beja